The wanted beast journal (WANTED + EF st3)

Just finished the fast this weekend. It was more to challenge myself mentally than physically. Basically what I did was a 24 hour fast, broke it with one keto friendly meal (with LOTS of protein), followed by an additional (almost) 36 hour fast. I say almost because I broke it 35 hours in, felt it was enough.

I will say from this experience that I was EXTREMELY low energy, but not in recon at all. In fact, I felt mentally at peace much of the time, just physically exhausted from the lack of nutrition.

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That being said, I’ve been somewhat prescribed to the low carb way of living, which served me well in the past. However, I have to agree with Khan and WANTED this does not really seem feasible due to the energy requirements.

As long as you’re working out and not eating complete junk (i.e. sugar all the time), a balance of proteins carbs and fats seem to be optimal on these subs.


I’ll comment more on my fast in my journal if you’re interested @Invictus

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Looking forward to it and good job and going through with your fast

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okay guys so it’s been a while since my last update and there’s a reason for why I haven’t updated.

I’m not going to update on days I consider uneventful

because let’s be honest, attention and stares, others wanting to talk more, dressing up extra stylish, have all become such a “normal” thing now that I’m pretty sure most of you guys know that those are the basic results everyone using WANTED will get.

with that out of the way, let’s get into the update:

  • I feel like people are getting extra nice to me, as in, I’ve been getting way too much free stuff DAILY, this could be some type of a halo effect that WANTED is generating through the aura and physical shifting, need more time to confirm this.

  • where WANTED helped me choose the right workout style for me, EF st3 is challenging me, like you know how people often get recon about changing subs or stacks? im getting that with wanting to change my training program, I have looked over 4 different ones today, but fighting through. @Yazooneh did you experience this?
    @TheBoxingScientist @Meng123 @Simon any thoughts on what’s going? is it also recon?

  • have been told ALREADY that im looking bigger, checked my arm size and it has gone up by .3 inches within days (no pump), and t-shirts are fitting much better.


wanted to (pun fully intended) add something extra:

recently I’ve noticed something with WANTED, where I don’t feel like fully expressing myself, like in this journal for example, I don’t feel like posting updates as often, or with others IRL, I don’t feel like saying everything in my head, it’s as i’m becoming more of a listener/reader than a talker/writer, which is somewhat different to what I used to be like.

My conclusion: WANTED has been bringing about changes in a “stages” way, first it made me change my appearance, with clothes and hair, then it boosted the appearance with the physical shifting to make me look better, and now it’s changing my mentality/behavior.


Hmm,depends.When i run emperor fitness,i tended to change my workout program to improve it as i went so depends if your changing for the sake of changing or whether the new training programs are actually better than what your currently on.

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well there’s this one split (P/P/L/Up/Lo) and I have this extremely strong urge inside me to start doing it, but I know from my previous years of testing that I tend to respond better when I do low frequency (once a week per muscle) and extremely high volume to completely destroy the muscle before hitting it 7 days later.

i’m getting confused here because I don’t know what kind of recon one can expect from EF, other than the general recon of course, I did feel somewhat extra sore this week, but other than I’ve changed my workout timing from going around noon (11am-12pm) to now going at 10:30-11pm, which is a day and night difference (literally :joy:) but hey, I’m definitely getting bigger

Haha,as long as it works.finding the perfect routine is alot of long as your getting bigger,its all good :smile:


i guess i’ll keep that classified as recon then :sweat_smile:

yeah if it sucks youre going to change it

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I don’t have personal experience with an EF + WQ stack.

This is a known effect of Seductress, no surprise if it’s part of Wanted as well. :+1:t2:

Read the descriptions of Wanted and EF3. Think through and Write down where you feel they’re having different goals than the other. What is the pattern of difference in the new training programs that you feel like switching to? Does that really conflict with your Wanted goals?

Further, think about what your motivation is for stacking EF3.
If Wanted is your primary program, could you switch the secondary one to EF4, Spartan, or Beast Within? What fits your motivation the best?



I just started a dedicated run of WANTED now and can confirm this after just 3 days of it.

I know my weight hasn’t decreased but my stomach feels a bit more tight and my body feels overall less bloated.

No dieting or exercise by the way but no overeating either (which I manage conciously by chewing more).

Excellent thread, man. Happy for your results


The training programs I’ve been looking at basically have more training frequency, as in training the muscle more often in the week, and that doesn’t work for me because those programs end up having low volume.

I wanna maximize the physical shifting in both WANTED and EF st3 to maximize muscle growth to be the most aesthetic guy out there, tbh these two also lead me to believe that I can pursue a fitness modeling career on the side as a result.

You’ll also realize soon that even if you ate a huge meal, the food somehow just goes in and disappears :joy:

Thank you bro, I’m looking forward to getting more of the effects but honestly I feel one thing WANTED is lacking is an alpha edge, but for some reason EF st3 seems to have something in it that’s covering it for me

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Also as a side update, I’m thinking about doing something, or more like testing something:

I’m gonna use EF st3 Qv1 5 days a week on workout days, 2 loops.

Reduce WANTED to twice a week.

This will be more results oriented and less energy intensive. I need to fix my eating habits and WANTED’s 3 times a week exposure and energy usage isn’t helping me choose the right foods, so gonna reduce the loop by 1, so only twice a week now.

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Okay guys, after a very weird turn of events it felt like I needed something more.
I’ve been too focused and attached to my physical appearance and wanting to look better with physical shifting and muscles, that I completely forgot about inner growth, I’ve had to think a lot about this, and as I mentioned yesterday, I feel like an egg without the yolk :joy:

So the decision that was made is to add ascension to the stack, it was going to be emperor at first, but I reflected more on everything and realized that even me wanting to use emperor is also due to the few results I read from people about the external world shifting and then getting bulkier, feels like I’m too attached to physical changes, therefore ascension is the better option to make me grow more from the inside.

Which is also why the name of the stack will also change



As for an update:

  • I listened to my first loop of ascension and I feel good, I feel more grateful about everything in my life and it felt like something inside me has calmed down.

  • EF: it’s been over a week now and the gains are visible, been seeing tshirts getting tighter, chest, shoulders and arms look bigger, my quads also seem more defined (I actually tried wearing one of my jeans on Friday and it ripped a bit :cry:), but overall feeling more motivated and excited every moment I’m in the gym.

  • WANTED: now this, well this is kinda making things happen in a way that is somewhat making me feel a bit weirdly uncomfortable, idk how to describe it but it’s like people are becoming pushy to be nice, for example, if someone is offering me something and I don’t take it by politely declining, they keep insisting so much that it feels like borderline harassment. The mystery part, which was overpowering my core personality a bit last week, seemed to have calmed down a bit, don’t get me wrong I like being mysterious, but I don’t want to end up not wanting to talk just for the sake of coming off as mysterious.

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The problems of being hot… you might just have to get accustom to it.

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Ahhh then I guess it’s as A$AP Rocky once said now applies to me :joy::joy:

I look so fucking good, most guys would fuck me

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