Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Emperor (Now Available! Q Core Available!)

Ahh, okay. That was the information I was looking for :smiley: Much more clear now.
Thanks a lot.


can’t keep consistency on stack because SubClub spoil him by delivering awesome updates


Boundaries and irritation

I noticed that in the last week on multiple occasions, whenever my mother tried to order me around (unconsciously) I got irritated.
Once, when she interrupted me several times, I even slapped on the table. Interesting


It’s difficult to tolerate any disrespect when running Emperor. It feels good but it’s not great when dealing with A-hole clients.


Fire the client.

Helps immensely with stress levels.

Now, obviously I know it’s not always possible. But work towards it, so that you can at some point.


100% man. The plan is to eventually drop the difficult ones when the time is right.

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What do you do for living?

Lawn contractor / landscaper. I get some clients who seem to think I’m slave class, but I do knock back doing quotes if they seem particularly obnoxious, like trying to dictate terms such as price, time, day etc. I’m pretty flexible with people’s needs but some of them are just delusional and don’t show any respect.


@driver @Lichtenauer

Absolutely. Since I run Emperor I’m hyperaware of disrespect behaviour and have the strong urge to respond to it immediatly. Before Emperor I sensed the disrespect but had no tools to properly respond to it because I was trapped in my emotions. Now I’m very detached and can deal with it in an appropriate manner. I feel much more control over my emotions. And I can observe it more from the outside. My perspective about my emotions changed from the frog perspective to an eagle’s perspective.


I had an immense shift happen yesterday. I was hanging out with some friends of mine and I just really began to think about my social skills and also how I am socially in general. Long story short I basically decided to begin maturing socially. Walking to my car to head to another location I asked myself a few questions. “Do I just surrender to this process? Do I just let go and let Emperor do its thing?” Basically I just decided to hit fuck it, and just fully surrender to the process.

I feel a lot calmer now and tbh a lot more grounded. I’m much less in my head, and it’s almost as if I am looking at characteristics and certain behaviors and how to best change them. I even have a strong desire to kinda just shut myself away for a while and just focus on my self improvement and if I’m invited out I and if I am able to go out then I will.

Honestly Emperor is bringing me back to my roots, of when I was a lone wolf. For a good while I actually began to hate that side of me, and I honestly became more social over the years but now since that shift I realized being a lone wolf is just who I truly am at heart. Since that shift I wasn’t as talkative as the night progressed, but when I did talk my friends seemed to enjoy my company more and more, they even laughed a lot more as well. I believe Emperor is combining my lone wolf nature, and my social skills that I have gained over the years, and just maturing it and growing it. Makes me wonder how I would respond to a Wanted/WB, Emperor combo tbh.

Anyways this morning I woke up with that same level of calmness, and while thinking more of my social aspects, I began to realize that the “Maturing” aspect is beginning to cascade into other areas of my life.

I think Emperor is about to take me down a very transformative path


The shift for me is weird but so cool. I didn’t do two things this morning that would have caused me stress right at that moment or in the near future. It’s as if becoming better a bit every day is my new reality.



The resilience scripting insane!
I literally dont give a fuck what other people think about me, not in work and not outside of work, this kade me less social because i just don’t care about them, but if i do care about something or someone than i have zeron problem speaking my mind

I also avoid pointless arguing, before emperor i used to get into arguments about politics and get emotional, now i know it doesn’t matter because i don’t care enough to prove myself right to people I don’t care about

The next couple of weeks in work are going to he hard, my manager and co workers were like “it’s going to suck bluh bluh” and i was just like “ok, we can handle it”

I still believe Genesis: Mogul will be better for me overall, i can’t quit my job and build a business and also i feel like G:M is better overall for wealth especially if you are just starting your journey, another thing is the purpose scripting of G:M, the resilience is amazing but tf i am supposed to do with it? So im leaning towards replacing Emperor for G:M even tho i like the results i am getting, i think G:M will he better for now, even better if G:AM comes out, but i will think about it until the end of my washout


Somewhere in the sales page it mentions getting better gradually.

