Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Crazy results bro

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Wow!!! Thats amazing

Although someone said something which raised a question i think its @Invictus ,

isnt physical changes from subliminals actually super unormal? Which may harm you since your body cant handle it sometimes duno

Just like steriod subliminal or things that raise your testosterone, its something that your body cant do normally, and it may harm your body especially physicall stuff and hormons

But i guess subliminals are all about breaking your limits,

I did a one week off sub and then start again my custom Wanted. I suddenly realized that I can do cold phone calls without stress and very naturally ! I hate calling people that I don’t know, like selling them something. But Wow ! I did it since Friday in a very cool manner, James Bond manner :sunglasses:


Not quite like steroids. One affects you physically because of chemical reasons.

The other affects you physically because of mental/psychological changes to your personal outlook (inlook?)


Its interesting im always open minded about things

The human potential is huge,

Definitely gonna include the height EF module in my paragon custom!

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It only goes as fast as your body can handle so should be fine


Definitely. And also…

Just remember that all of these suggestions are auditory; meaning they can be replicated by your mouthpiece in the form of affirmations (though the formula lies with the Guys)

I say this to remind others that the power does lie with us to do some… Crazy stuff :slight_smile:

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When I play wanted, I get this dull pressure on the left side of my chest that makes it feel heavier and some pain occasionally on my left side, did anyone experience anything like that? it worries me a little about what it could be doing.


are you only getting it when you listen to the sub? Because pressure in the chest should usually be looked at by a doctor.

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Yep only when running wanted, I thought maybe it was re-working or shifting something that might have been wrong with me that I am unaware of but I’m not sure. My body also heats up alot when I run it, atleat when I’m awake anyways


I wish I was a doctor. If it’s just when you listen. And it doesn’t happen when you walk… or any other time then it should be o.k.
Just in case be aware of symptoms like,
sweating for no reason
difficulty breathing
numbness in the left arm
also pain in the left arm
I think it’s nothing.


I’ve always been sensitive and see quick results with physical shifting subliminals, even simple eye subliminal from youtube I would see an instant improvement after a couple of listens so it could be the difference in power that I’m experiencing.


The heating up might be caused by a fat burn module. I also experience the same since running WANTED.


Since starting WANTED, I feel pulsing in various parts of the body (so far above my right eye, in my arms, legs, and sometimes in my chest and neck). No pain though. Just some mild “blood pumping” sensations for a few seconds and it goes away. It usually happens after I have played WANTED and in the rare occasions when I am running it.


I’ve had muscle soreness when running WANTED. Like the day after a big workout kind of soreness.


I’m listening to another frequency that helps me build muscle, would it interfere with Wanted?

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It will be too much in your system and probably end up diluting the effects, trust me I’m talking from experience.


I can tell you that with AuraQ (discontinued), DIAMOND Ultima and Wanted, my body heats up at times, especially with AuraQ.

I’ve attributed it to auric changes.

As to…

See a doctor.

@SaintSovereign Hi saint, i haven’t understood the difference between the subclub vs Q.subclub and why is the price so high for building subliminal step1: license step 2. build title $99 to build title i believe build title, this is for custom subliminal, what if i don’t want to build custom just want the license subliminal only which is $15 washout building title, because also q.subclub has many subliminal titles on different areas while subclub doesn’t have that big list, so i only want a subliminal for $15 without any custom how can i get it? how does it work?

You can’t just get the modules. They’re for customs only and customs take up more power (I assume?) to build. Plus customs are just that…custom to your situation with the modules you use.

Main titles are broader and less direct in terms of their goals for people.

The SubClub website holds all the main titles that people may want a need.

The Q.SubClub website holds the custom modules and cores that people may want and need.

Customs aren’t actually that expensive when you’re on the elite discounts and you purchase modules/cores you get to use them again in other customs without charge.