Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Can you recommend any learning sources for doing this research on expired domains? Currently in the process of searching for one myself.

I was writing about this on another thread:

Got another one today. It feels like Dragon Reborn ZP (and in synergy with Chosen from Within ZP).

in short:

Got an e-mail from long-ago ex-girlfriend’s dad. He said he and his wife were just looking through old Christmas cards and found a note from me. So, he remembered me and reached out to say hi.

Hearing from him set off a process of memory and reflection: who I was, who I am, what I’ve done. What I’m doing. Remembered that relationship. Took stock of my life for some time today.

The thing is, that note from me? It was from about 28 years ago.

We have not been in touch since that time.


As opposed to what?
What makes you think that?

Agreed, but I think the real issue is that most people (me included) misjudge what are the tasks that help you get sales.
Judging that is sometimes a bit difficult.


This makes sense when trying to evaluate the merits of as-yet-untried strategies.

But it seems that once things are moving and you have some months under your belt, it could be straightforward to look back and assess which kinds of tasks had been associated with the greatest yields in the past.

In other words, you could look back over the past 3 months of activity and ask, ‘Of all of the tasks on which I’ve spent my time, which have been associated with the greatest sales or profits?’ Then moving forward from that point, you could choose to set your strategies, tasks, and course based partly on what you had learned/observed from asking that question.


To everything I’ve run so far apart from some light boosters like LB

Oh well, life experience :slight_smile:


Here’s a quick and dirty list for online:

Learn copywriting → leads to more sales
Learn how to drive traffic
Learn how to optimize both → get customers with lower CPA → more profit → more resources to grow

Once you get that down, systemize it so that you can dedicate more of your time on strategy and big picture. Outsource the grunt work as soon as you have the resources.

This has worked for me quite well.

One more thing:

Learn how to find good products to sell. Or how to create your own.

This is something I didn’t have to concentrate that much on, as I already had a good physical product line (which I did create earlier)

While I’m at it, more edits:

Learn the fundamentals. The online marketing industry is changing due to privacy laws etc.
With great fundamentals you can always adjust your approach to fit for the changing landscape.

Offer is 80% of success. Your copywriting can be just OK, if what you offer is great.

Research your target audience. Understanding them well makes your copywriting/ offer creation much easier to do.


Great business lesson for anyone reading in this and THANK YOU.
Because I will now do so :smiley:

I have a lineup of products, but I definitely made the mistake of not focusing on the ones that sell best. Need to double down on them I guess.

Any good sources on that? It seems organic traffic is the best, but people have different opinions on it, plus I guess it depends on the niche.

Currently focusing on growing YouTube, IG, and maybe a bit TikTok, since Video is definitely the future.

However, I should probably focus on ONE core offer my audience likes.

Anyway, thanks for your input. This forum is just awesome :wink:


Organic= takes time (you cannot get that back, ever) and effort. SEO can also be slow. Social media can be effective, but I do not know that much about it.

Paid= Results, good or bad, are much faster. I concentrate on this 90% of the time. Also takes effort. But you can always make more money, compared to time which you cannot get back.

I’ve used thousands and thousands on courses about traffic, I can point you to sources that I thought were high quality. But they tend to be expensive. Worth it, but expensive if you don’t have the resources.


Yes, please!

Although I already think Stark manifested me getting this info from you. Thanks! :wink:


Reading that just gave me narcolepsy

Or the video you sent me did


Finally. Been trying to achieve that for a year now.


I can’t be the only one bookmarking the business advice.



I am running DR St 1 solo
I don’t want anything to potentially take away from resolving trauma


Some dragoonish inner work that’s been occurring lately:


The way thing I really dislike about running healing subs is feeling vulnerable. I can’t stand feeling vulnerable


I think this very thing is part of DR’s healing right there.

Showing you what vulnerable really means.

To me, it means a man who KNOWS his flaws and has ACCEPTED them. THAT is vulnerable. Being OPEN about it to your partner for example.

Not crying over a chick-flick :wink:


Do all healing programs make you feel vulnerable or is this specific to Dragon Reborn?

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All healing subs but more so Regeneration
I hated running Regeneration although I know I need to

Don’t get me wrong I am sticking with Dragon Reborn ZP I just hate feeling weak. I feel like it’s obvious to anyone else when I feel that way


What you resist persist brother, stay present, stay vulnerable.

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