Ouroboros goes all in on Stark Black

watched a show “Billionaire Yachts.”

Then thought hey let’s go on airbnb and look up castles and cabins.

more vision board fodder.

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Extreme focus, Cocky attitude, positive voice in my head that says I can do or achieve anything.

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It’s very difficult to tell what are the subliminals doing and what are the results of my life circumstances. I switched my stack to LE-custom + NR + Chosen when a difficult time of life arose, and the last 2-3 days I have been completely checked out of work, staying up till 2am on IG, spending the whole day sleep deprived, and being angry when people show up for their zoom calls (desperate for no shows)

Is it the subs or my frustration about life? Hmm.

One thing I’ve come to peace with is that NR, as the only upgraded wealth sub, is the only sub I’ll bother listening to regarding money.

Even EOG1 in a custom WITH the NWE core doesn’t heal as well as Main-Store Nouveau RICH - a testament to how just about any wealth goal is best solved with the new tech.

That may not be the answer for everyone, but it’s the answer for me that helps me keep my stack simple.

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@prioritas do you know who said that customs did not include certain results enhancers that are in main store titles, hence, they work differently?

I don’t recall reading anything like that…

I think I remember Saint saying the custom cores don’t have the primer in it, but not sure when he said that.

It’s fascinating how different the feelings and ideas are on Nouveau RICH + Stark Black compared to Nouveau RICH + Chosen

NR is giving me business and disruption ideas unique to the sub that I’m listening to.

NR + SB = get famous as a health coach for sales people, build a community, use this to become a multi multi millionaire with a scalable online business in the personal development space. (Note themes of fame, content creation, wealth, authority, status, drive)

NR + Chosen = build a non profit that makes mental health accessible to all, via facilitated journaling programs. Facilitate journaling sessions. Work with counselors. Make it open source so that other people can also become facilitators for free. (*Note themes of selflessness and altruism, philanthropy, non-profit instead of wealth, ultimately I still see myself as the figurehead of this movement but it would really develop me a cult-like following as a philanthropist)

NR is perfectly molding itself to whatever sub I pair it with. Maybe that’s the NWE in it taking advantage of the objectives of the other titles.

@Viktor tbh next time you plan on mogul you should consider running this instead. Might give you more balanced productivity and enhance RM:UW’s idea gen niiiiiicely.

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I want to try NR too. Right now it is right after QL in my queue. I realized that i want to run NR when i was planning a custom for QL and I put every single modules from NR into it.

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lol i post way less now hope that you guys don’t think it’s because my results stopped

just getting into a very simple, consistent rhythm, which is a bit of a result actually as life was very unpredictable.

Looking back on old journals where even when I made 20K in a single month, I still panicked about money, because I had a scarcity mindset that it might be the last month I ever make money and then I’d have to go back to a shit job (and i can’t work normal jobs, so i’m already halfway to homeless during these anxious thoughts i had on payday)

Now, that panic and scarcity mindset is completely gone. Abundance is internal not just external. I feel safe. Feels nice. Now it’s giving me space to be creative again but from a place of abundance, not scarcity.

This girl popped up in my feed and really struck a chord with me. Bought a hypnosis from her, and have been digging into her stuff. “Fame” really is the goal anyone AND I CANT BELIEVE IM SAYING THAT, STARK BLACK HAS THE CRAZIEST SCRIPTING IN IT EVER!

But i’ve never been attracted to pure wealth. But what I would absolutely love, and have ALWAYS said is I would love to just make good, consistent money, and then be able to be a philosopher/thinker/content creator/writer/do-er of anything, whatever it is, but money was never the goal.

And the way she puts it, combined with exposure, makes me okay with the fact that fame/impact ARE the goals, and that has nothing to do with any sort of narcissism. Fame is just measured impact.

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Wow the love bomb title’s copy still isn’t released yet what crazy good copywriting they must be cooking :fire::pray:



I had trouble reading it because it was a little verbose so i shortened it and will review it later. shhhh.

What’s love, you ask?

Conventional science posits that the affection animals display is rooted in instinct, not emotions.

But love is so much more than just biology.

Science — a discipline that excels in observing outcomes rather than exploring origins — may lack the finesse to fully comprehend love.

Love is the force of unity, a call to weave Many into One. Imagine a world where people loved each other and themselves with unconditional love, instead of conditional love, or worse, repressed disdain.

That’ll be impossible as long as we struggle to find self-love for ourselves.

