Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Language Acquisition as a parallel process to Subliminal Integration.

In short: Your ability to conceive and type the sentence, ‘Subliminals don’t work for me’ is, in itself, evidence that they do in fact work for you.

How do you figure that?

What does the first line mean to you?

“Language Acquisition as a parallel process to Subliminal Integration”

Nothing. It’s your sentence, not mine.

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okay. just to be clear.

Verbal communication is largely based on the (admittedly optimistic) expectation that one person may be able to make sense of another person’s sentences.

So, my question is: when you see those words in that particular order, what do you imagine or what do they evoke?

I’m not being sarcastic. In order for me to clarify my thinking to you, it will be helpful for me to know something–anything–about your own thinking and understanding.

On the other hand, if you prefer not to discuss this point any further, that’s okay too.

Maybe ,

Language Acquisition is similar to Subliminal Integration … ?

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Yes, that’s what I’m positing.

When we’re born we do not yet have an acquired language. By the time a decade has gone by, we have internalized language to such a deep level that it’s hard for us to imagine receiving or learning complex information in any other way. Pretty much for the rest of our lives, we automatically apply language elements and frames to organize and express concepts and ideas.

Language becomes an integral, primary part of our subconscious process. And yet, originally we did not have language.

This movement from ‘Foreign and Outside’ to ‘Deeply Subconsciously Integrated’, is the same pathway that’s followed by every subliminal program that we play.

Therefore, the fact that you learned a language at all, and that you now use it so naturally, indicates that you are able to take external messages, stimuli, and patterns and to incorporate them into the deep structures and processes of the mind.

Thus (from this point of view), your ability to say “I cannot process subliminals” is itself proof that you can process subliminals.

Tl;dr : Language itself is one of the original subliminal programs.


Thank you for clarifying your idea.

Early morning meditation this time: 5:45 am to 6:45 am

I only combine meditation with subliminals on Qv2 days. Like today.

Ultrasonic Dragon Blood. Steve Roach on random shuffle. Music sleep timer set to one hour.

Didn’t want to derail Emperor ZP . Hope you don’t mind here

How do you categorize these external manifestations ?
I read also somewhere , you mentioning ’ positive ’ and ’ negative ’ manifestation

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I’m just using it here in the superficial sense. as in ‘Stuff I Enjoy’ and ‘Stuff I Don’t’.

I don’t believe they’re truly positive or negative. More accurate would be ‘Pleasant’ and ‘Unpleasant’.

It’s just kind of odd and interesting to me that I’m noticing the effects more outside of my head than inside, sometimes. That feels new. And it reminds me of Saint’s descriptions of ZP.

I guess maybe some people may have been experiencing this kind of thing the whole time. But it’s still pretty new and novel for me.

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Yesterday, I went off script somewhat.

I meditated in the early morning with Dragon Reborn: Dragon Blood Qv2. After downloading the new Dragon Reborn ZP files, I was prepared to wait until some days later to begin. But I got the feeling in the evening to run 1 loop. Controversial because I wasn’t sure if there had been enough time since the Qv2 loop and I DO NOT want the recon that can come from mixing Qv2 with ZP in the same title. But I decided to try anyway.

About 11 or 12 hours later, I played Dragon Blood ZP.

Later that night I went out for the walk and I decided to run my other two ZP programs Chosen from Within and Mogul.

For more transparency, basically what happened was that I consulted the Yijing about it and got some very powerfully positive results. So, I said, ‘okay’ and decided to try it.

I ended up being able to fall asleep last night. And generally, the clearest effect was that I felt slightly tired and sluggish this morning. Though in truth, I’ve felt that way already every so often even prior to this.

I do notice that what I’m considering (correctly or not) to be the Regeneration Effect is with me. There’s a tendency towards moroseness and low energy, and it feels as if my vital energy has pulled within, deeper and towards my center.

A little flavor of melancholy. Not intense. But lingering.

And here we are.

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[Pretty sure the following is a Dragon Reborn manifestation and nudge]

One of the keys for me to understanding my mind and effectively managing myself is recognizing that my engine of motivation is inspiration, and often that is intellectual and creative inspiration.

The sense that something meaningful, beautiful, or incredible (in my own personal terms) is accessible and possible is what galvanizes me into action.

And when that sense is absent, I begin to gradually lose focus and drive. That’s not a crisis, it’s just an indication that it’s time to reconnect with my power source: inspiration.

Music is a means. Books are a means. Direct insight is a means.

But however I find it, it must be found.

When we shift from one paradigm or worldview orientation to another, it is very common to perceive or experience the previous paradigm as ‘Incorrect’ or ‘Brainwashing’ or ‘Ignorance’.

Sometimes there is some degree of accuracy to that perception; but often it is more so an expression of egocentrism, and the cognitive bias to justify and normalize whatever one’s current reality happens to be.

Be compassionate to your past selves, and your past views and understandings. That way, they can continue to serve you even if they are not running the entire show. And then if and when you need them again, (and you probably will at some point) they will be ready, fit, and in good shape to help.

In short: The fact that it’s Summer time right now, does not make a winter coat into a symbol of Ignorance. When summertime comes, gather your winter clothes, give them a good laundering, and then store them in a clean, dry place. You will be needing them again before too long.

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Ran my loops today. Actually feel pretty good.


Will take my walk soon.

Rest day today. No new subliminal input.

Woke up somewhat later than usual. Had meditation hour. Was good.

Saving this here.

Thank you!

:pray:t6: :pray:t6: :pray:t6:

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One more thing:

Learn how to find good products to sell. Or how to create your own.

This is something I didn’t have to concentrate that much on, as I already had a good physical product line (which I created)

Adding this here too for your convenience:

Learn the fundamentals. The online marketing industry is changing due to privacy laws etc.
With great fundamentals you can always adjust your approach to fit for the changing landscape.

Offer is 80% of success. Your copywriting can be just OK, if what you offer is great.

Research your target audience. Understanding them well makes your copywriting/ offer creation much easier to do.


This is central for me right now.

I think @AlexanderGraves already has a product line (well actually more of a service line at present. Maybe can be converted into a product line.)


Your brain-mind imposes your prison.

It’s like a projector shining the details of your prison onto the blank walls around you; covering the open door with an illusory image of an unopenable lock.