Open Bounty: Give This A Try

Back story: so I did too many loops of a Solace track, due to having doubts that the program would work for me (it definitely does work btw!). I feel mildly groggy but not too bad (5/10 severe) and so cut all sub listening for 2 days.

Three white chocolate cookies later, I do feel less groggy for sure, sipping on a carton of juice keeps the overload feelings down. However the amount of sugar needed to overcome my overload completely is more than I’m willing to eat.

This theory of consuming more sugar during overload (and probably reconciliation) definitely has legs, reason being the input from the titles demand resources that the brain doesn’t have. It needs extra glucose to form the new connections the sub asks for. So it it’s a viable solution.

Another solution personally is swiping a stick of selenite across the head for releasing the frantic mental energy.


This is going to be awful while I run Wanted…men with bellies are wanted too right?



makes complete sense.

By extension of the same logic, anything that nourishes and optimizes brain function may also have a beneficial impact.

I’m going to think about this. Thanks @Michel.

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Yeah, right, but not as much as men without bellies. :heart_eyes:

It does. I just wonder if there is a version which is less toxic.

Like, does sugar from fruits work as well @SaintSovereign ?
Or maybe amino acids from Nuts?
Coconut oil as Voytek mentioned it?

If it’s really just the resources and not the dopamine rush I figure a sugar would also work that doesn’t send your insulin into the sky.

F it, I am gonna test it!


Recon and overload seem to be the manifestation of a temporary metabolic stress in our brain cells that stems from too huge an amount of energy the processing requires of our mind/brain. And here is how ketones aid us in that matter better than glucose:

During metabolic stress, ketones serve as an alternative energy source to maintain normal brain cell metabolism. In fact, BHB (a major ketone) may be an even more efficient fuel than glucose, providing more energy per unit oxygen used.


Ketones (plenty of them in coconut oil) serve us much better than glucose anyway.

Pure Bio Alchemy aiding Mental Alchemy, gentlemen.



Somewhen in June 2021…



I’m not doing this. I just don’t want sugar.

Although maybe there’s some form of bitter chocolate that might do it?

I’ve already got my Omega fatty acids going pretty well. My diet tends to include a lot of salmon and coconut oil.

We’ll see.


today i will drink coca cola to try and get a Postive pcr test for cobid :rofl:

i will see how it effects me, then report back in this thread (im not going through harsh recon or anything but ill see how it goes, since im drinking it anyway)

i dont drink sugar or eat sugar, sugar is nooot goooooodiiiii

i like to replace it with honey :prayer_beads:

Bitter chocolate is fine imo.

80% chocolate chocolate has less sugar than a banana. However, the sugar used in that chocolate obviously is refined sugar as opposed to natural glucose, so there’s a difference.

Anyway, fruit is fine imo, I will throw in more Grapes and Bananas, they are high-ish in sugar and coconut oil. Paired with the fish and nuts I already eat, I should be set up!


My girlfriend’s friend told her just the other day that she’s not attracted to dudes with abs that you can wash clothes on.

That she’s, in fact, attracted to dudes with bellies. And she’s a cutie.

They exist, fam.


Same here. I have a beer-belly and I am struggling to keep my weight in control. But the women I date (in all humility I date 9 to 10) don’t care really. One even told me she doesn’t understand why I am so concerned about my weight and she doesn’t care. In fact this one doesn’t even care with her current husband so yeah it really doesn’t matter. It’s like being bald, nobody cares really but men.


His belly just don’t cut it.


lol you’re on fire

To those who tried this, did the reconciliation return after consuming the sweets? If so, how long did it take?

Asking for a friend :wink:


If I learned one thing from years of researching the feminine psyche, then it’s this:

Watch their actions, not their words.

If it were true, beer bellied men would have way more sex :sunglasses:

Doesn’t need to be abs, but there are a few steps between abs and beer belly.


I’ve gone from overload to mild reconciliation afterwards (I’m not “wanted” , it’s outside of my reality, who am I kidding), it took a good 12 hours. On the flip side the ultima track works on command a bit too well.

I do not recommend tapping out solace tracks, as nice as they sound, unless you want to feel like you’ve been exsanguinated*

extra text

* look it up


Hahaha ! if the beer belly guy has money, no problem :rofl:

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:… oh why did I have to start low carbing a month or so ago, I could have enjoyed this without guilt. I’ll keep this in mind when I have my long awaited cheat day… my fridge is ready :yum:


I feel like sugar isn’t the only thing helping, but more like simple carbs that are the ones helping :thinking: because fruits are helping too in my case, specifically pineapple