Love Bomb is intended to guide you to discover the deep nature of love… how to love yourself, how to love others, how to accept love, and how to express love.

Through exposure to your loving aura (in line with our free will scripting) those around you will begin to deeply understand how love uniquely expresses through them and as a result, show you gratitude for “leading the way” to a more loving life.

You have to love yourself before you can love others fully - that’s why we’ve included a significant amount of self-love scripting. This scripting is ignites a fervent, all-encompassing love for yourself and every fiber of your being, your physical, emotional, and intellectual attributes… even the very soul of your cognition. It champions you to celebrate and revel in your individuality in a world thirsty for authentic expressions of love.

This scripting is also designed to help shift your default source of validation from external sources to the unshakeable fortress within. It helps foster self-acceptance and resilience that grows stronger with personal challenges.

We’ve also included scripting to help you develop strong authentic self-love through being able to deeply forgive yourself and others. You won’t allow past self-hurts to continue into your future like a door-mat that learns to be stepped on. You’ll reframe and then release the burders you still carry from past hurts, accept your history, and transmute the negative energy with insights that will give you the tools, wisdom, and discernment to face future challenges more powerfully.

Embarrassment and shame, born from moments of lapse, will see their venomous grip loosened. This is not a permission slip to act without regard for others, but an acknowledgment that humanity is inherently fallible, often ensnared by fear’s clutches in moments of judgment. This scripting illuminates the path to self-forgiveness for these lapses, fostering an understanding of their roots and liberating you from their shadows, setting the stage for a future navigated with insight and empathy.

Within the transformative embrace of the New Subliminal Experience, every aspect of this journey becomes attainable. The essence of the New Subliminal Experience, meticulously crafted, is to usher in daily revelations of enlightenment, seamlessly weaving these insights into the very fabric of your being, tailored uniquely to you. Through the integration of the New Love Experience and the New Forgiveness Experience — distinct yet harmonious components of the broader NSE — you’re invited to moments of transcendental bliss and liberation, effortlessly releasing the chains of past burdens that have stifled your capacity to love yourself and others wholly.

Enter Love Bomb, infused with an extraordinary volume of scripting dedicated to the art of manifesting and radiating love outwardly. Some people may imagine being filled with and free to express the feeling of love, and jump to feelings of fear, fear that they would dilute their essence, or live a life filled with tears instead of triumphs.

But true love manifests in strength of character, in the courage to stand firm in justice, fairness, and acute discernment. As you navigate through the world, a profound authenticity will illuminate all that you do. Liberating you from the shadows of trauma and past pains, Love Bomb empowers you to live with an unencumbered heart, where true wisdom and love guide every step, every word, every decision, attracting those who wish to live filled with Love, as you do.

This magnetism extends into the realm of romantic endeavors as well. When stacked with Heartsong, Love Bomb has the potential to attract romantic partners in a manner unprecedented, partners who will offer you love in dimensions and depths previously unimagined and perhaps, until now, unknown to you. The relationships forged under this influence are built upon the solid bedrock of integrity, wisdom, and, fundamentally, love.

You become a “beacon of love” piercing through the grey of daily existence, a singular presence that elevates life to new heights of significance, beauty, and grandeur.

Let there be no mistake—this transformation is not a venture into vulnerability or adherence to antiquated stereotypes of love. This scripting is a crucible, within which your true essence is refined, revealing a profound authenticity, unbreakable resilience, and sagacious wisdom. You emerge as the sovereign of love, revered and esteemed, not for a crown of jewels, but for a crown of unwavering, loving strength.

As stated in the transparency statement, Love Bomb does generate a powerful aura of loving energy around you. This aura is the natural byproduct of focused thought on love. This aura, however, is designed to heal, uplift and support yourself and others, and the scripting itself contains protections to prevent the user abusing that loving energy as well as protection from others who would take advantage of the user’s loving nature.

Vigilance is still advised, a gentle reminder to remain discerning of the motives of those drawn to your enlightened presence while engaging with this transformative work.

This scripting isn’t about restraint, it’s about fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding. The aim is be a beacon of positive interaction, guiding all involved towards a harmonious, respectful, and wise engagement. This foundation of mutual respect allows both parties to navigate the complexities of human connection with grace and wisdom.

You will cultivate an unwavering love for existence itself and truly begin to appreciate the beauty of the world around you, especially the natural world. Beauty serves as a powerful catalyst for fostering love, transforming simple joys into wellsprings of endless positivity, tranquility, and harmony.

