Q Modules Requests

Upgraded version of Invincible presence & Alpha of Alpha: Hegemony

Instead of merely demanding respect with your presence, your presence will ALSO demand absolute subservience.

Develop your internal image to be of a True Ruler, or of an archetype with similar or even higher status. And feel said image’s effects in various ways such as confidence, dominance, status, power and even a complete transformation

Have absolute power & control over the rules of your reality. And even beyond.

Have the ability to command respect and command leadership, on an absolute and extreme level. And even beyond.

Inspire others around you, effortlessly.

Inspire undying loyalty from others.

Ability to give any sort of speech, in any situation. Whether to empower, moralize, inspire or mobilize.

Know what it feels like to have a more dominant, serious, and intense spin on charisma.

Embrace cold-bloodedness to be able to accomplish any goal. Or remove any obstacle.

Incredible strategic insight and wisdom, embody the words “being 10 steps ahead of your opposition”. Be impossible to dethrone. In ANY endeavor.

Extreme power to keep your “herd” or “tribe” in check and focused.

Develop an aura of solemn, powerful, stature and dignity & of extreme respect that can only be described as “legendary”.

Ward off useless/negative/harmful situations and people.


Y’all gotta make it happen :sob:

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Can there be a sub made to become good at chess

I dont know maybe Gmx is sufficient?

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There’s a couple modules in that honor. The lines, the streams… both are directly chess related and were released right during chess’ peak.

For long term commitment to chess/games GMx is best. For short term same-day results, a cognitive booster like stark or minds eye or ROM or beyond limitless/limitless executive would be enough

Wow I like this one. Sounds like a dictator subliminal.

What if… we could extract whatever-part-it-is-in-RoM that seems to be triggering and/or unfolding other titles beside it… and make a Q-module out of that part - to add the “unfolding” element to our own customs?

Module Request: “Unfolding” module

EDIT: For some reason I managed to put it in the wrong section on the Roadmap. Is it possible to move it, or should I just make a new one? :sweat_smile:



This module makes it easy and natural to start a conversation or insert yourself into a group conversation any time and anywhere.
Allows you to easily think of something to say that will get the talk flowing.
Useful for seduction, networking, building a social circle, and making life more interesting.


I know it’s not the most exciting module at a glance… but consider its implications! What is one of the things they keep mentioning in order to reduce recon…? Or just… in general for well-being and clarity…?

That’s right, hydration! But that’s so… uninspiring… right?

So my suggestion is this: Q-module: Hydration

We all know that we should drink more water, but we keep forgetting - all the time! And dehydration affects us more than most are even aware of Even mild dehydration decreases cognitive function and energy levels, and most of us wake up in the morning, already dehydrated!

What about a module that helps establish a habit of proper hydration? And to know when you are thirsty, but would mistake it for hunger instead?

(I stole the below text shamelessly from Dr. W Bulsiewicz)

"Feel more energized
Your skin will attain a natural ‘glow’
You will feel ‘sharp’ and think more clearly
You will feel more satiated (thirst can often be mistaken as hunger)
Your digestion will improve
Plus, there’s more to it than that. Here’s what the evidence shows:

Drinking enough water is protective of your kidneys, which are essential for regulating blood pressure and removing waste from your body.
Proper hydration has a positive impact on athletic performance and energy levels.
Even mild dehydration can negatively impact your mood and cognitive function.
Drinking enough water can help prevent and/or reverse constipation.
Proper hydration helps prevent and even reverse headaches (even migraines).
Most of us wake up dehydrated, so I encourage you to start your day with two large glasses of water. These 2 glasses in the morning are surprisingly powerful. They turn on your gut, kidneys and brain, and balance out your body before you consume anything else."

Please consider a vote for this. You know you need it :rofl:

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What about a module about cooking? What do you say?

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Cooking as a whole is underrated af. It’s such a fundamental skill that modern men and women are not taught as they should…

Who here can honestly say that they know how to cook a proper meal from scratch? Without semi-finished products - plant-based or not?

Or how to combine flavors and spices for that divine balance, and what to do to get certain textures or mouth feel of the dish? Or how to prepare the ingredients?
Or even more importantly, how to make a dish healthier, yet still mind-blowingly delicious?

