Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

What kind of inner growth have you all experienced through Wanted so far?

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180 here hahaha

a bit short for the folks in my country


Are you Dutch?


Or Sweedish/Norwejian = Viking ? :sweat_smile:

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What about Rebirth instead of LD?
" Rebirth stacks well with ANY of our titles, and will greatly boost the results of your entire subliminal stack."


Hahaha impressive guess! But yeah, I am Dutch (not native though)


I am rethinking my stack
I may just go with Wanted, Sage Immortal, and Renaissance Man
Be chill and focus on what’s important to me instead of always allowing external shit get to me


How is that possible if Wanted has Height Inducer and Male Enhancement for example?

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There’s a fundamental misunderstanding here. WANTED may achieve effects that other modules aim to work on, but its scripting which may achieve those effects is original to it. That scripting, as far as the Q store goes, can be found only in WANTED Core.


I wasn’t even aware of the amount of weight I had put on.

I looked back today and jheezus I’m mortified :joy:

I had to take a screenshot since I only took videos but here’s a picture of one - you can see how much weight was in my face (this was April):

And here’s one from today:

I’ve changed my look completely as you can tell.


Damn man, I’m impressed. Also just looking at the eyes, in the top one they feel heavy, but on the lower one there’s a spark to it. Great work :muscle:

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Thanks man!

To be fair that could be the fact I’m wearing blue contacts and my eyes are naturally green.

Could be, but in my eyes there’s a big difference, just look how much higher your chin is on the second picture.

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from my understanding
modules are an extrapolation from an interwoven script
not blocks put together to build a script
the script itself in Wanted may address the body and body image in totality and not specify any particular area even though it effects every possible area

My personal theory is I believe it’s part of the new build to create stronger effects as it’s been stated that no modules from WANTED or Sage Immortal were in the new modules packs.

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you look better for sure,
here’s my intuitive hit
but your energy is way more masculine and ‘pops’ in the second
your first one shows uncertainty, reservation, and is duller
your second one has bad boy energy, shine, and sense of self worth and ownership


I do agree with you, thanks for pointing it out!

Something I’ve always wanted. In terms of me as a person I don’t like to be boxed and this is a general issue as I’m quite fluid (but prefer to be more masculine, and identify that way).

Also agree with you, thanks man!


@Brandon you look awesome! Your style is so on point !

I wanted to swap Wanted for Sage Immortal but your results really make me doubt it


Thanks bro! Really digging the pink look on me at the moment, especially when it fades to a more pastel colour but I just redyed my hair - I left it on a bit too long and it went red :sweat_smile:. Gotta work on my clothing but I definitely feel way better.

I’m going to hit you up about your custom as I know you’re planning something new.

That would be great actually.

I have three possible alternations of the one custom I want to built but I find it really hard to decide between these three.

Anybody who is interested in helping me pick, can pm me pls

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