There’s also scripting dedicated to harnessing your loving energy in pursuit of creative and professional ventures. Love emerges as the creative and rejuvenating force. As you begin to cherish your endeavors, you naturally attract others, compelling them to partake in your journey. In this way, you ascend to the zenith of individual achievement, embodying the very essence of excellence and love.

But make no mistake, Love Bomb is a journey — a voyage that may necessitate the relinquishment of preconceived notions of love. This scripting does not enforce a monolithic interpretation of love upon you. Instead, it serves as a lantern, illuminating the path inward, guiding you to unearth your own truths about love, enabling a discovery of how to comprehend, accept, and manifest love in its most elevating forms.

Love Bomb defies straightforward description, as “love” holds many meanings. It is a title that calls out to those guided by their intuition that this message of Love resonates with them. Embark upon this journey with the understanding that it does not culminate in vulnerability but in a fortress of empowered strength and radical acceptance of self.

When every decision is consciously chosen to nurture a profound connection with love, authenticity and wisdom, your life can transform into something even more beautiful — a journey that defies limitation and even definition by anything outside of you.

With each decision made in deliberate alignment with love, authenticity, and wisdom, you transcends constraints and definitions imposed by external forces. Your life becomes an odyssey of boundless potential, a testament to the transformative power of love, charted not by the world’s compass but by the true north of your heart’s own making.

There are countless individuals standing in anticipation, yearning for someone of your unique essence to help illuminate the path, to activate the Love Bomb dormant within them — inviting them to unfurl the sails of love towards you, as you reciprocate in kind, in mutual heartfelt expression. Are you ready for the voyage?

Can’t believe I haven’t done this sooner

New fave hobby of all time


Huge results this week. Left my job. Partnered up with an industry legend. Big things coming.


Yoo I’m excited for you!

Already closed my first coaching client, 3K. Planning on building a Skool community. And my thoughts are reeaaaaally coming together. All this while skiing 3x per week, microdosing LSD on the regular, and waking up at 9am because I fucking can :fire::fire::fire:

It’s a nice transition phase, I’ll be in a “grind” mode soon but right now it’s a purpose-connecting phase. Looking at Airbnb’s to do a cabin retreat, but might just go on day hikes instead.

I’m completely dropping my ENTIRE stack and starting from scratch, asking myself what is the new Ouroboros being reborn as.

LE being dropped because it’s not about being “productive” this season of my life, it’s about being effective. My goal will be to only work 4-5 hours a day in the morning, and then enjoy the rest of the day.

Stark Black almost definitely will still make the list. Maybe an ASBR/NR custom since I really am using fame to disrupt sales coaching and performance coaching.

Will update with more info as it progresses


Building an interesting custom.

Nouveau RICH + RM: Ultimate Writer

  • spotlight
  • moment immortalized
  • revelation of product creation
  • etc

This’ll be the core of my stack. I decided not to make ASBR in a custom because as an artisanal, I may need less exposure to it overall.

Will stack with ASBR mostly, but also, use my standard “booster” title as a third slot, basically just leaving free space for very small exposure to whatever I need. A few loops of paragon sleep, then back to two titles, then a few loops of revelation of spirit, then back to just two titles, then a few loops of sanguine elixir, etc etc.

And I also have my recon-inducer… the will to power, love bomb, and modules only addressing every hurts-like-hell-to-work-on weakness I have in life. That’ll be a fun one.


Wow- just catching up on your journal.

What changed? Amazing your follow your path.

Why Ren Man: Ultimate Writer. What is your new business in !?

Was curious about microdosing as well.

I want to do it through a legitimate source


Don’t forget to hook up your buddies from subliminalclub with a discount code :stuck_out_tongue:

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The disruptive writer is coming :eyes:

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I’ll do a deeper breakdown but for now, the cliffnotes;

I’ve been talking for a while about a health/performance coaching program for sales people, and i’m pursuing it full time now, everything from mastering social media and content, to creating a product, to getting some 1-1 coaching clients to get people to pay me to work on what i’m already working on.

My offer fizzled out. Bad timing in a lot of ways… they changed their program in a way that wasn’t helpful, plus the NAR lawsuit has realtors scared, plus i just didn’t like the company anymore after realizing that they weren’t as growth oriented and savvy around sales systems as I thought they were.

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