What about simply being more confident in the kitchen? I know I am not, and could use a confidence boost!

Who can truly regard themselves as “Alpha” or heck even less so “Sigma” - if they can’t prepare a proper and healthy, nutritious meal? :sweat_smile:

Also being able to prepare mind-blowing food is not only a major attractor (romance-wise), but it’s also supremely appreciated among friends and family alike!

IMO Cooking deserves its own Major title, to be honest. :v:
But modules are always welcome, of course. :smiley:


Oh wow this one has already gotten status Planned on the roadmap :astonished:

It’s surprising to me that no one ever mentioned a “devil may care” attitude module :exploding_head:

It would be one hell of a module :heart_eyes:


Mastering cooking module


First I read Mastering Cookie Module :joy:




Do you want to live forever?

With Q-module: A/SPS - Telomere Regeneration in your custom… you just might!

We all grow old. That’s just life. And eventually, we grow frail and brittle and our bodies start to break down, and in the end, they fail, and we die. That’s just life, right?

There are many causes for this of course, but one specific cause is the damage to DNA that occurs over time when its protective ‘caps’ or Telomeres have been damaged. This leads to the DNA replicating damaged DNA, again, and again, and again. And ultimately the DNA copies are so damaged that the body simply doesn’t know anymore how to renew its cells properly.

But what if we could instruct our bodies to restore these protective caps? What if we could keep our Telomeres intact, and allow our DNA to replicate itself properly, making pristine copies of itself instead of damaged and mutated ones?

What if you could reach old age, and still have a body that renews and regenerates like a young adult?

What if you could reach Methuselarity - that point in the future where longevity science has come so far as to nearly abolish the death of old age?

What if you… could live forever?

With A/SPS - Telomere in your custom, you just might.

Pairs extremely well with Epigenetics & DNA Modulator.

I’ve been musing on this for a while now, and finally took the time to post it.
Recommended Reading on the subject > The Telomere Effect

Imagine if you could grow to be a century old, but have a body as strong and healthy as a 20-year-old? :smiley:


That would make it possible to run more subs.


And who wouldn’t want that… right? :grin:

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More wild ideas shenanigans :v: :grin:

Q-modules: Quantum Neural Network -series

Imagine if you could outsource part of your mind’s information processing and storage to an external non-physical personal “server”, bypassing all physical limitations of your Neo-cortex and memory retention?

Imagine if you could imprint your etheric body with a neural network of your own creation, and make it an extension of your own biological neural network - giving you access to a personal and infinitely scalable “Quantum Neural Network” remote server for information processing, storage, and recall?

What if you could increase your own computational raw power, your memory, information retention, and recall - beyond all physical limitations?

What if you could start to expand your mind decades before the first actual mind-enhancing implants are created? (if there ever will be any!)

  • QNN Neo-Cortex - Like adding an external CPU and RAM for your brain to use for faster working memory and information processing. Only this one is not limited to the physical brain, but makes use of your etheric and spiritual body instead.

  • QNN Memory and Information Recall - Imagine if your mind could store information and memories in your etheric body, just the same as it would commit to saving long-term memory in the brain? And imagine if your Recall were instant and with near absolute accuracy?

  • QNN Information Sharing - What if you could share information and memories with other users with a personal Quantum Neural Network?
    Perfect for those who want a deeper personal intuitive connection with someone. (or for those with Hive-mind aspirations! :wink: )

I’m sure there is more stuff to explore here, but these are just some wild ideas that came up.

I imagine it would be an overlap between cognitive enhancement and spiritual titles, as it would (the way I imagine it) make use of one’s ‘spiritual’ body as the ‘hardware’ and information carrier for cognitive enhancement.

And as I mentioned, this is obviously just a concept and a wild idea, but it’s an interesting wild idea and I really would like to try it… If only just to see if it could indeed work…

Ping @Invictus for hive-mind aspirations :wink:


Sounds like a mix of telepathy + Akashic records access + mind’s eye’s eidetic memory.

Seems like a wild idea, till you realize that you could get a very close replica of this with RoM :eyes:

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