Main Disc. Thread - Ecstasy of Gold ZP v2

I am actually running Dragon Reborn with EOG . I want that extra healing to bust through the wealth ceiling. I would run a feel good sub but it doesn’t feel right for me to do that


I bought eog and rom and I will do it together in a stack . Will start today . :muscle::muscle:

I already run Rich alot and I am sure it broke my wealth ceiling to great degree . I prefer to start with eog stage 3 is it a good move . What’s your opinion ? or I should play eog 1 , at the same time I don’t want the healing to hinder me that’s why I prefer to start stage 3.


From my personal experience, the main reason why you (and I and many people) don’t make money is an internal issue.
So the healing is THE thing that changes most of it.

Learning cool techniques or niches or whatever is trying to solve an internal issue with external measures.

Money IMO is mostly a psychological issue so you need to have that solved before you go into techniques.

Or so my experience with ROM EOG.

In short, do not skip ST1 :wink:


Busting through the wealth ceiling means that you’re making more money than you used to. Emphasis on MAKING. Which also means that you’re taking more action than you’re used to taking. EOG1 and whichever healing sub you’re running aren’t going to magically raise that wealth ceiling. The actions you take will. The healing allows you to clear enough limiting beliefs so you can get into action mode. Once you get into action mode, you’ll see that beliefs clear even faster. Taking action contains it’s own healing. That’s why yesterday, I suggested that you start DOING SOMETHING to make more money. Even if it’s just $10 per month. You have to start somewhere. I believe that @SaintSovereign said something similar. Now, if you’re not going to take action but you’re just running healing subs, sure you’ll feel great about yourself but that wealth ceiling won’t move one inch. Remember, healing is not an event. It’s a process. You only need to heal enough to start taking action. Then you keep on healing while taking more action.


I am taking action. I am coding every day either learning or working on projects for my portfolio. I was just thinking more about the healing sub (Dragon Reborn) and why its a waste of time for me at the moment.

I remember watching a promo CM Punk did the night he returned to wrestling at All Elite. He said how he felt he couldn’t heal mentally, physically, or spiritually at the place the made him sick or unhealthy in the first place. Granted not all of my trauma is because of my current job and living situation but this is an incredibly toxic and unhealthy environment. Right now I am simply going to focus on learning and improving with coding so I can put myself out there

It’s more than a bit frustrating to not be able to focus on what you have wanted for so long but I keep being reminded in various ways how I have to be patient. Something I have never been that good at
Makes me curious now if not being patient is part of having a fixed mindset? I get that things that are really worth it don’t happen overnight but it does seem weird at times given how we aren’t given an infinite amount of time in life


I’ve been running RoM + EoG ST1 for a full cycle, just started washout today. I haven’t been a Subclub member for too long (around August of last year), but this has been the most impactful stack I have ever run.

It made me realize at my core that I am ultimately a creative person, and it’s where I need to devote all of my time and energy. Long story short, I used to be a successful self-employed musician (world tours, financially independent, etc). It all went downhill at one point when I got involved in a relationship (which I am still in) where I gave up my identity, nice guy syndrome, etc. (sorry, don’t want to go into long details haha) and it just crushed my creative confidence and essentially my business. So I ended up back in college to learn a tech skill, and sure… I kicked ass, got my degree and certs and now have a really good job at a large corporation. But I am super unhappy and just cannot find the motivation to be passionate about my work.

RoM + EoG ST1 has convinced me to leave both my job and relationship and head back to my hometown and crash with a buddy for me to dive into two really fun creative business ideas, one around audio production and the other around online teaching (to utilize all the tech skills and experience I’ve obtained). I think this stack really helped me get over the thought of feeling like a failure by “moving back home”. Instead I am thinking about the freedom and independence i’ll be able to gain and the joy of seeing my family more, who I’ve been mostly removed from for the past 10 years (west coast vs east coast).

Pretty wild. I used to have so much anxiety around thoughts like this. But instead I am doing so much writing and planning around the whole process and laying out milestones that I expect from myself from creation to implementation to scaling. I’ve been attracted to a lot of great books around self-employment, entrepreneurship, etc. Books by Napolean Hill and Joe Dispenza have also been a huge help throughout this process.

