Raphael's Elixir Ultima + RegenerationQ Journal

I see many things from Elixir. I can see it in your writing. Thank you for sharing. :slight_smile:


@khan - thank you for the feedback.


I bought Emperor and got an offer for Rebirth with a 15% discount… hmm… I took it too! :sunglasses: I bought some titles in advance before as I think there will be a price increase soon since they said that during the tests Ultima occurred to be much more potent than they initially thought and they’re going to upgrade Major Titles to that technology. I think the prices might get much higher in the not so far distant future.

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i used it for mayb like a couple weeks just on and off, notice it made these easier to digest study wise, learn new became simple like i know it before but had forgotten not on it now but it a nice Ultima

nice buy i dont have emporer and rebirth might try later down, i feel that the price will also dont forget they want to add name embedding to major and ultima which will have a price for the upgrade

i feel am getting away from major titles, will stay with custom sub for awhile

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@NinjaFox - Beyond Limitless Ultima is a good title especially since SaintSovereign too reviewed it a bit in one of his posts on this forum. Good to hear your short review too and that it worked great for you.

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Day 30
Elixir Ultima x 6

-50 Burpees + 20 Push-ups: CHECK

-Even though I felt emotionally solid and strong yesterday morning, I started falling apart in the second half of the day yesterday and the feeling extended to today morning. It was a feeling of helpless rage with regard to being “helicopter-parented” by my parents (for cultural and disability reasons which I don’t want to go too much into right now). But the main thing was that I had this thought come to me to forgive them. I did and I felt immediately lighter and my sense of good humor came back. Repeatedly telling myself that I forgive my dad and mom, made me feel even better until I started forgiving everyone else who slighted me, knowingly or unknowingly. “They were doing the best they could” was the thought which came to me regarding my family. And it doesn’t matter what they feel about my decisions henceforth but let my actions speak Independence rather than trying to convince them verbally that I can handle my life. Talk is cheap anyways and I feel a renewed push to take the next step.

-I will be taking 3 days rest before I jump to my new stack and brand new journal. It came to me today that I will start my EmperorQ journey and eventually stack it with Power Can Corrupt. It felt like an extremely confident decision.

EmperorQ will be for creating my internal power. Power Can Corrupt to build my external power.

Too many times I have flayed around not applying my knowledge to real life. And not learning from my experiences and mistakes. It has been too long and I will not use my introversion as an excuse to not go out there and make a name for myself.

Granted that Emperor is more of a solopreuner title but SubClub had upgraded it to work in a social setting when it comes to dealing with quality people and I hope to leverage that for my benefit.

So EmperorQ to master my reality (and frame) and Power Can Corrupt to master the art of persuading others to get into my reality and frame for mutual benefits.

I have long been eyeing PCC to be able to imbue in myself the 48 Laws of Power. I will also read Robert Greene’s book before I do so (and I have time since I will be starting PCC in a month’s time).

So there you have it. EmperorQ will start from the following Monday (Sunday night). Run it for a month along with The Executive to boost action taking. Then after 30 days of solidifying my internal aspect, I will empower my external actions to be congruent with my internal state of power by adding Power Can Corrupt to The Executive + EmperorQ.

November: EmperorQ + The Executive
December: EmperorQ + Power Can Corrupt + The Executive

Like I say: “Sounds like a sound plan”


I dont really have fancy words to say, But i hope you live your life abundantly, courageously and at last happily. All the best on your Emperor Journey.


I really appreciate that, @seeklight. Thank you, my friend. Here’s to both our abundance and courage! Cheers!


I have no doubt in you to stick to your goals…
Firstly great deal of respect to sticking to regeneration and elixir not many can handle that including myself.

Now i will watch you build your empire :+1:


Thanks a lot, @pacman! Frankly, am sticking to something after a year of joining SubClub so, lesson learned lol.

But yeah, right now am more confident of being able to stick with a particular stack and to not overstack it too. Especially since I was able to reap the rewards of this month long journey of EU+RQ.

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Wise, solid choice man. I’ll watch you rule your life, being the king of your path. :crown:
Ain’t no one gonna tell you what to do, only you.
Good luck with EmperorQ.


Thanks a lot, @PurpleRT73.

@Simon - hmm. That’s a good point. Must be why I love that fantasy.

At the same time, am getting tired of living in it. Must be why am gravitating towards Power Can Corrupt and EmperorQ since I want to get some real work done.

By the way, what’s your take on Mind’s Eye in relation to fulfilling our fantasies?


Personally, I neither use Mind’s Eye, nor actively invest time in imagination.


@Simon - I will check the thread out. Thank you.

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Will have to start my EmperorQ journal over here in a week (or three) since am currently overseas and there isn’t much more data on my mobile roaming plan.

So will be keeping a journal offline and make a new journal in the forum when am back in my country of residence.

Until then, a short goodbye to SubClub.


I, and I’m sure others agree, am looking forward to it, buddy.

Cya then! Safe travels.


Hope u doing fine buddy and safe :+1:


Bon Voyage!
Safe Travels
Happy Emperoring


Hope to hear from you soon, mate! :slight_smile: