Main Disc. Thread - Sanguine: The Elixir (Now Available!)

NOTE: This is an upgrade to THE ELIXIR. Sanguine will receive it’s own upgrade in due time. As always, if you’re ordered The Elixir in the past, this upgrade is FREE! The script that updates past orders is running slow, but the title WILL show up in your account within the next few hours. If later tonight, it’s still not there, simply make a post and I’ll investigate. DO NOT POST SCREENSHOTS.


The Sanguine series of subliminal titles have a singular purpose: to assist you in confronting, eradicating, and triumphing over negativity in your daily life. Their focus is laser-sharp, as negativity has the potential to completely derail your progress towards achieving your goals.

Sanguine is aimed at reducing stress and daily negativity, but Sanguine: The Elixir takes it a step further by incorporating emotional healing to not only ease daily negativity but also gently uncover and eliminate the root of negative emotions.

These subliminal titles are purposefully designed to tackle the persistent negative thoughts that can easily infiltrate the mind and hinder your progress in any area of life. By eliminating such negativity, you can unlock your full potential and reach new heights of success in any endeavor you undertake, as the power to overcome negativity can bring about a significant transformation in your life and empower you to achieve your goals with renewed vigor and clarity.

Embark on a transformative journey as you liberate yourself from the shackles that hinder your progress, forging a radiant, positive reality that ultimately becomes your prevailing existence. Embrace the power of self-discovery and watch as your newfound clarity blossoms into an extraordinary, fulfilling, emotionally positive life.

With Sanguine: The Elixir, you’ll find it easier than ever to brush off negativity and forge ahead through any storm. You’ll be filled with the confidence and trust in yourself necessary to handle any challenge that comes your way, and do so with a newfound sense of ease.

Furthermore, Sanguine: The Elixir brings with it a plethora of other advantages. It can help you cultivate a strong inner sense of self-assurance, a belief in your capabilities, and a heightened feeling of delight and contentment in your daily life. Sanguine: The Elixir can help you express your talents and abilities fully, knowing that you can trust yourself to emotionally handle whatever comes your way.

To further assist with these goals, we’ve included a significant amount of scripting designed to help foster a profound sense of gratitude and happiness by unveiling the concealed beauty of life and urging you to embrace the sheer miracle of existence. When life is bathed in a sense of wonder and splendor, you’ll begin to generate powerful waves of positive emotions to help dissolve any lingering negativity, sparking a revitalized perspective on life – freeing you from the confines of sorrow.

Emotional healing is the key that unlocks any and all blockages, allowing you to release insecurity, negativity, pain, and trauma. As such, Sanguine: The Elixir includes light emotional healing scripting, as it’s designed to minimize the emotional disruptions that can occur with addressing past traumas. This emotional scripting is designed to help you let go of limiting, harmful beliefs that have hindered your progress, opening up pathways to reach your full potential. And with each passing day, you will build up your own power, moving steadily forward towards the realization of your dreams.

As these emotional blocks are dissolved and eliminated, you may experience profound physical healing, as emotional energy is often trapped in the body in the form of muscular tension or other physical ailments. That’s why we’ve included scripting to promote faster healing when emotional traumas are overcome.

Sanguine: The Elixir also contains scripting designed to promote an incredibly deep sense of relaxation — both physically and mentally — with an emphasis on helping you transmute negative emotions to positive ones the moment adversity rises. As challenges appear on the horizon, find solace in a newfound sense of confidence, empowering you to overcome any obstacle with grace and resilience. Embrace the journey towards a serene and balanced existence, navigating life’s complexities with unwavering assurance.

Sanguine: The Elixir also contains some of the self-love scripting from Love Bomb for Humanity, thoughtfully reimagined and tailored to harmonize with this title’s goals. This scripting nurtures a deep and abiding love for yourself, and helps you to radiate that energy outwards like a beacon of peace, inviting others to mirror that resplendent energy back to you. This will invoke a profound healing effect in not only yourself, but those you care about.

If you are ready to drink the Elixir and begin the healing journey…

Order now.

Extended Information

It is impossible to list every single benefit or objective of the subliminal due to the way our subliminals are created. They create holistic change that are deeply personal and individual to every single user, so while two individuals might see similar effects, someone else will likely have different experiences. Listing all potential avenues of growth and benefits is simply impossible – but through experience with the subliminal and introspection you can grasp the overall growth direction of the subliminal. Always remember that you are a unique individual with your very own journey, history and life, and our subliminals take that as well as your conscious guidance into account and work with you and who you truly are. In other words, even if an objective/feature/benefit that you want is not listed on the page, it does not mean you won’t experience it as long as the topic of the subliminal is connected to the desired effect.

