Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Open a journal and write everything down - You will regret if you don’t. Journaling is such a key part of the self development journey


Hmmm feels like a focused version of something like Limits Destroyer, but geared more towards creativity, intelligence, and societal beliefs, which would limit one’s innovation :thinking:

Shoutout to Hormozi, he popped up in my recommended video feed about 2 days ago. Crazy seeing someone share the exact video I watched.


It’s like faster tech, on a system that needs upgrading :smiley:


This made me think of Mike saying “You are Harvey Goddamn Specter”


Tony did it. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!


Well I’ll be damned! Stark ZP!!

Stark TERMINUS was one of the most transformative subs (overall experiences) of my life.


Don’t think so, I think all 3 subs compliment each other perfectly.

Hm that’s unfortunate to hear. Think WANTED should definitely be run with Stark in that case.


Still early to tell, it took me like 2-4 days on emperor to feel it, and be able to distinguish it from WZP’s physical tech, and now both of those are still executing as well.

However, I do have this feeling of being like a total sex bomb for some reason (more than WZP and/or DZP).


Alright fair enough, keep us updated on the effects :slight_smile:

Not surprised at all by this, the charisma effect of Stark has been hyped for awhile so ZP is just blowing that shit up to the max.


Stark was literally the sub that brought me to SC, then was not the first sub I bought, and I haven’t run it ever so far haha

Maybe I’ll finally stack it with Chosen.

I own too many subs I never actually listened to…


Oh man! I really can’t wait to read the updated description for this one! :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::person_in_lotus_position:


At the time stark terminus was the most powerful subliminal known to mankind i was shocked by the power off the experimental. This subliminal has now been resurrected to become once more the most powerful subliminal product in the world.

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No he hires a VA to engage with all of us and comment on our posts while he sleeps. It’s not really him unless he’s posting in his own journal. All the rest is just marketing :wink:


You attribute those wins to StarkZP?

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Honestly wouldnt be surprised


Not really. Hughes built his wealth long before becoming a recluse. He was VERY social and active.

He bought an airline and then went under cover as an employee for MONTHS, working every aspect of the company so he really learned how it worked and how it needed to be improved.

He was a movie producer and arial photographer.

He was very much a Tony Stark until he had his breakdown that turned him into a recluse.

After that, he didn’t really innovate much. He just lived on his wealth.


That doesn’t sound like an objective truth to me. “All?” No I don’t think so. Chosen is not embedded inside Stark by any means. They’re quite different. Stark has a “life of the party” and dynamic socialite energy. Chosen has compassionate warmth and love.

Again, not objective. Just subjective. Just depends whether you want chosen or stark more. What’s more important to you. Which individual program do you think is better. Whichever individual program you think is better is the program you will enjoy stacking more with Stark. Do you want exuberant energy that’s constantly leading conversations from Stark, or do you want a warmth that subconsciously radiates off you and adds compassion to all your interactions from Chosen. Up to you.

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Smv stands for sexual market value

@SaintSovereign can we export the eye shifting technology from chosen and import this into stark (assuming its still under preview).