Main Disc. Thread - Sanguine ZP

@GoldenTiger I will definitely get back to you on this. I just finished a washout and today is my first day of Sanguine.


I was gonna ask how you come up with this stuff, but then I just realized people probably wonder the same thing about 69% of my jokes.


I thought you where going to run Executive solo for a while to improve executive functioning.

Then i saw a post where you where going to run eog to “escape the poverty cycle”

And now you are talking about dealing with negativity.

My life goal has literally been the exact same the entire time i have been here.

But you seem to change your life goals way too often.

Well aren’t you all high and mighty


Does anyone have any experience with running Sanguine with Dragon Reborn? Currently I am listening to DR + Elixir and feeling fine on it, but sometimes my head and emotions go all the way… Looking for a sub to balance this out and i’m thinking Sanguine will do the trick. The only thing I am a bit “worried” about is that the Sanguine will maybe balance out to much of the negative energy that is released on DR and it’s neccesary to feel this negativity to release it imo.

Also, what does CFW stands for? Tried to look it up ^^

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@FireDragon Thanks! Looks also great to combine haha

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Has anyone been listening to this? Considering to put it into my custom.

Did anybody feel anything regarding productivity or that it helped routines or whatever in their daily life?
It is not directly in the description but positivity, optimism and trust in yourself can lead you to overcome and push through a lot.

Sanguine is my favorite but you need to stack it with a productivity sub like Emperor or Stark or Ascension

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But now the best stress/anxiety buster is by far Chosen : The Way of Nature

Is there a non-core module or a combination of that can replace sanguine core?

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Sanguine :smile:

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Can you review Sanguine and CWON? When would you choose one over the other?

Well @Martin Up to last week Sanguine was my favorite file for stress/anxiety busting for short time. But since last week I consider CWON the best for that. It totally destroys/eradicates stress/anxiety. It goes beyond of course : nature elements become powerful triggers to anchor inner peace and calmness, it has long time effects. In fact for 2 days I have not listened to it but I still have the same effects

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Thanks, so CWON is much more like a hippy kind of sub?


It would not be stacked with a productivity sub? I know Sanguine can.

I will try to stack it with Stark because I can’t be in a contemplating mindset all the time, I have to work :rofl:

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Will be following your journal. The feel good from CWON seems great but not sure I want to compromise productivity :slight_smile:

it is beyond feel good. That’s why I have to stack a productivity sub

its been almost 1 month since you posted this.

can you please give us a detailed review of your experience with sanguine ZP?

its been almost 2 months since you posted this.

did you go back to your antidepressants?

btw, which anti depressants are you on?

i take luvox/fluvoxamine. is that what you where on also?

i was able to successfully stop taking my adhd medication using subclub products and i have been tempted to stop the fluvoxamine as well to see what happens but its much more serious medication then adhd stuff so for now i have continued taking it.