Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Thanks @Ice

It’s hard to discern and hard to articulate. In terms of mechanism

ZP definitely feels more organic and natural which is double-edged.

On one hand, I can tell that I am really grappling and resolving what it will take internally and externally to reach the results/goals of the sub. There is recon but it’s very minor and normal and super clear what it’s about, it’s recon I can deal with proactively.

Then I can have moments of experiencing like I am in a different world, but this is only when I stay really authentic to myself and have courage.

On the other hand, it doesn’t have that sense of new lease on life that powers through day -to day. On Emperor Q it felt like I was a different person and could act differently and do things differently and I was driven by that greatly and consistently. It feels like ZP is building to that in its own way but not there yet.

It’s weird because ZP feels both more congruent and natural and also more distinct as it’s like I am straddling two worlds during recon.

In terms of the difference in results -keep in mind for Emperor ZP, I ran 1 loop last week and 2 loops this week.

Q -

  1. more consistent in drive, productivity
  2. easier time getting into focus and flow for things I didn’t care about or had to do
  3. More overt respect and deference, admiration
  4. stronger sense of lone wolf strength
  5. Stronger sense of confidence in my ability to succeed with risks, new endeavors, and where ever I chose to place myself


  1. more intelligent in how I am productive
  2. Stronger flow and movement between working and not working
  3. Stronger flow and movement between socializing and being solo
  4. Stronger social skills and fluency
  5. More challenges, and shit tests, lest overt respect and deference and more ‘attraction, interest’
  6. More willingness to ‘play the game’ in hierarchies rather than burn things to the ground to have independence.
  7. Very Sexual

There are many more and will circle back as they pop up. I believe the trajectory of ZP is moving towards similar results from Q that may not have shown up yet.

My main goal for Emperor ZP is real confidence, clarity, and then execution externally on a new career and/or business that will create real financial independence for myself. This has been something I"ve been ‘working’ on for too long and it’s time for results starting with a clear and consistent aim (at the veyr least).

If I am honest part of me has lost ‘hope’ anything can change or what I can do differently or get myself to do differently. Or definitely pick and put energy and effort into one of the possibilities that are available that align with is congruent to my values, skillset, passion. I know this is all on me, my responsibility, but my goal is to resolve whatever is needed and/or move forward.

I will see if ZP can get me there, or help me have me get me there.


You won’t “Find” it by … Ctrl+F online

But … if you do … Ctrl+F dating

you’ll see …

written in BOLD




That would be my biggest annoyance with EmpZP: I easily get triggered internally by people not up to my standards. While reactions are controlable, I’s annoying especially coming from Khans unreactiveness.

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I am having many similar results to @Azriel on Emperor. Disclaimer: I also have Stark in my stack.

I made the conscious decision to go from the mindset of disgruntled worker to purposely and intentionally developed the mind of a ceo.

I am starting to think before I act or say something and make sure it is in my best interest to do so and let the ramifications of action or inaction run through my head. Some fights that appear worth fighting for turn out to not be and some fights that seem stupid turn out to be incredibly important.

My confidence is rising everyday.

I also no longer have a burn the place to the ground mentality, more of a strategic how do I get the best outcome for what I need. Use this employment to develop the skills of a CEO.

The victim inside of me is slowly starting to disappear and a badass is taking its place.

I also am able to execute on things better than I ever could before. I was the stereotypical dreamer wannapreneur, but I am taking deliberate action to build the live of my desires.

I find myself being doing things I don’t want to do but need to get done, I usually was an individual that ignored problems or wait till the last moment or let it go long enough so my wife or someone else will deal with it.

I am getting better at taking initiative and doing things I haven’t done before.

I am tiptoes out of my comfort zone, this is going to take some time to get out of.


What BlackTiger said. Your insights are very much appreciated.


I relate to this a lot.

It really gives me food for thought.

My goals are somewhat similar.

And I am also experiencing that sensation of ‘losing hope’. But it’s not really literally losing hope; it’s like losing excitement. (I actually suspect that what’s happening may be that the energy that was originally going into ‘hope’ and ‘excitement’ is currently tied up in building real-world manifestations. But in the interim, I notice that ‘decreased’ sensation.)

And that makes me think of another point about ZP, which may sound kind of funny. It’s almost like ZP is the ultra-sheer, ultra-thin condom (whereas Q and Qv2 were like the extra durable ones). With the ZP ‘condom’, you feel more sensations, you’re more aware of what you’re doing and of your role in things; and it’s easier to forget that you’re even wearing one at all.

On the other hand, with ZP I get a lot more of what seem like ‘external’ manifestations. Happy ones and challenging ones.

I was thinking of this ‘external manifestation’ point tonight when it suddenly hit me that I’d gotten another one back in December and not even realized it.

I walk every day, and I usually take the same route, and I’ve been doing it for almost 20 months now. Well, back in early December, for the first time in 18 months, as I took my walk, I was approached by a group of four police-officers who thought I looked like something that needed investigating. Everything worked out, and I slipped through the interaction like a fish through water (on the outside anyway). Anyway, that’s not really the point. The point is it suddenly hit me that, ‘wait a minute! yet another external manifestation!’ That’s sort of how my recon works with ZP. Instead of simply feeling out of sorts, I’ll get an actual external challenge.

I’ve gotten a bunch of pleasurable external things too.

But the point is that it brings me back to @SaintSovereign’s original clues about ZP being similar to the movie Inception. Because ZP really does blur the lines between what’s happening within me and what’s going on in the world around me.


Are you running any sexual based titles?

nope. it’s only a metaphor.

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I understand it.
Infact since you used that analogy i dont mind re-reading it.


In my short trial of Emperor ZP I too have experienced being a little annoyed with people not up to my standards as mentioned by @lovage.

With pros I feel more of a calm confidence in my work. Less self doubt I suppose.

On the productivity side, I got over a bit of a mental hurdle of web scraping in Python programming. Got unstuck in extracting information from sports tables. Very happy about this.

Can anyone beat this analogy? Are you using any sex zp titles???

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Great and at the same time scaring!

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Respect, bruv.

Nope. When it comes to sex, we’re currently in a definite dry spell here at @Malkuth Laboratories.

We’ll get back to that after a few more messages from our sponsors.


Oh I was completely amazed this analogy. So I challenged everyone can anyone beat this analogy :rofl::rofl:. Mehn you are best

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Thank you guys, I’ll keep updating… He went to a dinner to support an important politician in our state. He says that everybody there knew him, even though he didn’t know those people. They are planning on passing legislature on something that my partner inspired them to do. He is on Chosen, Emperor, and something else (I think). This side of him took off soon after he got on Chosen. We’ll see what happens.


Your partner is on Chosen and Emperor or the politician is?

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My partner is the one who is on Chosen and Emperor.

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Oh OK! For a minute I thought you put a politician on subs! I was like : “What could go wrong?”. :joy:


ZP-aka bareskin…can’t wait until Emperor Magnum is released :sunglasses:

But yes exactly- it’s not bulletproof in the same way but there is way more versatility


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If I was running for something, I’d sure as hell be on Chosen and Emperor. Maybe Love Bomb too. Could sure give you an edge.