New Support Article: How Can I Tell The Difference Between Stonewalling, Overload and Reconciliation?

Thanks for responding man, I’m considering the same once I’m back with subs again properly on Monday.

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There’s subs are incredibly powerful. The day you play the loop you don’t really feel how dense it is only on break days you feel absolutely full mentally.


Agreed man, I loved my routine of MON/TUE - I’d play my 2 mains on Monday, and 2 ultimas on TUE - then repeat on THUR/FRI.

I really didn’t feel like I needed more. Even though I felt some kind of overload then. May change it so I’m running it one main/one Ultima one day, maybe even differently.

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Last week I ran khan ST2 twice, heartsong, RM, and 3 loops of RICH Ultima.

I was tired and lethargic af for 5 full days after being off the subs.

Shit is crazy powerful.


I’m guys correct me if I’m wrong but, I have noticed that each sub here (depending on the type/goal) has a different kind of recon;
For example:

Emperor: anger/irritation
StarkQ/limitless: lethargy/tiredness/brain fog
Khan/WANTED: low energy/physically weak
Any healing sub: depression/negative thoughts

Am I right? Is it possible for different subs to give you different kinds of recon?

And if that’s true then would extended soreness from working out be considered a recon from Emperor fitness :thinking:


Definitely noticed this on Khan.


Nice man. I noticed this on Emperor as well as stark. But not sure it may happen due to the characteristics of the sub. Like it might happen that man who is Emperor is always serious about life amd thus angry amd about stark a man who is genius, level headed need less work to do because he can do that smartly and faster than others. He is not too serious about life becauze his perception on reality is different. May be :thinking:

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Mmm. Btw ur recent manifestation was also awesome
I think people who are doing khan amd Emperor together will be a beast :skull:(every aspect of it lol,in bedroom too :joy::joy:)







Too good. Nice diffentiation between recon and overload


Recon on Emperor because it’s the most demanding sub and many people cannot handle it since their reality is far away from the Emperor’s.

Overload on Stark since there’s a lot of scripting and quite a lot of it is mental boost oriented. On Limitless the same.

Overload on Khan and WANTED. Khan and WANTED are highly energy consuming. Khan creates powerful auras and WANTED contains physical shifting modules. All of it is really energy consuming.

Healing subs cause recon since they dig really deep.


This is awesome and a great start for a troubleshooting guide, and perhaps collectively we could try to map it out? Would it be accurate to say that recon is basically the shadow-and/or-flip-side of what we try to accomplish with a specific sub?

I suppose recon for manifesting/wealth subs would be “a complete sense of lack and desperation, and of being poor and destitute” - yes? :smiley:

I wonder, if you stick to your core subs and only change the secondary ones, how do you know if it’s recon or simply exploration/expansion? I’ve felt my secondary goals change during my multistage as things I’ve previously perceived to be important now feels less important. To intuitively feel that internal shift of priorities and subsequently changing the stack after that - sounds more like growth and not recon. Any thoughts on that?

I think a good differentiation between a change of priorities and recon is wether you still want to change your stack after a few weeks or even a month or so. If something really is important to you than it would still be important after a bit of time, meanwhile with recon priorities tend to switch every few days and i just get bombarded with subs i wanna run.


Haha yeah I feel ya. I want to run them all! Looking into custom subs is impossible because damn I want to cram everything in there :smiley:

You do have a great point. If the change sticks it’s simply not recon, but being all over the place is :slight_smile:

We have to stick to what the article says that’s all.

Recon is a capricious brat who doesn’t want to be told what to do. That’s why pushing it harder is the worst thing one can do. Just slow down and attack the bastard from the other side.



NOTE: This article has been updated with new information on dealing with each.


Am I understanding it correctly that overload and stonewalling could occur at the same time?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I just realized (thanks to the article) I stonewalled for almost one year running another producer’s sub with no results yet with the urge to keep listening to it. I think the reason was I didn’t take much action related to the program goals although it was more about aura projecting. Or I might have been exposed to it too much.

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