Reflections of Apollo

Day: 27

Dragon Reborn ST 3

Khan ST 1


Dealing with some emotional turmoil right now. It’s not pleasant. What positive mood I felt the past few days, dwindled. I will observe myself again after these minor adjustments in my stack.

How long will you give the 3 subs stack to see an increase in performance/ consistency/mood ?

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Sorry mate.

How about reducing your loops or taking a rest day?

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Sm is in stark

Spartan was the first full exercise program so would have some form of fat burning.not sure if same module though

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Maybe just for this week, and then I’ll check again how I’m functioning. I think Qv2 is strong, and I’m delighted but it certainly rocked the boat. I’m in the middle of something right now so any emotional imbalance is risky and might affect how I perform with my day to day duties.

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Close to it brother, I’m seriously considering that if this new experiment doesn’t bear fruit. I hope you’re having a better time adjusting.

Wonderful, thank you Meng. I guess I shouldn’t consider EF anytime soon, Spartan it is.

The fat burning in emperor fitness is stronger,lol.Stage 2 is designed for that.Spartan is plenty strong though

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Thanks man! I just run fewer loops and take more rest days and get 8+ hours of sleep.


EF2 entered my mind, but I guess Spartan might be a better all around? And the push to workout… man do I need that right now.

You know this could be my mind playing tricks on me, a more subtle kind of recon to get me back to EQ and PS. I’ll be a khan with belly I guess…

Push to workout,spartans alot better.Yeah,st2 is pretty cardio/fat loss aimed.Spartans a better all rounder than st2.St4 is a lot closer to spartan with better physical shifting but weaker mindset.

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Gotcha. I saw you tried both and I’ve been meaning to ask what you thought of the two programs. Did Spartan have a physical shifting effect on you too? Also good health in general?

I’m thinking one loop of Qv2 should set me straight after a while

Emperor fitness is better for putting on muscle and losing weight.Spartan is better for anything you need to push hard,try your best.Spartans good as a general health program.It has some physical shifting but more around performance than anything.Would depend on what im doing though.If i was going for bodybuilding,would go emperor fitness.If martial arts or sports,would go spartan since its less about weight and size of muscle.If i had room,both is the best.


I see, that’s a very helpful answer. I have them both but I was leaning towards Spartan until you mentioned body building. I don’t do much sports right now due to the pandemic. Thanks my friend I will keep this in mind.

Now if we do get a stand-alone Hero… :thinking: :smirk: another dilemma for another day

The post that Saint made about Qv2 was enlightening, now I have a better understanding what Qv2 is aiming for. I’m going to run purely Qv2 once again, but this time I’ll dial it down to 2 loops rather than my usual 3. It’s going to take some getting used to, I’m a strictler for my routine, but it seems this is the way of the future.

Once Q+ arrives, we might be able to skip days, and that’s simply brilliant because once this pandemic is over, I will definitely be a lot busier and out and about, and my time listening like I do now would be lessened. This is exactly what I need. Like my friend Voytek, perhaps that’s the key, lesser loops, more flexibility for the mind to absorb the increased amount of relevant programming.

I still haven’t found much reviews about Stark Qv2. AMQv2 and EQv2 seems to be fast acting, but then again perhaps I’m looking at this wrong. Stark historically gave me the worse recon, perhaps this is the nature of the beast and I just need to get through it longer. I’m going to be honest, the lucky manifestations is taking awhile this time.

On a sidenot I have cut off some relations, specially now that I am going through some recon I’m just not good company, I also need more time with myself.


Day: 28

Dragon Reborn ST 3

Khan ST 1


Stark has a more complex and advanced script (1) the Emperor has so no wonder it takes more time to settle in. And even though it does over time you may reap less benefits from it since you may lack some foundations or have some limiting and detrimental beliefs. For that reason, mainly, I switched to the Emperor (2).


We upgraded elements of Limitless, Emperor, Daredevil, Primal Seduction: Iron Throne, etc.


Forget what you THINK you know about your personal reality and limitations.

They lived their lives without boundaries, without limitations, without preconceived notations on how things should be.

EMPEROR is for those who want to go beyond “transcending” society.

The EMPEROR CORE script contains some of the most BOLD, powerful, mind-blowing, and reality-bending scripting EVER

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Emperor is brilliant. I adore that sub. If not for the part that I’m looking to uncover hidden talents, abilities and searching for my calling in life, I would have gambled and stack EQ with Khan.

I felt EQ also pushed me to look more inward but that’s not a big deal, it can be stirred towards being more social.

My theory why Stark is kicking my buttocks is that I’m naturally introverted, and from the way it seems, Stark nudges the person to be in the center of the spotlight. I suppose that’s one of the main bottlenecks my mind is trying to overcome and reconcile with.

Btw I’m having a better time today thanks to your advice. I can’t say I’m not tempted to push to 3 loops again but right now I think I’m good with 2.

Sad to not run Rebirth and Sanguine but I’m afraid to risk overloading my mind again.

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I’ve been wondering if this is the same case with Stark and Khan. The reality bending part is what caught my eye and drew me to EQ the most.