Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

I highly doubt this or there won’t be an option to openly stack titles…


Hence me saying hypothesis :slight_smile:


I am doing it 5 days a week, but not on repeat - I listen to them only once per day each + on some nights Dreams from lifeCharger app right before the sleep.

Tho, I wouldn’t really suggest just about anyone to listen to it 5x per week as it’s heavy - so if you’re not experienced, it could hit you hard

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Hi im thinking which sub can help with fluid conversation and communications to flow smoothly and coming up with the right words at the right time, a MasterCommunicator and be interesting in conversations with women?

“With True Social Ultima, you now have the ability to get yourself into a social zone instantly, where conversation flows and your mind is on point. True Social will remove your social anxiety, focus your mind on the moment, and unleash your social genius to the highest levels.”

“With each listening session, you will be able to let go more and more, allowing you to become more and more comfortable with social interaction, be it flirting with women or making friends with men.”


hello guys, there is something I noticed recently with WANTED that i wanted your thoughts on

the conclusion part is mainly what I would like to get your thoughts on :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi can i stack StarkQ+PSIT+Wanted and in boosters Libertine+lovebomb.
So this would be within the recommemded list and i will get to see results from it soon because im not playing more than 3 subs and ofcourse taking action?
I know starkQ has primal however its not going to be as intense as getting me out there and approaching because starkQ has another goals in mind.

@Dare2fly you mean Stark Ultima ? if so i dont see why not.

@TheBoxingScientist StarkQ Q , i would love to ULTIMATE, but its not available at the subclub website, maybe customs, how do i order customs for StarkQ ultimate and how much it cost?

If you have Stark Q I believe you should also have the Stark U prototype in your downloads.

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@Dare2fly its available for free if you buy StarkQ

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@Brandon @TheBoxingScientist
Thats good to know, i will purchase it today and hope so i will get the starkQ ultimate too.


@Brandon @TheBoxingScientist whats the experience like playing StarkQ Ultimate?

@Dare2fly letme know how you you get on with Stark U its either love or hate with this experimental one.

Its faster acting then Stark Terminus however if you do too many loops it will get you depressed. Just run 1 loop and see how it pans out i could not do more then 2;

Also do not run it everyday or you loose the effects.

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Question for you guys running Wanted: how close would you say the calm, relaxed state is to Khan? about the same, not even close, surpassing Khan?


Hi good people, do we have ULTIMATE version for Wanted and is it included as an update for prototype in my downloads or we have to buy separately?

Thers no ultima version for wanted.


okay, what’s the difference between Wanted Q vs Solace-Prototype? does the Solace version give better results compare to Q? what are the experience for some of you?

The results are more or less the same, but the solace feels heavier and can give u a headache/low energy feeling.

Use it with caution, as it’s still a prototype. But it’s still just a different way of masking the audio.

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