Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Does that mean there’s a subliminal exhale?

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The inhale is the taking in, preparation, and processing of the subliminal. (I notice a kind of energetic ‘drawing in’; energy levels seem to temporarily drop, like fluid levels when you first turn the key to start an engine and the fluid is drawn within to circulate.)

The exhale is the easy expression of that newly integrated capacity.


I see. Thank you for elaborating.

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There’s an energetic inhale here.


The whole world is contracting, condensing, tensing like a pulled-back slingshot. The tiger tensing, crouching, and pulling back preparing for the powerful leap forward.

It’s a “negative”, sucking in movement.

Sometimes that energy drop can be experienced as sadness, depression, listlessness, or discouragement. Especially if it’s at a degree of magnitude or intensity that overwhelms one’s perception or discernment.

But you see what comes next if we can skillfully lean into the entirety of the cycle.


Yesterday and today have both been a bit weird.

Just my state of mind.

Kind of disconnected and disoriented. Not painful or anything, but a feeling of being somewhat less connected to things.

My baseline is already a bit disconnected. So this is beyond that.

This morning I walked and journaled and I found that I could see the emphasis of Mogul ZP in the direction of my thoughts; just in the ways that I found myself starting to look at things and think about things.

This current mood/state of mind is one in which it’s even easier than usual to detach from ongoing practices or responsibilities or to procrastinate. At the same time, I can feel it gradually subsiding.

I wonder if this mood might be a partial reaction to my mind processing Chosen from Within.


I’ve long been planning to build a custom for Hypnosis and Influential, Therapeutic Communication. Just wasn’t sure how and when it would fit into my plans, since I’m committed to Dragon Reborn and then to my two original customs.

It occurred to me today that I can create a ZP Hypnosis custom with Dragon Reborn as the core. I can then stack that with Naissance, and have a very beautiful stack.

I think I may include Mogul in that custom. Or if I’m ready for it by that point, I may be able to use Emperor or Emperor: House of Medici. There’s a decent chance that it’ll still be Mogul. I think I’ll be working with Mogul until I’ve built at least one solid wealth-generating machine (i.e., a business).

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Today was Dragon Blood.

Played one loop during morning meditation.

Then I went out to walk in the afternoon and played another loop as I was walking.

This may be my last play period with Dragon Blood, and I may throw in an additional loop from time.

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I was thinking about how Dragon Reborn may have been interacting with Chosen from Within in my mind. I mean that’s quite a lot of powerful healing coming from different angles.

I definitely was sideways in the 2 days around which I most recently played CFW.

Interestingly (and thankfully) I still took care of what I needed to do, but internally, things were feeling different.

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I remember as a kid getting these gusts of ecstasy. It was a mixture of comfort and awe.

Every so often, it just comes back like a gust of wind. It feels like a memory, but a different kind of memory. Almost like remembering a dream.

It’s usually tenuous. I wonder what it would be like to feel it clearly.


This stack is no joke.

Kind of snuck up on me.

Dragon Reborn Qv2
Mogul ZP
Chosen from Within ZP

I’ve only played CFW on two days so far. It’s processing.

Mogul? I just received monthly extra pay today. Walked over and deposited it. So that’s a thing.

Dragon Reborn. No effing joke.

Once Dragon Reborn ZP is released, that’ll be a sight to see. I wonder what kind of work needs to go into creating this version. I’m amazed by the current version. It’s just that I love that ZP effect.

When it comes to subliminals, I’m okay trusting the subliminals and my mind and leaving the process mysterious. A general impression is enough. I hand it over to my subconscious mind and say “Surprise me”.


Planned ZP Custom: Hypnosis and Therapeutic Communication

It occurred to me that I can time this for when I’m running Dragon Reborn (stage 4) and make Dragon Reborn one of the cores.

Here are the modules I am currently considering it. I’ve categorized each module by tiers based on how crucial it is to the focus of the subliminal.

There are 9 first-tier modules, 7 second-tier modules, and 5 third-tier modules.

