Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

@Azriel, @pacman - Salute, Captians! :man_pilot:

  1. Let the feeling overwhelm you, make personal affirmations that you are above/beyond this feeling. You make effort to verbalize/cultivate your mind through intention.

This is in the book the Kuna Method, or whatever its called. Negative emotions are your unconcious/subconcious on fire, it is boiling your ego. You need to strengthen/embolden your intention to get through, by your resolve.

If you get some feeling you want to change, you have to not avoid it (chasing pleasure/avoiding pain), just accept it and tell yourself it is just a fantasy, and your rational self is stronger.


So in other words just let it happen what ever it is?


It is basically the opposite of chasing pleasure / avoiding pain.


Please explain

I can’t say with certainty what a problem is, but I will just generalize it without saying one feeling is better than another, but usually people want to stick to chasing pleasure, avoiding pain… When this is the key reason why they have to do this in the first place. Over reliance on external factors at the expense of internal strength/resolve.

Once someone starts feeling “bad”, the easiest way to fix it is to avoid the problem, I personally use negative emotions to give me energy, but it is not too different than chasing pleasure (I have low energy).

You have to build that internal garden, destroy boulders…build a monument, cut weeds, grow a grotto, bring in some animals. Try not to rely on someone/something else, until you are stuck.

The default path most take, putting self esttem/self value into the hands of others/things. You have to learn to take the blows, considering todays modern climate… most people are blowbags and rely on primitive psychological warfare.

If you want some forum reading,

If I find some books related to this I may mention them later, I mentioned “Kuna Method”, it is from this book… Mastering Your Hidden Self : A Guide to the Huna Way by Serge Kahili King

If you find it cheap it might be good to read, just consider purchasing it, to read more than once. I personally haven’t followed the book, only used it for information. It would be a good experiment for you to do on yourself. I also can post excerpts here if you like, just give me some ammunition to work with (Post something)

I mispelled huna, sorry lol.


Im getting angry at my partner again this afternoon. Its like shes showing my everythimg to make me angry and snap…no reason why this is happening.
I also told her she is very different from last week and shes says shes not im just moody. So i have no idea whats up
Also forgot to mention i got really irritated with my ex and felt that i dont want to have contact with her at all.


Maybe she thinks she is helping you, she senses the negative aura you have. You have to tell her to ignore it, if she wants to help you. Everyone has to take their personal journey alone (spiritually). This generally was solved before with organized religion, (look at it now).

It is in your best interest to avoid an emotional codependency, even with those you care for / care for you.

So tie this into sex, something I read from mantak chia… Semen retention will make a woman insecure, and will try to assume power/control. “Why wont you release? Don’t you like me…”.


You have to accept that poeple will not change (much), since we are not willing to compromise on ourself. It is better to spare conflict, to prevent the cycle of “suffering”, to put it bluntly. If this makes you fake a good mood, to cover up bad emotions… THEN SO BE IT! You shouldn’t be beholden to those who wish you well, but cannot help you grow.

You have to build the internal stuff up, and after that you can be a “role model” for others, like a child or partner.

Not to get insane with the videos here, but this is kinda what you need to do…




So healing creates a negative aura?
I feel like im burning inside myself…like heat lol


Consider this module for your healing custom. It could help you build something more positive. I know this isn’t a healing module, but actions lead to healing as well.


I don’t know if this will help but it’s kind of working for me and it’s also a form of what @user9437773791397760 is talking about.

What I do when I am facing a challenge, like a NoFap relapse or anger, for examples, is that I offer them to my subliminal stack. It sounds funny but this is the thought I had since my playlist is taking care of me, it wouldn’t harm to intentionally and consciously offer my difficulties to it. I just mentally say something like “I offer this issue to Elixir Ultima and RegenerationQ”. And then the “EU+RQ trained” subconscious takes care of it, I believe.

Sometimes I intellectually think about my issues too. “Why am I feeling this way” or “Is there anything I can do about it”. I don’t wait for an immediate answer. I let my mind dwell on them by forgetting about them after asking, and later answers for some questions come.


Thank you @Lion
I will def try this …

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Just got Khan Stage 1

My stack will now be :
- Khan St. 1
- Regeneration
- ElixirU


Khan ST1 already?

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Yes im going in for the kill…lol

So this is no longer a ascended mogul journal ?
You were killing it on AM. I need to catch up on your journal to see what changed

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Now it is @pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan.

Pacman’s Ascended Mogul journal was only the trailer, the full movie is coming.

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Yes you right i enjoyed AM but i felt i had blocks that needed to be removed. Going through thd forum and reading through journals of experienced members i came to a realisation that i needed to heal to build a really strong skyscraper. If i hadnt healed i would have an extremely weak foundation with terrible reconcilliation at every step.
Thus i decided to go with Khanst1 Regeneration and ElixirU.


Love the way you put it @Hermit

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I will add Khan ST1 to Regeneration and Elixir sooner or later, after I get more out of Regeneration.