I’ve also noticed a significant difference in my creative urge NOW vs the past. In the past my creative urge felt largely selfish and was about me as an artist. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. But as I’ve grown I’ve found my creative urge is more focused on helping other people, largely around the realms of mental health, self-improvement, and cybersecurity for new students or entry-level focus. Interestingly, I’ve come up with amazing ideas for online courses that actually combine both niches together, using self-improvement ideas as a mechanism to describe abstract technical ideas. So my mind is just brimming with ideas on this stack, which usually come to me during my morning walks.

And I think I’ve learned so much more about myself from running subs like Ascension and Rebirth. I’ve learnt to define what I want for myself and how to set boundaries. But like I said above, this stack of RoM + EoG ST1 has been the most impactful. I can’t wait to move into EoG ST2.

After my washout I am also going to add Renaissance Man to the RoM + EoG ST2 stack.


I’ve been having some pretty great results with EoG.

I’ve been running Stage 1 of EoG for a little while, maybe a couple months. If you’ve read my journal you know that I’ve had some limiting beliefs in the past regarding dance and that I stopped my classes until a few months back. I had fears of people in my past ruining things again, and my classes suffering because of that.

Since listening to EoG, even just Stage 1, my class has been growing magically. Last night was the highest number of people I’ve had and the room was PACKED. Luckily some people told me they couldn’t come because I don’t know how the hell they would have fit.

All I’ve done is promote my class like I would normally, I spammed it on my social media and I messaged people, regulars and those who were interested it coming. Everytime I think about not promoting I remember some kind of quote from Grant Cardone that it’s not who’s the most talented (truth is, I’m talented af) but the most seen. So if I don’t promote, I’m missing an opportunity.

I genuinely feel like EoG has been working off those actions I’ve been taking. People ended up sharing my posts, posting about my classes - which spread interest, shared stories, etc. it’s completely done a 360. I remember in November after I came back holiday that I had about 5 people and yesterday I literally had a packed room with little room to move. It was crazy. I’m super grateful for any number but obviously more is better in pretty much every single way…

I feel successful. Something about this sub feels like more than a wealth sub, and more of an overall success sub. As if it, at least Stage 1, erases any obstacles towards success in anything - but obviously most definitely wealth.

I’ve also had many ideas on how to create multiple sources of income in dance, I just haven’t applied any of them yet but they’re actually some great ideas which is freakin’ crazy.

I keep saying to people I want to work outside of dance due to things that have happened in the past but the truth is this is what I’m passionate and I’m grateful that EoG has allowed me to get back to a level like this, especially in such a short period of time.

I don’t know the magic in this sub, but damn it’s working for me.

Thank you Fire & Saint, this one’s definitely life changing.


wallahi me too😂

Love this confidence. :muscle:t2:
I’ve found myself saying the same thing on EoG ST1.


Finally bought EOG. I’m excited to run Stage 1 as soon as possible.


beautiful! we need more posts like this one.

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Wow, wasn’t expecting such many likes, actually, hahah
thank you, brothers


Now I run Stark solely. The cycle is about to end and I’m intended to add Renaissance Man and EoG Stage 1 into the next cycles, but I’m having hard time deciding how to integrate these new titles into the stack. There are a few variants:

  1. to add RM first, after one week with Stark + RM to add EoG St1
  2. to add RM first and run Stark + RM the whole cycle and to add EoG St1 since next cycle

I lean to the second variant because I would give a decent amount of time for RM to its script somehow to be integrated in my mind, but on the other hand I can’t wait to start EoG.

But what would you recommend me?


I actually started Stark-RM-Eog this week and running 5 minutes of each.
expecting the custom based on these 3 today!

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how do you feel with that stack? I’m getting recon just only from Stark and run only 3 minutes of it.

so far so good: productive, talkative, a bit aggresive due to RM, anxious from EOG. I’ve been running Stark for more than one year, but EOG1 always sends me into recon.


@SaintSpring Running EOG St 1 Myself . Determined and a bit desperate to break through my wealth ceiling. I’m honestly not sure how my cycles it will take but I am going to stick with it


@lovage @James I’m also wondering how EoG st1 will hit me. Since Stark is the densest title
from this three titles, seems like I will remove Stark for one cycle and will run EoG + RM, then I’ll add Stark back. Actually, I even need RM and EoG more than Stark now.

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I am running EOG St 1 with RICH. I don’t think I have ever known what wealth and freedom is about but it’s what I want more than anything.


Inshallah, soon you will truly know a taste of wealth and freedom, sir.