Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2023)

Into the rabbit hole of hidden emotions, deeper you go

It can be that everything is related to everything. Your feelings on sex can cloud your view of money and vice versa. I like the shotgun approach to emotional awareness


So I’ve dropped Dragon Reborn for a bit. I got 5 or 6 days in or whatever. I didn’t really get recon, but woke up today realizing that I want Wanted back in the stack.

So I’m now doing
My money custom I call BV3 (which is all 4 stages of EoG and R.I.C.H. Core)
Doing BV3 since that covers the money stuff, plus whatever Khan brings to that.

I get that Khan is partly a “wealth” title, but I also get it’s far broader and having EoG will amplify that part.

I ran that stack today while waiting in the car for Uber Eats orders.

And today kicked ass, relative to my usual day with it.
Ended up doing $84 today total, and that’s only that low because the wife was with me doing her Instacart thing.

I can’t easily make money with Uber Eats when she’s got an Instacard order since I’m her driver and official carrier of items to peoples’ doors (she’s not able to carry it up).

Overall, today felt “smooth”…as if I’d been fumbling with keys in a lock and finally found a key that fits.

On the Wanted front, that’s the one that, each time I run it, Sandy (noodz girl) starts talking with me. Not sure what about her and Wanted, but it happens every time.

Usually, I just sit back and wait for it to happen. And, usually it’s a day or two. 3 at the most from when I start on Wanted before she talks to me on Messenger and sends me spicy pics.

Today, though, Khan ST1 and ST2 came through, and I just PMd her “It’s been a while since you sent me any spicy pics. Get busy”.

Way more direct than usual.

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Is this an online situationship or have you interacted in the physical space? Like has sandy been around you and the aura?

I got a female friend whose in another state but we’ve had a sexual vibe for a long time and I’m curious if running wanted would affect her without even reaching out.

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She’s a server at the restaurant I like here locally.
She’s the one who worked with Zelda when Zelda worked there (can search that name in posts by me to catch up there).

She seemed to get jealous when I was directing my attention at Zelda, and started making her presence known. But only when I run Wanted.

Try it out. For science. It wouldn’t surprise me, but don’t get hung up on it affecting that one person. You likely know all that.

Just run it and see who shows up.

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Last night, I got the sudden urge to run my BV3 QV2 custom. No idea why. But I did, while asleep.

Woke up feeling aight. Bit more clear-headed than usual. Nothing fantastic.
We had to go to the laundromat today, and I decided I’d do Wanted QV2 Solace Experimental again.

My reasoning for that experiment was the observation that while Wanted ZP/ZPV2 seems to affect Sandy (Noodz girl), the wife seemed to be more affected by Wanted Q/QV2 (per my testimonial of Wanted)

I started it while the wife loaded up the washer. (We’ve got a standing agreement that if she does the washing/drying there, I’ll take stuff out the dryer and then do all the lugging of the laundry and detergent)

I was worried that, being an hour long, I’d run out of time before the dryer was finished. (ZP has kinda spoiled me in regards to runtimes haha)

The laundry was done 59 minutes in. Wife woke me from my meditative/slumber. I looked and said “I’ve got a minute left”.

I closed my eyes and went back into my Sanctuary to finish up the loop.

It ended. I opened my eyes, and there was a girl there at the machine loading money onto her laundry card which is how we pay on the machines. Nice butt, in some sort of loose-fitting pajama pants. If a girl’s ass can look good in loos-fitting pants, then that’s a nice ass.

I felt horny af just seeing her.

I let that go since it was time to empty the dryer and take the stuff home.

Later in the day, we’d made a grocery delivery and wife wanted a CostCo hotdog, and so I parked at CostCo and went in to get it.

Saw a girl there at the deli line who I used to work with at the call center I used to work here.

It’s been a couple years since I saw her.

She’s always bubbly, but when I walked up and said hi, she got all giddy. More so than usual for her normal bubbly personality. Introduced me to her 1-year old son.

I know her boyfriend, too. I asked if he’s still working at X, and she said "Yeah, he’s in Japan right now. "

When I asked what’s he in Japan for, she said “He makes a ton more money there. I guess I’m basically a single mom for now!”

At one point, I think even before I asked about the bf, she said “I love when I run into you like this!”

I’m kinda ashamed(?) to admit this, but it wasn’t until hours later I realized that was an effect of Wanted Q/QV2. At the time, it seemed like normal convo. I’m thinking now that she was giving off obvious IOIs of some sort. I just missed then in the moment.

I’m shocked it took me so long after the incident to realize for what it was.


The subs I listened to today for a bit in the car were The Revelation of Mind (it’s a doozy), Limit Destroyer, Rebirth and Regeneration.

Last year, we nearly got evicted. So we packed up a bunch of our stuff and put it into storage.

We cleared out the storage unit in November or so maybe December.

but I’ve had these boxes of books sitting in the corner. and my empty bookshelves.

I just thought I hadn’t unpacked them yet due to laziness. But the thought that hit me today was I was basically “one foot out the door” still what with maybe moving.

RoM (along with the healing titles) pushed me to see that. So I’m putting books back on the shelves now :open_mouth:


As per this, I ran EoG1, Ascension, Godlike Masculinity about an hour ago. 5 mins each for 15 mins total.

I definitely have been finding more and more lately that listening to subs while asleep adds way more time to my total sleep than I’m willing to do now.

It’s been about 30 minutes ago since that stack was over.
I’m noticing that SOMETHING seems to be happening under the hood.
I can’t say what quite yet.
Small and tiny bits of frustration coming out. Not bad, just the ‘Enough is enough!’ kind that Richard Bandler talks about as a prerequisite for change.

Being fed up enough with a situation to FINALLY do something about it.

Headed to sleep to see what dreamland has in store for me.