From the sales page

“orchestrate a symphony of change through a series of intricate, smaller processes”

Sounds something like what Atomic Habits is intended to do

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Obviously I have no idea what’s in the NSE but you all have outdone yourselves once again. This is galaxies away from what I have ever experienced


Haha, I could say the same about the dominance scripting.

Had a meeting with a colleague today where he (as always) just cares about his interest and focus topics, trying to load his tasks to me so I would finish it or give him a lot of help.
I was emotionless just firing back whenever he fired at me, more or less mirroring his dominance behavior automatically without going after winning. Just being a mirror.

A while after the meeting he was responding with something that I would call an apology without directly apologizing. Never happend before, never seen him do that with anyone. I am surprised but also indifferent.


It is exactly as we said: you manifest positive situations through life experience that helps you grow, then we provide scripting that “mines” your subconscious for the solution or perfect response to the situation seamlessly. That’s the simplified, but accurate explanation. The execution of this is a bit more complicated script wise.

To your conscious mind, it appears as if you’ve just done something incredible that you don’t understand. See @AlexanderGraves video on the AIMBOT thread. If he thinks hard enough, I bet he’d be able to understand how he was able to make that perfect shot when he couldn’t before.

For example, when I was testing AIMBOT with The Finals and was suddenly pulling off absurd moves and shots, I realized that I had automatically changed both my mouse grip and the way I had my hands on the keyboard to allow for more fluid movement.

Specifically with the keyboard, rather than leaving my fingers on “WASD,” I was hovering my hands over the keyboard, the same way I do when I type. I can type extremely fast and precise, it never dawned on me – until then, and only after I thought about it – that this could translate to dexterity in movement. I always assumed that it would actually slow me down, since in FPS games, the difference between a perfect shot and getting shot is in milliseconds.


I get it. It does lead into another question though. If it’s unraveling through positive experiences does that slow down or accelerate any necessary healing or changes that need to be done.?Or is that entirely unnecessary with NSE?

I hope that makes sense

My surprise mainly is that I’m able to have so many positive experiences. It’s not something I’m used to.


So the small experiences stack on top of each other to eventually cause a behaviour change based on new information integrated seamlessly in these moments, even if its unconscious at first?


Lol that’s it. It’s definitely doing something different compared to older versions, it’s very noticeable.

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I have two examples of this. One gaming, one sexual.

Like, ever since I ran AIMBOT I consciously notice a big difference in how I play. I am way more relaxed and taking my time. Specifically when it comes to the shot with the video, in PUBG when you take a shot, you can keep pressing the shoot-button so the character doesnt stop aiming down sight. This way, I can see where my shot is actually going. If I need to aim higher or lower, etc.

Before I was more or less just guessing what could hit.

I have a very different understanding of the game mechanics. It’s honestly feeling like “everything just clicks.”
I played this game last time 4 years ago, and I didnt use half of the mechanis it has. Now, it all just makes sense.

For the sexual.
The other day I was getting head by my girl. And I could last as long as I wanted and I could consciously control easily when I wanted to finish.
And I realized it came down to two things:
My breath
My mindset

I consciously relaxed myself while she was doing her thing, but also noticed performance pressure coming up to last longer, and noticed that this pulls me out of the current moment. Out of flow. When I am IN flow, PRESENT, then I have no issue lasting as long as I want.
So when certain thoughts popped up, I talked to myself internally to let them go and just forced myself to be present. This made it SO MUCH easier.

I think, in short, you could say you experience these cool new things until it becomes your natural way of being over time :slight_smile:

This is also why keeping your stack is even more important now imo.


Awesome. Must try it out.
Thank you for telling me about Subliminal Club on your blog. You are the guy who brought me here. One year back I read your Book “Own your shit, make her submit” and I really liked it. But I could not fully implement what you suggested due to emotional barriers. Now with the Emperor in my system, I will give it a new try.
Kind regards from Switzerland