The wanted beast journal (WANTED + EF st3)

Hi, since you guys are interested in fitness and body building in general

Do you know any natty fitness models? I have nothing against peds, but i wanna actually see something achievable naturally,

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It’s kinda hard to really find a good natty fitness idol nowadays, like so many people just hop on PEDs just to make it easier, like at my gym over 60% of the people are on some kinda stuff, or if u go on tiktok, you’ll find guys as young as 15 hopping on sarms, so the whole fitness industry and all its influencers are all, in one way or another, enhanced.
However, some of these people also don’t look as impressive in person, like I met 3 of the most famous “aesthetic” bodybuilders (Steve cook, Jeff Seid, zyzz’s brother Said) and all of them looked good, but not as good as their posts.


Consider this, these fitness “models” will take the same care and attention as any other instagram influencer and take hundreds of photos to find the perfect one to photoshop.

As such what you will be following is not the truth but a very highly edited package to show them in the best light, not a realist light.

Which begs the question?

Why would you follow false idols?

P.s. Nice to see you using capitals.


hahahha it came natural i dont know how that happened

no i really wanna see just a natural physique like cause i almostly feel down a lot of on my progress and i dont know if im really behind and that i should do better? or its normal and thats how natural body builders progress

i cannot judge if i cant see like natural transfromations and progress

everything on youtube and my gym athelets are full on roids which is ok the sport is all about that

but i cant find like regular natty ones

i found scott herman and omar isuff
i googled and found some post on reddit, now i see why natural bodybuilders arent that popular
cause their physqie is natural and not impressive and not too crazy its nice very normal, however i would like to find like natty models that are actually like super genticily gifted and see how they look

Your progress or lack of progress is purely down to your genetics, training, nutrition etc.

It has nothing to do with what other people can do either with or without pharmacological help.

The best body i have every seen was on a former neighbour of mine in his mid 60’s. He had never done any bodybuilding or drugs ever but had merely been a hard working farmer all his life yet he still had a body to put Frank Zane to shame.

My father was the same, unfortunately I never inherited his genetics.

So quit worrying about what others can do.

Because it has no effect on what YOU can do.

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i love this thanks pal, have a great day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ah, fan mail.

Have a great day yourself.

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So guys, I wasn’t going to update anything today, was actually waiting for the week to be over first before I updated, but BOY DO I HAVE AN UPDATE:

So it’s been 2 months, 2 months of WANTED being available and 2 months of me running it. It’s been quite a ride if I’m being honest, there has been no bad days for me, except the first few days when I slept for way too long (14+ hours) and the feeling of my workouts not being enough at times, but other than that, WANTED is hands down the best sub on here, in my opinion, and anyone looking to improve the quality of their life should really give it a go.

For the price of 34.99$ you’re getting the following:

  • better sense of style: including clothes, hairstyle and cuts, posture, shoe choices, learning about and applying new grooming techniques, even the style of talking and texting.

  • a sense of authenticity: embracing any and all imperfections and truly acknowledging your worth, anxiety and depressive thoughts would feel like nothing but a once in a while thought, furthermore, you’re going to stop taking things for granted and be more grateful for everything.

  • physical attractiveness: from harmony of your facial features, to the little scars you might have from acne, everything will get better, and the more effort you put into your looks, the better you’ll look if you were to do those things without WANTED on the side.

  • popularity and halo-effect: while that might not be expected from a subliminal aimed at making you mysterious, mystery isn’t the only objective here, your aura of attractiveness will be so powerful that not only will you be showered with kindness and respect, but people will talk to you, ask you out and be around you more, which will lead to you becoming more and more popular.


I know I’ve asked others about this before, I’m using the rest of you as guinea pigs as people rack up more days/weeks/months with this sub. haha.

How about general self-confidence after 2 months? The cost is irrelevant to me, but time is precious… still trying to plan out my perfect next custom, and this is a big contender as a core but only for how I feel. No need for picking up any more girls. :grin:


Ahhh the self confidence and assurance from WANTED

This was the initial review on my first month run, but now, that sense of pride, self confidence, self love, and self assurance is at its highest. Yes, there are some days when the confidence is so high that people would call me cocky, like for example, I posted a pic earlier on Instagram and the first caption I was gonna put was “let’s take a moment to thank God for blessing you all with my existence” but then I was like nah, too much cockiness there :joy: but the way WANTED makes you confident is through the following:

  • nonchalance and carefreeness, this can be easily dubbed as the “it is what it is” attitude that will help you understand something that @SaintSovereign helped clear for me; “things don’t happen TO you, they just happen and you control how you want to feel about them”, this attitude has helped me so much with overthinking, especially with assuming the worst.

