Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Body wise it really helped my proportions flow more. Very streamlined, like a model.

Smoother sharper features in face,


Okay enough pictures of women in revealing clothes.

Back on track, please.


I’ll delete them :wink:

Its not a single core custom but I ordered this one last week.
I am very excited to try this beautiful piece


I noticed that too. I’ve been riding since I was seventeen, but hadn’t for four years or so. I noticed that my confidence with it really started coming back when I started WB.

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Learned something new about Daredevil… something possibly also true for Wanted Black… & I’m sure the One Scent module is more focused.

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Is it wise to run both wanted and WB ?

I would personally stick to just the one

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They seem to cancel out the recon that I feel on the other one and get me this balance between them that synergies well.

Anytime I get recon on one, playing the other helps immensely.


anyone running full loops? I’m maxing out at 5 min right now

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Full loop gave recon weeks ago so slowly building up and so far so good


That’s super interesting.

Results wise, anything jump out at you?

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But why though,

Highly recommend this book, it’s morally great too :boom:


This is a classic, I read this a while ago.

My honest take:
This book can help people who tend to talk about themselves too much. But for people who already have good listening skills, it’s sort of a hit or miss. I found when applying this practically, the conversations become a bit one-sided where I don’t have a chance to talk about my side of things and feels ingenuine.

The best relationships are a balance of both being able to genuinely express yourself and active listening. No need to force an outcome. Quality over quantity

Good theories though, and definitely some perspective you can take out of it. Mainly being considerate of the other person.


Listening more than talking is a very effective way to be mysterious and fascinating.


I agree To a certain extent, but at some point, you have to bring actual value to the table.

If you are a boring person and just use listening to manipulate an outcome, it doesn’t really work. What the book fails to mention is that there is way more than just listening skills to make a significant influence.

Ultimately our biggest focus should always be elevating our own frame, and our own value, and build actual things of interest that bring value to others. Basically what a lot of the SC subs help us do.

There’s really no gimmick that will influence friends and win people lol.

But it does hold some things we can take away, mainly perspective.




Appreciate your take on it. I think if people don’t ask about you, then I’d say it’s a red flag.

They’re reliving the moments as they tell you and your the one they’re looking at while talking. That’s why people say,

‘I feel like I’ve known you my whole life’

Also I’m curious so have to ask, how is not talking manipulative?

Conversations are very much dynamic. Everyone is different, and we all connect differently. Some people prefer to do more talking, others prefer to listen, etc.

So instead of attempting to create a robotic outcome by using these techniques written in books, the best way we can learn is just getting experience. Connect to more people. The more people you talk to, the more we understand them. Make it organic, and be genuine. Its not about “Not talking” or “talking” or overthinking too much of that stuff.

This is something I found posted online which resonated:
The path to actual mastery is paved with real-world experience.

I think it’s time we all became more skeptical about the advice we read, and start learning what actually works for US.

My biggest takeaway from the book is to try and be considerate of the other party, and that their views will be different than yours.