Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

Yes, give it a try.

Lunch break, no subs.

Walk to the park, no subs. And so on.

Paragon obliterated my beginning signs of a cold better than Exodia.


I did that too on my fifth day I went two loops custom one two loops custom two up from one each and it feels amazing


It’s still early but I do feel that DR QV2 is pushing me to be far less emotional and much more nonchalant about a lot of things . I just want things to be as quiet and undramatic as possible.


Dragon Reborn (St1):

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Dragon Reborn and the Emperor:

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Ascension Mogul:


QV2 Emperor custom:

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I also having kidney troubles and dragon reborn is quite incrdible as I feel it is working on it. By the way kidney is associated with fear.

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Very interesting, you learn something new everyday


Yup. This is part of Chinese medicine theory (in which each major organ is associated with a particular emotional state). But it’s also true in Western medicine.

Ad-=‘above’. Renal=‘kidneys’. Put ‘em together. Adrenal. The glands and the hormone of threat and stress response. Physically sit right on top of the kidneys.

The British name is the same:

Epi- above. Nephros- kidneys.



Can you tell me about the rest of the organs and their emotion?

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Have you considered Paragon Complete as well?

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This is some usefull information when one is cleansing themselves

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The above diagrams represent traditional Chinese medicine theory. It’s not perfect or magick. It’s a medical system, developed by human beings, with strengths and limitations and is best approached as such.

But it can be useful.


On the new technology:

Yes its part of my ultima custom.

If you thought Q was powerful, wait until you try Qv2. A few hours ago, I ran Emperor Qv2 (masked) while laying in bed to relax. That sub managed to make me feel dizzy while laying bed. :open_mouth:
At one point, I could even physically feel the sub. It was like something was coursing through my nervous system. Qv2 is truly different. I stick to 2 loops a day, 3 at the most. Not trying to hurt myself with this sub.


Well if you have physical shifting modules don’t do too much loops ! This morning I was listening to my custom with among the modules the respiratory system. I listened to the first loop and it was perfect. I was feeling my thorax larger, breathing more volume of air and being more relaxed. So I decided to listen to a second loop. It was not as good as the first loop. And at the end I felt hyperventilated, with nausea, cold sweat Oops ! I should not have done that, especially that I have also the cardiac system in my custom. What I did, I went walking and then jogging and things went back to normal. So the next time will be 1 loop only !