Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

I’m doing QV1 for Khan right now. My listening schedule is 5/3 I listen 4 days of QV1 and 1 day QV2, then take three days off. Works pretty well for me.

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Ya man. My one is same. Remember i have stolen the idea from you :joy::joy:

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Qv2 is the ninja subliminal. It enters without any disruption.

But then look out for the delayed response.


what if it was Stage 3 instead of 4 with those 2?

Go and tear your brain :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
Experiment bruh. If u can’t take it. Come here again and change your stack heheh

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Well man, just like I can’t do a 3 hours workout with a shit ton of exercises for every body part all together, I also shouldn’t try to do every sub I want all together :sweat_smile::joy:

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Stage 3 should be ok I think.

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Also a question, and it’s for anyone who is run EQv2,
I’ve read from multiple experiences that the Qv2 version of emperor is much more social and balanced than before, like less lone wolf vibes and more open with people (which is contrary to the experience I had with Qv1 in my short run before), so the question is: is it more social? And can emperor’s goal setting mindset be used for my bodybuilding goals? As I know it can help with my other goal: to open up a bodybuilding themed cafe, with protein coffees, different types of pre and post workout drinks, healthy snacks and protein based desserts (yes it’s for a very targeted niche, but I have faith it would do amazing, especially if I can end up building my business properly and partner with gym chains to extend my reach with more branches), but yeah, that’s what I would like to know.


I am a 15 days EQv2 user. 3-4 loops per day :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Ya i was more goal oriented and less anger(and on recon i was demotivated af, i mean 3-4 loops per day phaak)but i can’t give a valid experience because i gone against rulea nd ended up in recon. We need someone who has used EQv2 systematically as recommended

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Something I just figured out…

When music doesn’t sound the same…when the songs that used to make you dance and feel euphoric are not doing that anymore

Edit : You keep searching for a song to hit that spot but you don’t ever find it

You are overloaded or in Reconciliation


Wouldn’t that also apply to other things like you not enjoying your favorite show, or feeling like hanging out with your closest friends is becoming a drag, or not really excited to eat your favorite dish/food?

The last one happened to me, but a 3 days break from WANTED helped.


Yes but for most people music is easy to identify…well for me it is.

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You do full body workouts?


For my experience anyway, Emperor is much much more social. Like it’s even more social for me then Stark. On Emperor QV2 you will get more opportunities, and more people wanna talk to you (Strangers in particular). Also weirdly it increase muscle growth growth for me and fat burning (P.S somehow it increased my test too).


nah, I have my own bro-split:

sat- chest, tri
sun- back, bi
mon- shoulders
tue- off
wed- legs
thur- arms
fri- off

i prefer to just focus on one major muscle at a time and go all out with it till I feel like the muscle is about to pop.

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I see, yeah it’s not bad. I focus more on training 4 times a week because of my busy schedule.

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woah, you’re making me wanna stack it now with EF and wanted :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I mean typically 4 to 5 days a week is plenty for growth, people dorian yates, lee haney and many of the PHAT and 5x5/SS trainees have achieved such amazing results with no more than 3 to 5 workouts a week max.

it’s like using these subs, you don’t need overexposure or daily listen to get results, but the days you do, do it with consistency.

In my opinion, if you do use it definitely do not stack it at first. Emperor is pretty dense so stacking it can cause heavy recon. What I would do if you wanted to try it, is try 3 times a week one loop for the first week solo with it, if recon isn’t that bad or you think you can push through it then try stacking it if you want.

Also I forgot to say girls treat you differently at the gym when you use Emperor (People call me the ladysmen now cause of it lmao).


Yeah I do the MPMD protocol for working out. Anyway, I’m cutting now so I can let myself train 4 times a week.