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Bro it seems like you’ve ran like at minimum ten different titles over the last two weeks? Just curious is this working for you?

I know you’ve been a member for awhile but just through reading through your journal it seems like you might benefit from some focus. You had mentioned you almost got evicted?

No judgment man but o feel like until you get the financial situation handled that should be the number 1 priority. Aren’t you married as well? I might be coming across a little brash here but if that’s the situation and your source of income is Uber eats it’s time to step your game up man.

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As of a few days ago, I’ve found my desire again to get back into programming.
I had a “chat” with ChatGPT to look at what it recommends for the top 3 programming languages. That list turned into top 7, based on a few things I fed back to ChatGPT as criteria.

I actually had it create a top 7 list for general programming languages likely to help me land a developer job. Another top 7 list was focused on Artificial Intelligence research and application. Another list was top 7 for Industrial Controllers, Embeddes Systems, and Factory Applications.

I then tasked it with coming up with a single list. Top 7.

I had it consider ALL the lists we’d generated, look at factors such as how many times any given language appears on 2 or more lists (overlap) as well as assing a “weight” based on its positions on each list. So language being in spot 2 on 2 different lists might still be higher on the final list than another which was on 3 lists but only in spot #3, and so on.

The final list it came up with:
  1. Python (appeared in all lists and was ranked as the top language for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
  2. Java (appeared in all lists and was ranked as the second or third top language in each)
  3. C++ (appeared in four lists and was ranked as the top language for Game Development and High-Performance Computing)
  4. JavaScript (appeared in four lists and was ranked as the top language for Web Development)
  5. C# (appeared in three lists and was ranked as the top language for Windows Desktop and Mobile App Development)
  6. C (appeared in three lists and was ranked as the top language for Embedded Systems and Industrial Controllers)
  7. MATLAB (appeared in one list but was ranked as the top language for Control Systems and Signal Processing)

ChatGPT swears that if I take the time to master each of those languages, in the order provided, my chances of landing a dev job will be maximized.

I’m already semi-proficient with JavaScript, PHP, BASIC(lol)

I jumped through some hoops the past day or two to get my account reinstated at FreeCodeCamp, going through the Python stuff from Charles Severance. Python seems easy as hell so far. Probably the years I’ve put into other stuff coming in handy.

All programming languages (as far as I know anyway) have the same basic concepts behind them. Loops, Conditionals, Input/Output, etc.

I’m actually feeling good about this development. I credit EoG, Mogul, RoM and possibly RoS, even though I haven’t run RoS quite as much as the other stuff. I finally feel like I have a purpose I can bite into.



I’m doing as close as I can get to a recommended/regular cycle.

I did 2 loops each title yesterday (day 1). Taking rest days. Rest days are the hardest part for me haha. Tougher than a nickel steak.

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Day 3
Got in EoG1, Ascension and GLM

No more subs for 2 days now :weary:

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I’ve got recon (I think) showing in the form of “I should run (sub title A) (sub title B) and (sub title C)

FOMO on other titles.


I’m 34% done with the Python course I’m going through.
Noticing that it’s getting slightly increasingly more difficult to stay focused. Doing just a bit a day.

The amount of time I’ve put into other “harder” languages like PHP has paid off with this. Quite frequently as I watch these vids and follow along with what Dr. Chuck is saying, I’ll get ideas about “I wonder if this other thing will work too”.

Basically thinking ahead…so I pause the vid, fire up the Python terminal and try it. If it works, great. If not, I fire up ChatGPT and paste in the code I tried. It usually can tell me exactly why the code didn’t do what I intended, and will show me any corrections my code needs, and explains each bit as to what they do.

Love it.

I’m tired for now, though. Headed to bed to process what I’ve filled my head with today.


I’m a rebel just for kicks now.

43% done the Python course. Taking a break for a few hours.

I think my previous experience with other languages is definitely paying off. Mainly because, regardless of which language you operate in, all of them come back to the same basic ideas.


Learning to think in those basic terms makes picking up any language much easier, at least as far as I know to be true so far.


This is a rest day. I just realized that prior to running EoG1, GLM, and Ascension, I wouldn’t have likely stuck with this Python course as long as I have so far.


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Day 5: Sub day
Did one full loop each of EoG1, Ascension, GLM

Did feel a bit testy with the wife, but at least some/most of that can be chalked up to my frustration with life/circumstance, and not as much about her.

Did a microloop of each later in the day.

at one point, walking into the grocery store to use the facilities and find something for a snack, I saw the cart girl, dunno her name. Cute as hell. I usually don’t say anything to this particular one, but I basically smiled and said “sup?” as I walked by.

She’s got a near-perfect body (to me anyway).

Credit Ascension and/or GLM with saying “sup?”. When I usually don’t even say anything at all.

Speaking of cart girls, yesterday was rest day. Another of the cart girls there, she started talking me up. I was parked next to the cart stall. Got out of the car to go in and get a sandwich or something. She was at the cart stall, which was full.

She told me I’d probably be better off grabbing a cart from the stall, because they were out inside. I engaged back, asking how her day is. She’s cute too. Maybe 18/19. She’s not usually very talkative, so it was more shocking that she started engaging me in convo.

I haven’t run any subs lately that are explicit on the aura side of things. So maybe GLM and/or Ascension are affecting my aura indirectly?

EDIT: I’m thinking more and more about money. EoG1 I guess.
It’s still a bit ephemeral as to what’s going on there. I’m thinking along the lines of thinking about all the stuff I wanna do in life, then thinking about how much money it would take to do it all.

And I’m back and forth between “Man, that’s way more money than I know how to get” and “If I come up with a solid enough action plan, and work the plan, there’s no limit to what I can eventually do”

Like 2 versions of me internally vying for control over my mind and body.

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