  • self acceptance, regardless of how bad you see your flaws, you’ll come to accept them and even work on them (me with my facial hair issue, that I just don’t care about even after getting amazing results with WANTED and minoxidil combined; more carefreeness there :joy:)

  • self confidence, WANTED honestly feels like a very similar feeling I got when I played around with some PEDs, it makes me feel like I’m the king of everything, that anywhere I go, I make it my domain, while the self acceptance part will make you see your true value, The confidence part will make own up to it and be the true boss you are :sunglasses:

If there’s anything you’d like me to expand on more, then feel free to let me know :grin:


Amazing, that’s just what I wanted to hear :slight_smile: Any thoughts on attribution re: Wanted vs Ascension?

Just for the sake of curiosity, I’m already leaning toward having both as cores.

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to be fair with you, I only ran ascension for a couple of days, and while I got a nice effect from it, I didn’t feel like I need more of anything with WANTED, I mean think about it this way: one is a social alpha, while the other is more bad-boy vibes type of alpha, you don’t really have to do both in my opinion and both work their own way so choose the end results that you would want to reach.
in my opinion, you can add them both and pretty much be happy with that.


Social-ness I can do without, I’m not much of a people person… :wink:

I’m just looking to, for example, be able to get bad news and honestly respond with “bummer… oh well, what’s next?” and not have it rattle me.
I know 2 people who exemplify that attitude, but neither one has ever been able to explain HOW they do it, nevermind codifying it into anything I can copy.

As far as being a bad boy, I don;'t know how much of that vibe I’ll project walking down the street of the suburbs pushing a little girl in a stroller, wearing a star wars t-shirt and baggy cargo shorts. I think my dad vibes wins there. haha

Joking aside, both sound good… thanks for the insights :slight_smile:


Yessss, that’s the type of carefreeness that WANTED has given me, like I have already had it happen to me on both the small and big level; from receiving a completely different thing when I ordered food (ordered beef and pepperoni bbq pizza and got pesto chicken which I dislike) to having people cutting me off and talking bad about me behind my back about how much of an arrogant douche I am, to both of which my mind went: “okay and? So what?” Like the easiest way to explain it is by telling you that nothing will phase you unless you want it to, but even when you want it to you would be like “eh it’s too much of a drag to get involved”, I thought about it as being passive, but I realized that it’s not much passiveness as it is assurance that everything is fine and cool.


WANTED will take care of your style too :wink: but then again I recently went out with an anime sweatshirt that doesn’t look like something a 23 year old would wear, and I still had heads turning around, as well as guys with girlfriends being “cautious” :joy:


Oh that stuff doesn’t bother me at all, I’m talking about things like lawsuits (we’ve been in 2 so far this year. :sweat_smile:) or realizing that someone close to me has actively been sabotaging my position in the business. Bad food order? meh.

Haha I’m just in summer mode, being a nerdy dad. The rest of the year or when I need to have a non-Zoom meeting I’m more “west coast business casual”… dress jeans, button-down shirt, and a henley or quarter zip sweater when it’s cooler. Plus my favorite Armani leather jacket when it’s actually cold out.

Still none of that says “bad boy” lol

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Come on man I’m really picky :joy:

I still stand by what I said :joy: WANTED will definitely take care of that, like me for example, my clothing style was so basic that I don’t even know how I pulled girls or even went out like that before, but basically it was just black and white all the time, sneakers on every outfit (I remember wearing a suit without a tie and Jordans on my feet :joy: makes me cringe now thinking about it), and hoodies all the time, oh and oversized tops everywhere except gym, so I wasn’t really that good with what I wore, nor did it in any way make me look like a bad boy or anything, but within the first 2 weeks, the way it all changed still baffles me, everyone noticed how different my style has become, especially my girlfriend who at first thought that I was just dressing up to impress her, but then realized that me dressing up like that is the new normal.

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I’m ok with the way I dress, I’m not looking to impress anyone. :sunglasses: Though don’t let my wife see this, I’m sure she’d love to trash half my wardrobe haha.

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Aight boys, it’s time to give you all an update:

  • I’M GROWING TOO FAST, idk what’s going on but even though my diet has been slacking, I’m putting on more and more muscle, I remember my arms being 14.2 inches when I started EF st3 with WANTED, but now they’re almost 15 inches, IN LESS THAN A MONTH.

  • the nonchalant attitude is growing even more now to the point where I didn’t bother waking up to go finish some stuff that would help me apply to and start a job, like my brain just said “I’ll do it later eventually, so no need to rush now”.

  • one thing I realized with WANTED, is that the more aware you are of the results you’re already getting, the more new results start showing up and become apparent, which is very amusing, to say the least.


That’s some fast, awesome progress

Is this EF Stage 3 Q or Qv2?

this is true of every sub I believe :slight_smile:

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