Cores (3 modules)

Dragon Reborn (2nd tier)

Mogul (2nd tier)

Chosen from Within (2nd tier)

Being Hypnotic (1 module)

Entranced (1st tier)

Observation (3 modules)

Eagle Eye (1st tier)

All-Seeing (2nd tier)

Awakened Perception (3rd tier)

Connection (4 modules)

Empath (1st tier)

Mercy Protocol (1st tier)

Way of Understanding (1st tier)

Transcendental Connection (3rd tier)

Voice (2 modules)

Whispered Power (1st tier)

Emperor’s Voice (2nd tier)

Teaching and Communication (5 modules)

Chiron (1st tier)

Story Teller (1st tier)

Dragon Tongue (2nd tier)

Polyglot (2nd tier)

Song of Joy (3rd tier)

Wisdom and Insight (3 modules)

Wisdom Personified (1st tier)

Pragya (3rd tier)

Arcane Mastery (3rd tier)


What do you look for to say this ?

Thought from tonight:

Breakthroughs often do not advertise themselves as breakthroughs.

You may not realize you’re having one until it’s done; sometimes, not until after it’s been done for quite some time.

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In this case, I didn’t look for anything.

I gradually became aware that I felt kind of odd and a little bit turned upside down.

Then it occurred to me: “Chosen from Within has Regeneration (and some other powerful internal shifting elements); and you’ve already been playing Dragon Blood for two months…think this combination might have something to do with your current mind-state?”

‘Oh, yeah. That’s right. Hadn’t quite considered that.’

(my point is that the observations of my subjective state came first; and then afterwards I suspected the connection with the subliminals.)

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You will know that you’re applying the right frame of understanding to your life when it results in a sense of appreciation and gratitude for all that you’ve been through and all that you’ve managed to do.

People who identify or affiliate with highly aspirational collectives are at risk of de-emphasizing their human contradictions due to guilt or shame at not being inspiring or not sufficiently embodying ideals.

Power in Relationships

It’s a complex and fundamental issue of human life.

And the inherent nature of power itself is that it will always be contested and negotiated.

Human beings worship power. We are humiliated by it at the start of life. And we work to accumulate more of it as we move through the years.

Power is inescapable because it is the means and the medium through which any and all ends are achieved. If you have ever achieved anything or accomplished any task, you have wielded power.

Ethics involves the rules and limitations that we attempt to place on power in an attempt to impose some degree of fairness (or, at least, neatness) onto its restive chaos.

You can be sure of this however:

Any assertions you hear or observe to the effect that someone(s) has/have the right to power, based on history, social station, age, gender, or any other supposedly ‘Natural Order-derived’ criterion is a strategic power move and nothing more.

It is a method of persuasion. A play designed to make it easier for you or someone else to cede power through convincing or coercion.

Power is a natural aspect of interactions between phenomena. There is no such thing as a natural Right to Power. Equally there is no natural Right to Wisdom.

But there are configurations of power that may be more or less stable, more or less compassionate, more or less egalitarian, and so on.

Be careful of the statements people make about power. (And that would have to include this post.)


Mysticism as engagement with the subconscious mind.

The Pisces Archetype.

I suspect that I’m being challenged by Chosen from Within. I think I notice a certain response in my mood. A physical sensation that includes emptiness and fear.

Several times now, I’ll play CFW and then I’ll have a mood as I just described. I’ll then find an opportunity to process my thoughts, feelings, and reflections. This will then catalyze a breakthrough and a shift. It seems to be a cycle.

So far, it doesn’t seem to interfere with my work productivity. It’s more like a cloud or a mood that hovers around the edges of awareness. Like a day that’s not raining, but is overcast.

Intuitively, I feel that this effect is in part due to the power of ZP and is in part due to the interaction with Dragon Reborn. So far, I’m handling it okay. But I think it’s best to pay close attention.

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Memories are coming alive with Chosen from Within. What clinical hypnotists might call Revivification.

Yesterday it was a tangible recollection of a great and important friend who died several years ago. She was about 34 years my senior and I was fortunate to have a friendship with her that stretched over about 20 years. Talked to her most weeks, often several times.

Suddenly I just remembered her with such sharp appreciation. How lucky I was to have a friend like that. Didn’t get to visit her much in person, but when my daughter was around 1, I was fortunate to get a chance to fly over and visit her and her husband. So, she saw my little girl.

That’s Chosen from Within.

This morning during meditation, I found myself walking on the streets of Philadelphia back to where I used to go to see a therapist when I was 18/19. Hadn’t thought of that woman in quite a while. Got up from meditation and googled her and, yup, she’s still making moves in the world. Think I didn’t really like the therapy that much. But it was still a learning experience.