Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Am eager to see how it works, since Fire said that it’s more likely QTKS will allow for multiple foci.


I’ll let you know. It’s still pretty focused I think, and a year is a long time.

Try it bro. I was thinking of GLMCo too but it’s the social and creative aspects of Stark that made me decide on going with it.

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Anyone know if the custom store’s Wanted Black Core comes without auras?

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It has the key auras in it.

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All cores are exactly like store versions with one exception:


Only Diamond (WITHOUT ME) is core.


@Malkuth Saint says the script of WB is twice as long as WANTED. Which do you think is denser and which would yield faster results? A 10 module custom with 3 cores of HS, LBFH, and SMX2…or the main store WB?

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You ask fun questions. :upside_down_face:

I sometimes wonder about this too (especially when considering my own stack).

I don’t know which script is denser. So it’s just a guess. But it’s hard to imagine that 3 major program cores plus 7 additional modules would not be at least equal to Wanted Black in density.

But the second part of the question is more compelling to me; which one will yield faster results?

I like that part more because it gives me more freedom.

  1. Which program is closer to my natural, internal archetypes?

  2. Which program represents goals that I’m more passionate about?

  3. How extensive, numerous, and life-changing are the results that I want?

  4. With which program am I willing to take more action? In relation to which program have I already taken extensive action in the past?

  5. How much change would each program have to facilitate for me to feel that it has ‘worked’? How much change in my current life situation would be required?

Those are the kinds of questions I would consider.


My actual stack right now :grin::grin:

OG Khan 4 that is.


I will build one at v2 too at first
With wb/k4/rotn or bdlm :thinking: or both :crazy_face:

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And maybe a fitness social custom with emp/spartan/stark

It’ll be exactly the same

The social aspects of WB are pretty cool. I feel like it has approachability aura? People seem to be more friendly


Can attest to that, two days in a row had two different guys in the gym I go to come over to me and give me advice on my form.

Plus on one day while at the gym had an older grandma looking lady at the gym say I had beautiful hair. Then later that night at a restaurant had a cute server say my hair was beautiful as well lol.


I had a similar experience at the gym. Guys approaching me about this or that.


The cool thing about it is, you can just be yourself. It’s like an aura that does the work for you


What kind of work do you do?

Email marketing

Gonna be doing my CBT (Motorcycle) soon and then gonna try pass and get on the road ASAP.

Always had a thrill for learning and always wanted to go through with learning to ride

WB seems to be making care less about holding back so open roads here I come. (Must be that self love and confidence from Black)


Hey bro, can you speak more on your experience of stacking Wanted Black with Heartsong?

Appreciate you sharing :pray: