Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Okay so I’m awake from my deep slumber, had just one loop before I slept, and well, here’s everything I feel and observed so far;

  • I’m feeling like I have wits similar to Spider-Man and Deadpool :sunglasses: like no matter the seriousness of the situation, I just feel at ease, to joke about it (not at the level of The Mask, yet :rofl:)

  • This part is kinda hard to describe, but it feels like my brain got a new DLC extension pack :rofl: it feels upgraded and I’ve noticed that I’m taking abstract and creative concepts, and thinking about them in a critical way. Both creative and critical sides of the brain seem like they have a better unison.

  • this is gonna sound weird to some of you, but I’m talking to myself more and feel like something in my head is replying to me, like I always talked to myself here and there (sadly, even I need professional advice at times), but now it feels different, like whether it’s intuition, subconscious or higher self, there’s something replying back, Which is leading to better understanding of things.

  • this last part is what I probably need more time for to really “deduce”, but I don’t really feel like there’s that much physical shifting (if any at all) in this sub, but I only had one loop so I’m not 100% sure on this.


Invictus was the first one to run the loop of Stark ZP :wink:


Please share your experiences so far young Invictus

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I just did above my last comment :sunglasses:

What do you mean? @Invictus is on the forum at all times, literally.


Is Sex Mastery still included StarkZP? The best sex I ever had was on Stark Ultima

Yeah, he just quoted someone


Stark Ultima was something. Though only used it during test periods.

Stark Zp, bloody hell… I think I know what Saint ment when he said how special Fire made it.

Its creating so many ephanies, clearing self limitations, some societal ones.

I want to write then down but it’s also processing really fast.


I have a craving to learn and fully understand a concept 100 per cent. Also have been giving everyone i meet a compliment today.


I was having thoughts as well, but more specifically about impossible concepts.

Like I was thinking about how one of the limitations put by the higher ups of the society is through the superhero culture.

What do I mean?
Think about it this way:
We always want to improve, push past our limits and evolve into better versions of ourselves, and technology around us has made it possible (just take the SC community as an example), however, the biggest reason for people’s lack of belief, and their lack of “want” for evolution are actually all the superhero and science fiction movies.
When someone in a movie uses tech installed in their bodies to get abilities like enhanced intelligence, people like the idea and say “wow”, but if you show them something like Elon Musk’s brain chip design, or even subliminals, they start thinking about how it’s unrealistic, because of the portrayals we see in the media.

There’s a lot more in my head, but it’s like suddenly getting too many things at once, because of which I need to group my thoughts first, and then organize them :sweat_smile:


Open a journal and write everything down - You will regret if you don’t. Journaling is such a key part of the self development journey


Hmmm feels like a focused version of something like Limits Destroyer, but geared more towards creativity, intelligence, and societal beliefs, which would limit one’s innovation :thinking:

Shoutout to Hormozi, he popped up in my recommended video feed about 2 days ago. Crazy seeing someone share the exact video I watched.


It’s like faster tech, on a system that needs upgrading :smiley:


This made me think of Mike saying “You are Harvey Goddamn Specter”


Tony did it. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!


Well I’ll be damned! Stark ZP!!

Stark TERMINUS was one of the most transformative subs (overall experiences) of my life.


Don’t think so, I think all 3 subs compliment each other perfectly.

Hm that’s unfortunate to hear. Think WANTED should definitely be run with Stark in that case.


Still early to tell, it took me like 2-4 days on emperor to feel it, and be able to distinguish it from WZP’s physical tech, and now both of those are still executing as well.

However, I do have this feeling of being like a total sex bomb for some reason (more than WZP and/or DZP).


Alright fair enough, keep us updated on the effects :slight_smile:

Not surprised at all by this, the charisma effect of Stark has been hyped for awhile so ZP is just blowing that shit up to the max.