Furthermore, if you haven’t experienced a specific objective / feature / benefit on the page (or unstated) yet, it does not mean you won’t — it simply means other things are taking precedence and have a much higher priority as dictated by the intricate interplay between your conscious guidance, your situation, your subconscious mind and the subliminal. Finally, there are countless more benefits and features to discover with each subliminal – each subliminal is so much more than a simple list. It is an invaluable companion on your journey that grows with you – indeed, our subliminals can be used indefinitely and throughout your whole life, they will always help you develop in new ways you never expected. Have patience, listen wisely, always be taking action in line with the subliminal and don’t let the list limit you, the subliminal or the experiences you will go through.

Current Level of Technology:

Standard Current (ZP) Listening Schedule:


  • 18+
  • Individuals under the age of 18 should NOT run this title.

Gender and Sexual Orientation: Any.

Similarities/Differences: None.


  • Cultivate a profound, but gentle sense of positivity and peace that permeates your life on a daily basis.
  • Generate a deep sense of confidence and power, knowing you can overcome all negative situations.
  • Cultivate a sense of profound inner calmness that “reflects” outward as deep physical relaxation.
  • Cultivate a rich sense of appreciation for all the beauty and splendor that exists in the world.
  • Cultivate a rich sense of wonder, awe and gratitude for the act of existing.
  • Fortify your inner life against the formation of future negativity.
  • Dissolve deep emotional traumas, stopping negativity at the source of the issue.
  • Transmute any and all negative thoughts into positive thoughts as soon as they occur.
  • Experience profound physical healing resulting from the neutralization of negativity in the body.
  • Boost your healing capabilities through removing the physical, mental and spiritual blockages and their manifestations within you that have limited your body’s physical healing capabilities.
  • Experience a profound sense of self-love and radiate that aura out to others, prompting them to perform strong acts of kindness and compassion toward you.
  • Discover more about how your inner being works and operates.
  • … and much more.

Pro Tips:

  • Sanguine: The Elixir was designed for a “hands off” approach. There isn’t much “action” to take, other than consciously accepting inner peace and allowing it to flow into your life.
  • Even though the emotional healing in this title is considered “light,” it can still be disruptive. Give yourself time and space to cope with negative emotions. Don’t push yourself too hard if negativity springs up.

@mecharc That could be a better solution than CFW. Think about it. CFW is less focused on healing than SE and it contains an alpha programming component. SE may be better since it’s more focused on working on your most immediate missing link.


Probably a long shot but with this potentially help a person deal with Dysthymia or Persistent Depressive Disorder? I’m not asking for a possible cure. Just to help deal with the continuous and constant negativity I not only feel but deal with daily in my life?


I’m a little confused. If I purchased sanguine, this will show up in my downloads as an upgrade to that?


Yes. Probably by later tonight

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You receive this only if you purchased Sanguine, not if you purchased Exlixir correct? Or either

Either or. Possibly both

No, it’s an upgrade to The Elixir. Sanguine’s upgrade is different.


Added the note that this is an upgrade of The Elixir, rebranded under the Sanguine line. More information in this thread: Main Dev. Thread - Updates to Older Programs


My mistake. I misunderstood

Soon I will say “goodbye” to the deepest and most obsolete defensive mechanism in my psyche that is being internally negative towards people who have wronged me. That’s going to be truly liberating. It’s time to let go of all that crap. :blush: Thank you.


I’d like this as well.

Chosen helped me greatly in this regard but sometimes things are still overwhelming. Right now I’m under a great amount of stress, about to start a new cycle tomorrow and this title is very tempting.

I’d like to be enamored with life again, as I once did in my youth. When I felt invincible and anything was possible and the world was my oyster.


Is there any point to stacking this with the pre-existing ZP version of The Elixir? Or recon/overkill?

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I agree. I never realized how bad I was until someone at a job I used to have let it slip that my nickname there was “Eeyore”.

I get it that I will probably never experience happiness but I would settle for content


Definitely overkill.


I had the same exact nickname when on calls with customers.


Is the upgrade that will be done for Sanguine functionally the same? Or actually different from the Elixir upgrade?

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Life is unpredictable and has much more to offer than we will ever think.

Then it’s time to change this name to “Tigger” thanks to this little kitten (SE). :blush: I can imagine you jumping around with optimism some day soon so should you. :slight_smile:


It’s easy to judge when we don’t know or disregard the struggles of other people.

Stay on your path, brother, and stay brave. You’ll get there.


Ironically that job was in a call center

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