Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

@SaintSovereign Wanted made me very socially active, sometimes I feel sad if I do not interact with people, so when I interact with society, I feel
some kind of happy. Is there a scripting for that? Even now I’m going to hang out with my friend even though it’s pretty late and he called me just 30 minutes ago.
Only 4 months ago I used to think if I go next day with my friends to somewhere or no.

I kinda felt like Wanted smoothened and heal the skin.

Would Paragon be better suited for this? To heal wounds, scars, skull fractures?

I have to attribute this effect to wanted instead of khan since I’m not done with st1 yet but I could be wrong, I’m also using a method to transmute my sexual energy but like seriously what is going on, when I go out in clubs and bars now I literally have to make eye contact with a girl for 10 seconds for her to try and get me to somehow talk to her if I’m in a situation where I can or dance with her(by coming really close). I lowkey feel guilty for not moving forward and making a move maybe because I know how it is to put yourself out there and get rejected but you can see the disappointment in them and the anger in their friends eyes lol.

I have a mixture of anxiety that makes it hard for me to approach, and a crippling fear of making that move and what is going to happen after we talk/dance, could also be a relationship thing/feeling comfortable with being sexual which prevents me from completely taking advantage of this, but I could easily see someone without these issues with a different girl every week.


Too early to tell, but I’m thinking the new Love Bomb for Humanity sub could help if you stack it in with Wanted.
The healing from a flood of self-love has GOT to do something good I’m sure.


Interesting video for those running Wanted — The Coquette (DEVELOP A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY) - The Art Of Seduction Animated Review - YouTube

Also these are all the Seduction Archetypes according to Robert Green, it should probably have 12 (for each zodiac one) but still you get 9 in the video which is more than enough to get an overview.

And since we are all a mixture of different signs we are all bound to develop multiple are archetypes.

The Wanted archetype probably resonates really well with people that have pronounced Scorpio, Gemini and Pisces placements.

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Yeah I love the way WANTED makes me feel and it actually made me embrace more of my true self which is being mysterious and what not. I am a Pisces Sun and Moon and Scorpio Rising btw

I don’t remember anything about zodiac signs as the archetypes, can you elaborate on that?

Essentially, all the energies which exist in this world are emanations, transformations, and evolutions of primordial energies from the Stars.

Those Stars hold countless of light years of stories, histories, events which evolved in some zodiac sign that holds the archetype of those memories.

It affects us too, upon birth, the clockworks of the stars are aligned as such to give your Spirit a predestined “form” but with Alchemy you can change this. The Magi said that a wise man would control the stars, and not let them control or influence him — which does naturally happen (the influence) as a part of natures inborn mechanism according to certain Laws which hold and bind the whole structure.

Our Earth is also within a Star cluster, that cluster will eventually form a new sign or transform a sign from the transmutation (action / karma) that is happening here.

@JKL, I do not know how else to explain it but I hope it made sense.

You are an individual, with a unique energy signature. Personality describes your persona, character is your individualism on a deeper level, Spirit is even deeper who you are, but behind all that is your Soul and your true being awareness which is only partially here. Mystics attempt to awaken this Soul, so that it may bring out the TRUE individual and awaken him to his self, so that he may know thyself.

And this is probably not the Thread for me to go on these Spiritual tangents but if you have strong Leo placements you’d probably love Khan and resonate with it deeply. Because it resonates with your Spirit.

Personality can be changed, Spirit can be transmuted but it is more an subtle and ethereal part which takes light years or so to transform. Much like bodily changes taking years in relation to something more fluid like emotions…

@Uber_Elysium how does it make you feel?

And @

@Palpatine is right, I answered your question @JKL hope you got something out of it but it does not belong here :slight_smile: make a thread if you are interested or do a google search

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Start a new thread for that please


Hmmm… both my sister and ex had tremendous physical shifting on Seductress the bones of my sister literally realigned to where her breasts are more upward bigger which is crazy…

Worked well for them :ok_hand:

That’s Qv2 btw

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I have not read this whole thread

Anyone have any major shifts in penis size/look etc or height on Wanted ZP so far ?

On my test runs of Wanted QV2 my erection quality was so good it slightly concerned me.

When I ran customs with male enhancement I experienced slow but noticeable gains and a consistent improvement in hanging and erection quality- it seemed more like a pump than a physical shift.

While I liked the module-the effects of both Diamond and Wanted were much better in my opinion than the male enhancement module for performance and look. They both seemed to be a physical shifting/alteration rather than just a pump.

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I guess the effect is not permanent and only within a time when you listen to the title or module.

How so were you able to listen so much without recon?

The only recon I got on Wanted was caused by Q so when I was running QZP, therefore, it was about the technology not the scripting. Apart from that, I got some recon on DR (ZP, of course) - deep healing, Mogul - false beliefs about money, Limitless - the same issue Saint used to have, GLM - masculinity related issues, CWoN - expressing my true-self to the world. Naturally, those causes of the recon are my guesses only, apart from DR.

No recon what so ever on Wanted, Emperor and LBfH.

Thankyou Jacko the problem is that some people think subs are magical spells that suddenly transform you into something else without effort.

Does the Wanted Core contain Male Enhancement? I know the DIAMOND Core doesn’t, which is why I’m asking.

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Yes, Wanted does so perhaps having Wanted and Diamond in a Custom is like the perfect combination.

Diamond Core unfortunately does not have Male Enhancement in the Q store.

I considered the Wanted/Diamond custom idea, yeah. Thanks for the confirmation bud. My journal has the Wanted custom I’m coming up with, if you’re interested.

Sounds like a profound Custom… lure them in and let them await the Diamond not only will they fall heads over heels they will WANT not only you, your affection, your love… but at the end of the day the unforgettable lust after your DIAMOND.

I do think Wanted partially has some Diamond scripting because when I ran it (Diamond) it triggered the whole Wanted archetype for me which I have not run in a long time. It also healed some parts where now I’m able to execute more parts of it.

It’s probably the male enhancement and some of the arousal scripting which triggered it…

The Diamond core doesn’t have the male enhancement module, but from my understanding the Diamond core does contain scripting for male enhancement long term? I know the title sub has one version with it and one version without it.