Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

about people ignoring you? yes, the manifestation happened even with recon, and it got stronger after I was done reconciling with WB.

the recon was intense, but i got through it after tweaking my stack, a lot of deep introspections and a lot of rest days.


Thereā€™s two reasons. First in a third world country you have way more value as a western man and women there have almost no defenses and are very feminine by default since thereā€™s no feminist propaganda and they like to go with many foreigners. As for usa women are extremely promiscuous and friendly because of the culture

results over everything man

if it aint broke dont fix it

I got 100X more results on Khan than WBā€¦

And surprisingly I got the girl to chase me on Khanā€¦

My ego wants the WB thing but I get hella results on Khan so I just stick with it, dont forgetā€¦ Khan is a beast. PS is a beast.


I have no experience except maybe one cycle on New PSā€¦ no idea if itā€™s a beast or notā€¦ W/B & Khan are beastsā€¦ and cover a lot of terrain

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Shall I do WB+PS+PN and see what happens. Hahaha

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Do it, and tell us all about it :grin:

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I wonder, as a secondary title for WB, would PN or S&S X work better?

Either or Both

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currently using PN as secondary, after reading both againā€¦ Iā€™ll stick to PN as secondary to WB :slight_smile: thanks.

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Whoā€™s doing or done cold approaching on WB? How did it go? I know that itā€™s not the best title for it but I do recall Saint saying that with the amount of sexual auras in WB, we could also approach


What if i listen directly to this without first listening to the original Wanted? As an hardgainer who donā€™t feel anything from subs.

What do you call cold approach?
Approaching a woman that doesnā€™t give IOI?
And doing what? Chatting her ear off until she is on?

When people say cold approach it usually means you see a girl/group of girls that donā€™t see you, and you take your courage to speak to them/her.

On WB, there is no reality of a woman not interested in me so difficult to answer.
On WB I always got attention. On WB for me a woman looking at me is an IOI.
On WB if I walk somewhere, eyes are on me, so I guess it is not necessarily cold approach then.

If I lock eyes, I can approach or we can smile and I approach. Or she approaches. Or I if I am next to her, I reach out to her to say something.

But the vibe is more nonchalant (hot and cold) than heavily sexual, focused and determined. So I would not just chat for ages, itā€™s pull and push.


Lol I did this as a straight up beginner to these subs and a not hardgainer. Just got pretty bad recon. Like bad anxiety, feeling like I couldnā€™t think, sadness, etc. but that was only the first few times I ran it. Only ran 1-3 minute loops though along with OG Sex & Seduction.

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WB and SB could be a perfect fit any demand to try it?

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Hm I havenā€™t actually thought this way that WB can help turn our reality to one where cold approaching doesnā€™t even matter since every single woman is attracted in one way or another.

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ā€œI Donā€™t Chase; I Attract. Why? Because Iā€™m Wanted Blackā€


Now Add Chosen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In my head-ideal, the women are carrying the guns :wink: protecting their investment.

Nice art, @KingofClubz

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Question to those that tried both Wanted black and Primal Seduction, do they have similar levels of charisma scripting? have you felt more charismatic with WB? Iā€™m thinking of switching out WB for PS, however Iā€™m worried that my charisma will take a hit for it.

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Nice twist :ok_hand:

Thatā€™s whatā€™s fun about WB, all that free will scripting feels like guidance towards your ideal self and the ideal reality you choose to seduce :wink:

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