Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

There are no coincidences :wink:

Thanks for this post, explains why RoM is working so well for me!


Exactly, it’s just code either way :ok_hand::sunglasses:

Your Welcome :wink::heart:

I’m finding it interesting the way this thing works with code. I just spent several hours today frustrated with trying to translate coordinates within a RelativeLayout between several different coordinate systems for my widget before realising in a flash of insight that I could just get self.to_window(self.pos) and add the relative coordinates within the layout to get window coordinates. It was like the contemplation of the problem had to reach a certain limit of saturation of the mind before the answer would pop out just like typing that when going to make a coffee.

And having contemplated the way this has happened in previous problems I’ve encountered, I’m starting to generalise a way to work with my mind to find the solutions to the coding issues. In a way the process of bug resolution really does operate like the process of yoga, particularly dharana. With complex problems, the structure of the code needs to become internalised or able to able to be clearly articulated and visualised for the solution to come.


This sub is definitely helping me kick ass with learning to code so far. Can’t wait to land my first job in the field :muscle:


I’ve seen it mentioned various places before that this sub can re-trigger previous run subs. I think I am experiencing that with Ascension, which I haven’t run for a couple months. But since running RoM I have become obsessed with my workout routines, often trying to get in smaller micro-workouts in between meetings or just as a general boost of energy. When I was visiting my family a week ago I even got a temporary gym pass because I could not go without working out. The dedication felt great.

And it definitely feels like it generally accelerates other subs in a current stack. It helped me instantly cut to the core of my issues and I am not even questioning taking the actions needed. If anyone is interested in my recent review of RoM + EoG ST1: Main Disc. Thread - Ecstasy of Gold ZP v2 - #171 by bladerunner

More related to the stack with EoG ST1 – I’ve been also obsessed with paying down my debt. Managed to raise my credit score by 30 pts in past month, and after paying off another debt I expect it to rise another +20 or so in the coming days. I also spent time clearing out unneeded subscriptions to start saving monthly $$ (crazy how those things can stack up). I’ve also started actions to create a new side hustle to earn passive income.

That’s twice now I’ve typed “I became obsessed”, which I think describes the feelings I have from RoM really well when it comes to point it towards your goals.


Alright, I’ve seen this enough now to think that whatever it is that is doing that… deserves a module of its own :smiley:


Do you ever dream in code?


I was attacked by php code just the other night haha.


I am eagerly awaiting the dreaded missing semicolon dream


LOL, I have yet to dream about my programs; and that’s probably a good thing :wink:


It would be soo cool if that were a Matrix-reference :smiley:

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The fact my mama said the same thing about pork today and her sentiment matches up with yours and @AlexanderGraves , maybe RoM is giving me a synchronicity. Mass synchronicity?


That does sound and feel like synchronicity. And RoM is in tune with increased alignment and experience of synchronicities.

But also keep in mind:

People on the thread were getting triggered by the disparagement and demonization of pigs and pork.

(Ironically though, said disparagement and demonization could possibly lead to happier and longer lives for more pigs.)


My Pan-dimensional People, let us unfold and Pass beyond Porcine Preoccupation!



Having access to that kind of power imply having a lot of responsabilty, doesnt it?
I mean one manifests the good and the bad

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Yes there is responsibility.

But we all have this. At all times. We‘re constantly manifesting. Just not that obvious or direct.

I have not experienced negative manifestations on it.

Then again I solved a lot of negative mindsets so I rarely think badly.


Most people won’t get this effect. Like @AlexanderGraves said below, he’s done a lot of ground work, plus he takes a ton of action.

Energy (action) + focus + intent = high manifestation.


^^ Great points above. I just realized that I combined my first RoM exposure while also reading Nap Hill’s “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude”. If anyone is concerned about manifesting negative thoughts, I suggest that book to get your mind in a great place.


I hypothesize if I stack RoM with my custom, and establish a list of great questions towards solutions, it will synergize towards a course of action with the newfound information. Especially with the modules for a self-developing subliminal and Mosaic module tying it all together. Will have to find out.


What do you mean by that? Healing?

So basically RoM takes care of 2 and 3?

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