Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

That would be great actually.

I have three possible alternations of the one custom I want to built but I find it really hard to decide between these three.

Anybody who is interested in helping me pick, can pm me pls

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man,you are fucking sexy…


I’ve PMed you man.

:joy::joy: thank you! Appreciate it!! Definitely down to the WANTED mostly (plus the others I’m running), self love - which I’m working on, heartbreak, and working out again.

I noticed that people seem to be getting physical shifting results from Wanted in areas that the program not necessarily focuses upon, which I find quite interesting. That’s why I am also going to share something which might or might not be a result of Wanted.

I am currently staying in the exact hotel I visited one year ago in the exact same timeframe. They have a wonderful long pool and I love to dive. However, I was always really bad at holding my breath.
25 secs, maybe 30 secs max underwater if I stay still and even shorter when I swim. In the pool, the absolute maximum I achieved was diving to the ladder on the right side that you can see in the picture.

However, this time I noticed something changed. When I was diving in the exact same pool, I easily surpassed the mark. I did it again and this time went even further, diving almost 33m to the glass that separates the inside from the outside pool, basically doubling the reached area in comparison to last year. Then, I took a watch and checked the exact time I can hold my breath being still in the water:

60 secs!!

For me, this is absolutely crazy. I pretty much doubled my lung capacity in comparison to last year without me doing any training whatsoever.
The way I explain is that with my new diet I am mostly consuming raw animal products and with that get a lot more animal iron in quantity and quality, cause it is not only raw but also animal iron is far more absorbable than the one you get from plants (10-20% vs around 2-5%), which in turn could lead to a better oxygen absorption in the hemoglobin in your red blood cells. But it could be that Wanted also has its hands in this…


Seems like you’re getting really good results with the raw diet. I can’t get myself to eat (most) raw animal meat, but do you think that supplements like these would be beneficial?

I’m considering the Grass-Fed Desiccated Beef Ultimate Organ Complex

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Today, I woke up early and went to the pool again.

I felt confident and wanted to push myself further. So I did another underwater swim, easily surpassed the last record, going far beyond the glass ceiling and reaching around 43 meters with the first try!


That’s all cool but I think the most significant thing again this shows is the importance of journaling. I think we are all totally underestimating the power of contemplation, best in written form, in combination with subliminals.

We always assumed that journaling will better make you conscious of the results you already gained (which is true), but it seems like journaling is actually often the catalyst to experience results in the first place.

You can imagine your personal reality as dictated by your subconscious like a polished block of marble. Subliminals are like water trying to find their way into the deepest part of that block to make foundational changes there.

However the subconscious is hard to change, so is the smooth outer surface area of that marble block by the flow of water. However, every time you take action on the scripting it is like you take a hammer and smash on the block leaving a crater. The water can now flow to into the wholes and start eroding from the inside leading to great results. You begin to internally align with the scripting leading to an external reality change accordingly.
The interesting thing is that journaling in my experience seems to have a very similar effect to taking action, opening up the pathways of subliminal influence. Like in my case, my lung capacity certainly did not improve from yesterday to today allowing me to swim 10 more meters underwater. No, it the fact that through the contemplation by journaling about my experience yesterday, I actually integrated part of the scripting I was exposed to, for example in my case the Limit Destroyer module, which took away my fear and limiting beliefs in regards to swimming longer.

Furthermore, I am beginning to understand that the subliminal process involves 4 distinct phases, called „Execution“, „Integration“, „Manifestation“ and something I call the „Void“. One seems to be in one of these stages predominantly, where each phase does include every other stage to a lesser degree and then you move on to the next accordingly (if you don’t get stuck) until the cycle repeats again.

And depending on which stage you are, journaling (and taking washouts) might be actually even MORE important to proceed and move on to the next stage (and with that complete the cycle which will lead to the great deep results everyone desires) than it is to take action in that period.

But this is something for another post :wink:


That’s awesome!!

I would love to try WANTED. I 'm really looking forward to the year 2250 when some space opens up in my stack. :rofl:

This could practically be the advertisement for the product.


@Brandon have you noticed your voice changing since using Wanted?

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Actually…now you mention it yes.
It projects more but is also slightly deeper.

Great for class.


Been using wanted for around 10 days. No changes in length or thickness, but i can last around 20 mins. Usually i last a few mins(LOL) but somehow i was able to last close to 20 mins. And My body looks slightly more defined.


Has anyone had problems with horniness while on WANTED? That’s my biggest concern with experimenting with it. While I would like to occasionally throw it in for physical changes I would be wary of dealing with this.

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I feel like im getting more stares on wanted lol

I am wondering what kind of aura do you get if you listen to more than one. Let’s say you listen to libertine and wanted. You got a sexual aura and I guess seducing aura. So your final aura would be like a mix of both, maybe bottom half sexual and top half seducer’s :). I am not sure how can I imagine more auras at once. How is it working?

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Why would this be a problem? Of course you’re going to see an increase in sexual desire, that’s one of the things it’s made for. ;p


Oooo… Getting some Korean Ginseng and Maca supplements … Can’t wait to see how it pairs with my Wanted Diamond Paragon Custom.


I’m currently running a stack of:
Libertine V3 booster
Iron Throne QV2
Wanted QV2
Regeneration QV2 (To fix and heal whatever needs fixed and healed in regards to the above subs)
I ran Libertine first for the immediate effect, but also so regen has a chance to work on anything that may get in the way of any of the previous subs’ effects, including Libertine
The horniness is definitely there. I held back for a while because the wife doesn’t want it near as much as I do anyway. But I decided recently I’m gonna “level up my manhood” and she can either be on board or someone else will.

Starting to notice stares, but that could be because I’m listening to my “feel good” music out in public on my earbuds, and been walking more “loosely” and walking/dancing a bit to the beat of the music.

Like when Peter Parker got the venom symbiote action going, but not to the extreme he takes it lol


It’s a problem more in the sense of using WANTED for the physical shifting and also being in a situation that makes it difficult to go out and meet people here. No qualms with it otherwise.


Just wait till you have a girl who wants it more than you. It’s a nightmare believe it or not

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One I’m ready for right now

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Could SPS: Fat Burn, Fusion Optimized and Inner Gasoline help fuel the energy requirement of Wanted?

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