Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2023)

I’m doing as close as I can get to a recommended/regular cycle.

I did 2 loops each title yesterday (day 1). Taking rest days. Rest days are the hardest part for me haha. Tougher than a nickel steak.

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Day 3
Got in EoG1, Ascension and GLM

No more subs for 2 days now :weary:

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I’ve got recon (I think) showing in the form of “I should run (sub title A) (sub title B) and (sub title C)

FOMO on other titles.


I’m 34% done with the Python course I’m going through.
Noticing that it’s getting slightly increasingly more difficult to stay focused. Doing just a bit a day.

The amount of time I’ve put into other “harder” languages like PHP has paid off with this. Quite frequently as I watch these vids and follow along with what Dr. Chuck is saying, I’ll get ideas about “I wonder if this other thing will work too”.

Basically thinking ahead…so I pause the vid, fire up the Python terminal and try it. If it works, great. If not, I fire up ChatGPT and paste in the code I tried. It usually can tell me exactly why the code didn’t do what I intended, and will show me any corrections my code needs, and explains each bit as to what they do.

Love it.

I’m tired for now, though. Headed to bed to process what I’ve filled my head with today.


I’m a rebel just for kicks now.

43% done the Python course. Taking a break for a few hours.

I think my previous experience with other languages is definitely paying off. Mainly because, regardless of which language you operate in, all of them come back to the same basic ideas.


Learning to think in those basic terms makes picking up any language much easier, at least as far as I know to be true so far.


This is a rest day. I just realized that prior to running EoG1, GLM, and Ascension, I wouldn’t have likely stuck with this Python course as long as I have so far.


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Day 5: Sub day
Did one full loop each of EoG1, Ascension, GLM

Did feel a bit testy with the wife, but at least some/most of that can be chalked up to my frustration with life/circumstance, and not as much about her.

Did a microloop of each later in the day.

at one point, walking into the grocery store to use the facilities and find something for a snack, I saw the cart girl, dunno her name. Cute as hell. I usually don’t say anything to this particular one, but I basically smiled and said “sup?” as I walked by.

She’s got a near-perfect body (to me anyway).

Credit Ascension and/or GLM with saying “sup?”. When I usually don’t even say anything at all.

Speaking of cart girls, yesterday was rest day. Another of the cart girls there, she started talking me up. I was parked next to the cart stall. Got out of the car to go in and get a sandwich or something. She was at the cart stall, which was full.

She told me I’d probably be better off grabbing a cart from the stall, because they were out inside. I engaged back, asking how her day is. She’s cute too. Maybe 18/19. She’s not usually very talkative, so it was more shocking that she started engaging me in convo.

I haven’t run any subs lately that are explicit on the aura side of things. So maybe GLM and/or Ascension are affecting my aura indirectly?

EDIT: I’m thinking more and more about money. EoG1 I guess.
It’s still a bit ephemeral as to what’s going on there. I’m thinking along the lines of thinking about all the stuff I wanna do in life, then thinking about how much money it would take to do it all.

And I’m back and forth between “Man, that’s way more money than I know how to get” and “If I come up with a solid enough action plan, and work the plan, there’s no limit to what I can eventually do”

Like 2 versions of me internally vying for control over my mind and body.

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Today, I’ve also been finding myself thinking about other sub stacks I want to run.

Not in the reconny “Let’s just do it all now” kind, but more thinking about the different things I want to get from subs or what kind of person I want to become.

And then mentally working out all the subs I’d need and working out a sub rotation plan to get there.

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Noticing small undercurrents of emotion rising up and bubbling out the surface every so often.
Low-level kind of sadness like if your best friend were to suddenly ghost you.
Feels like I’m losing a friend(?)


Getting into OOP stuff with Python now.


Day 6: Rest/Processing
I’m tired. Not fatigued. Just tired. Mentally over being this way.


And I finally have a solid grasp of Object-Oriented Programming thanks to Dr. Chuck!


Day 7: EoG, Ascension, GLM.

Ran those today after my weed eater officiall shat itself. A couple week ago, maybe three weeks, I needed more string/line for it, but opted to instead get the hard plastic blades for it.

Those are simple to just pop the blades off and put new ones when needed. And winding the string back onto the spool is a real jackass of a task to do.

The issue was it’s a cheapass weed eater. Got it for some ridiculously low price like $30-$40 tops years ago. You get what you pay for. These plastic blades I got come with a sort of hub assembly that you “just” remove your weed eater’s old head from the motor shaft and attach the new hub to the shaft, and tighten it.

Problem is, this weed eater is so cheap it doesn’t even have a removable hub. it’s all one piece. The weed eater is designed as a throwaway thing. It breaks? ah just buy a new one.

Anyway, the mod I did to it involved a dremel and an offset sanding disc to remove a piece of the weed eater’s hub so this new thing could be put in its place.

It worked. Until today haha. the issue there is I never could get the weed eater back together where the motor was as perfectly centered in the housing like before. So the motor kept rubbing this one piece of plastic against the hole where the shaft comes out to attach to the hub.

The motor started smoking from the inside today while “mowing” my yard (since my mower is gone now. that’s a different story).

I pushed it as far as I could, trying to finish the yard. got all but a small patch done and the thing started smoking like crazy and just stopped.

Before, I’d be pissed off at life…“Why does this shit happen to me?” or “Fuck. what’s NEXT, universe!?”

Today, I said “Well, that isn’t surprising. ah well. I’ll have to figure out something else going forward”…almost Stoic with a capital S.

I sat down in my lawn chair instead, sipping coffee, and ran my stack.


Later in the day, I started thinking about that whole thing of people who look for a relationship partner to “complete” them. Like the sappy “You complete me!” line some guys use like total chumps.

Then I got a new analogy come to mind.

I imagined a convo like that, the guy saying “You complete me” and the girl saying “I don’t want the responsibility of making you whole and complete. You need to show up with that already taken care of. I don’t want to be the final link that makes you a complete circle. I want you to already be a complete circle and at most I can help you become an even larger circle”

Interesting take from that stack.

I’m still reading a chapter/law from 48 Laws of Power each day. I stopped doing the PCC loops each day after reading, mainly to give my main stack room to breathe.

I’ll bring PCC back in later on. But probably not until I bring in HOM eventually. That seems like a perfect synergy.

Oh, and I just went over 86% completion on the Python course I’m going through from FreeCodeCamp.

Taking action feels good.


Today’s focus was SQLite.

Too tired to do any more vids tonight. I spent a lot of time “talking” with ChatGPT about Python and SQLite. Did my usual thing of having ideas and trying them.

Got where I can create a database and create tables and insert items into them from within Python, rather than just the SQLite browser.

More tomorrow.


Day 8: Rest

Finding myself today thinking about wanting to be a master tactician. Able to formulate plans several steps/layers out. Plan for all possible situations.

Quantum Limitless and PCC stack might do well.

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Mark Joyner posted a cool post on Facebook today.

“ Don’t ever get mad at someone for not doing something for you that you should have done for yourself to begin with.”


There are some extra vids I can watch to dive deeper. but just got done the main lectures.
Which I’ll look at tomorrow. Time to read 48LP for today.
