Main Disc. Thread - Seductress ZP

This title is acting fast ! My wife woke up very early and started to exercise, walking for close to 1h30 ! It seems nothing but it is unusual for her :rofl:


Oh wow, good for her, that is amazing!

I could have sword yesterday and today that my hair is an inch longer. I’m not sure what to think about that.

My sense of self esteem is rising phenomenally. A guy who I use to think was so cute is starting to look like a total joke to me.


Have you noticed any sort of sensations that might accompany faster hair growth?
I joke with my friend sometimes that as cool as Wolverine’s healing ability is, the metabolic/caloric energy requirements for that would leave him in pain while it happened.

Just wondering if accelerated body processes would be felt as a physical sensation like heat or itching.


I haven’t felt any sensations on my hair but I’ve been feeling heat and sweating when I’m just sitting around without being active. See, I’ve been working out twice a day, tracking calories, so I think that my metabolism is ramping up. This heat I’ve been feeling though is unusual. I’ve worked out harder than this before and I never felt any heat. I definitely think that it’s sub related.


Jup. I remember on Wanted that I had a MASSIVE increase in calorie intake and my body was “hot” and heating a lot on a daily basis.

Physical shifting!


Thanks for sharing this @AlexanderGraves . What kind of physical shifting did you experience on Wanted? Are you still on Wanted? If you aren’t on Wanted, did you hold on to your physical shifting or did you go back to the way you were before?

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Is this faster than your hair normally grows?

I also have more beard growth, jawline is stronger, dick size is definitely more lol, like noticeable, broader shoulders I THINK, not sure, facial structure is also much more masculine.

Mind you, this was the testing version, so the final is probably even better.

I did not run Wanted after that. It’s not really my archetype to play the hot cold dude, I am more the Primal man who just goes RIGHT AT IT (or in it).

Yeah, physical shifting SOMEWHAT stayed, but then again I keep running status titles and part of Status is a sick body, so this is hard to judge for me. Either way, I don’t visit the gym, I just workout from home and the body still stays pretty lean!
If I were to go to the gym with a proper routine, I’d look insane (not a goal rn tho).


Alex was incredible during the testing of Wanted ! For me it was charm and hair growth (I am bald :sweat_smile:)

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You got some great results, and it only took you 30 days :slight_smile: I hope I get some really amazing results in 30 days. How much time did you put into your workouts per day or week?


I’m curious if the physical shifting works better for people who are younger?
Twenties and Thirties?


This post by username SaintSovereign might help answer you question:

This post also has some discussion on the topic:

Edit: added additional quote and fixed formatting.


@Palpatine is probably at the most 40. I was thinking someone who is 54 like myself probably wouldn’t experience much
Not being critical. Trying to be realistic


I’m 46.449007529089665


Still before the tipping point of 50

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Apparently my physical shifting was indeed, even for Saint, a surprise to be this quick. Still, it’s a great indicator that it DOES work.

I workout 3x a week for about 20-ish minutes.
A few bodyweight programs, and a bit with dumbbells.
60 pushups and 60 crunches made this body lol

I honestly don’t think the workout matters THAT much until you REALLY want to focus on a specific area. As long as you get the system going, the sub will take care of it!


There must be some serious skin scripts in Seductress. I am about to try this new updated version. Skincare was the main benefit I have had from using Seductress. I suddenly started updating my knowledge through youtube: learning about retinol mainly, and it has made a big difference to my skin.


In my opinion, that’s misguided. Women do well on chosen. “ALPHA” only means male-dominant when its related to aggression, status, direct comparison and competition with other males.

This is an “alpha” title that gives you the respect of others through your positive interactions, leadership, incredible communication skills, warmth, compassion. Those are great skills in men and women equally.


For all people, men and women. I think Chosen is a better starting sub than Ascended Mogul, even.

No, I wouldn’t narrow it down to just that. She started leading herself, it built her confidence, yes, but we also started communicating better. Her trust went up and her fear went down. We were better able to identify fighting before it started, quickly reconnect, and stay steady with good conversations. Now that is compassionate leadership communication right there.

Her life started transforming quite quickly, from the inside out, she obviously started listening to it during a time of deep shock and trauma, and it helped her heal from that. Since then, she’s been more passionate about her hobbies, she is working on building her first business now, she receives love easier and gives love more freely.

Its a good sub lol


Does seductress have any specific healing in it?

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