My Mental Sanctuary

The Sanctuary concept is one I picked up from one of hypnosis mentors. He described Sanctuary as:

"that place within your mind where you are THE MOST IN CONTROL. Sanctuary is a great place to ‘chill out’ to relax and get away. Sanctuary recharges you each time you go there.

One of the things I do with hypnosis clients is use the session to “install”/“uncover” their sanctuary. I use Direct/Authoritarian hypnosis for it, but it works with any kind of hypnosis. SubClub even has a “Sanctuary” module in the Q Custom store. I haven’t used it myself yet.

To “install” your own sanctuary, it’s really as simple as sitting or lying down, eyes closed. And clear your mind as much as possible other than to ask:

If I were in that one place in my mind where I am THE MOST IN CONTROL:
What does it look like there?
What sounds do I hear there?
What smells are there?
How do I feel being in this place?

You’ll find that, given enough time, details will become more and more permanent.
The key to Sanctuary is consistency.

My Sanctuary acts as a springboard to other “locations” in my mind.
In my Sanctuary, there’s:

  • A door that leads to a construct space like in “The Matrix”.
  • Another door leads to a “meeting place” where I can do self-guided NLP-style “parts work”.
  • Another door leads to what is called my “Learning Place”. That’s a whole other post, but think of it like a super-advanced form of Memory Palace.
  • Another door leads to a Silva-style mental workshop. I’m still working to make use of that. It’s kinda dormant for now until I get it working.
  • Yet another door leads off to a movie theater like one might imagine when doing NLP stuff like the Fast Phobia Cure. Serves as a mechanism to dissociate by putting events up on the screen rather than associating into them directly.
  • I also have an Amnesia Vault in the Sanctuary. I can put stuff in there I never want to know/see again. It does double duty for putting a symbolic representation of earworms into.

Now that all that is out of the way, suffice to say that when I run subs now, if I’m at home, I close eyes and think “Sanctuary” to go there.

The main area of Sanctuary has a recliner I sit in. I chose that because I sit in a recliner in the living room. So it’s easy to feel myself in a recliner in Sanctuary. I sometimes will sit in the Sanctuary recliner while running subs. I’ll just experience being in Sanctuary while the sub runs.

More often lately, though, I’ll sit in the movie theater while running. Staring up at the screen while running subs. To see if/what shows up on the screen as a result.

I make this all sound way more complicated than it is. Really it’s about imagining the perfect Sanctuary for you.

tagging @Sub.Zero @PhasingPhoenix @Deadpool


Thank you for sharing.

I personally noticed that when I’m lying relaxed with my eyes closed and mind “clear” I tend to feel the energy of the sub coursing throughout my body. I don’t do that often, almost not at all, since I’m not sure if it boosts the results. My intuition says that, probably, yes yet I wasn’t eager to experiment with that, and now once I’ve read what you wrote I’m wondering if I should try it again, trying also employing your practice. I shall give it a try on the morrow.

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Something I had happen a few weeks ago with this approach showed me how well these subs do their thing.

One of the doors I forgot to mention in the OP leads to a mental beach I set up as part of a Daytime Lucid Dreaming course I did a few years ago.

it’s a typical white sandy beach scene. Ocean, waves, etc.

I sometimes will sit there when listening to subs. I was running Khan ST1/Total Breakdown while sitting on the beach.

I usually just look out over the water. So relaxing.

This time, the ocean disappeared. Just POOF.
As far as the eye could see, it was nothing but land (formerly the bottom of the ocean) and all over were what looked like rubble/remnants of buildings. Such as if there had been tons of skyscrapers all over in the ocean and they demolished and the rubble left under the surface.

I described it to a friend and he said it reminded him of the scenes in “Inception” in limbo where buildings were melting and falling into the sea.

This disturbed me so much to see all that rubble just lying there that I made all the water come back lol.

I realized after that KhanST1 was showing me the scripting in action. Showing me what’s “under the surface” and that stuff was indeed being “broken down”.

I went back a few days later and ran ST1 again on the beach. I allowed/willed the water to go away again to see the rubble. As I looked out over it, the rubble was doing a combination of moving around and, on occasion, some of it would just break down into smaller pieces and sometimes even outright disappear.


That sounds awesome. I’ve read Silva books before, I’ve never made use of my workshop either. I can visualize it, but it’s like a static “freeze frame” rather than a functional space… nothing works there.

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@Palpatine Wow, this is such a great idea. I think with Silva ther is only one room but I really like this concept better.

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@Palpatine For me it very difficult to keep this Sanctuary in mind, the landscape is always moving, changing. So I will be for example on my favourite beach for few seconds and then I will be in the forest etc. How do you keep control of this sanctuary ?

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@Avengers68, just notice what comes up with it. That’s the beginning. If you go into this with the intent of finding/building your sanctuary, the moving landscapes you’re talking about could be that process.

Keep in mind, usually I have a person in a hypnotic state with this, and I tell them to find themselves in the place where they’re most in control, etc.

If you fancy a recliner, then imagine sitting in the recliner. Or whatever. Could be any place you can go to wind down/relax, recharge.

The key is that the Sanctuary takes hold and as it takes hold, it stabilizes and takes shape and solidifies.

It kinda is like mental dress rehearsal at first.

Just build it in your mind, and notice what’s there. Stabilize it.

I’ve had my Sanctuary in place for a few years now, and just the other day I did some stuff to see if I could make it any more useful than it already is.

(Side note: My cat died in 2020, possibly from covid, never proven. She now is in my Sanctuary and comes around sometimes to snuggle up)

So I’m in my Sanctuary, after doing the stuff I did. And suddenly a very large wooden beam pops out of the floor/ground. Like a big wooden mast from a sailboat, but square like a beam instead.

That disturbed me like the empty ocean did, so I made it go away.
Later on, I decided “Fine, it can come back, but that first one took up so much floor space. Give me something more useful”

So a round mast like on a sailing ship popped up. still big, but no nearly so big as the first one.

For days, I’d be in Sanctuary thinking “What the hell is this thing even useful for???”
My cat came around during one of my Sanctuary sessions, saw the mast and her eyes lit up.
She uses it as a scratching post now!

EDIT: Basically, it’s a process of both discovery and co-creation. If you’re in the right mental/meditative state, you can make it whatever you want. But you also want to give the SubC freedom to help you, so it’ll serve you better long-term.


The Daytime Lucid Dreaming course I mentioned can be found (for now) at Daytime Lucid Dreaming™ - 6 Weeks Course

It’s by Amir Khadr. He first launched this thing in 2018 and it didn’t go anywhere. Someone from forum recently asked me about it, and I talked to Amir asking if the course is still available.

He has no plans to update it anytime soon, but when I reached out, he made it free to sign up on the Thinkific page. The videos are from 2018 last I looked. Good info. The mental beach scene I use was created during this course, and I visit that beach at least once a day still.

Sharing it here since it’s free, and it isn’t subliminals, so not violating there AFAIK.

I’ll pull the link off if SaintFire or Mods deem it necessary to do so.


Thanks @Palpatine I just enrolled ! I will see how to use it with the CWON