Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man ZP

Me too ill wait for a while before running it :slight_smile: thought i would mention you fellow renaissance :sunglasses:

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Lol! Any time bro


Oh boy!

Still one of my all-time favorite subs!

I might just be stacking this with Stark, and rotate it with Chosen. That’ll be an interesting combo! :smiley:



What do ya’ll think about a Saged Renaissance? Sage Immortal ZP with Renaissance Man ZP. Maybe too tough a choice yet when Limitless ZP hasn’t gotten it’s final ZP version yet. But it could be interesting?

Anyone running this title. I still remember when this was first released(first Qv2 title) people experienced an amazing drive in completing their task. Though I don’t own this product. I still wanna know anyone experienced the same drive or push like it was on Qv2. ? Thank you


I listened to a loop on a whim in the middle of my washout period I was supposed to be doing when this was released and since I’ve been feeling a drive to start a new creative project and I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my keyboard(musical) skills even though I’ve never learned the keyboard. My hand posture and movement is just much better and more natural feeling, I’d imagine this is what being an untrained talent feels like.


I’d want to run it if I could before HOM for the people benefits. I’d want to pair it up with Sage Immortal and who knows what kind of happy surprises would results from that. Then I’d want to ideally have Wanted or Limitless for that third spot. I think that’d be a fun, interesting, productive ride.

Wowww! Thanx for sharing your experiences.

“shatter the blocks on self-expression that you have”. Any other sub/module that can do this?

I think Limit Destroyer could help. As I have not tried that sub I cannot say for sure.

Thank you @hyperbeam

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Anyone been running this much? Been rather quiet in this thread haha

Any good things discovered from running the ZP version?


I am currently trying Renaissance Man ZP out along with Ascended Mogul ZP. Day 4 for me with the 2nd loop of each done just a few hours ago.

No recon thus far, maybe a slight productivity &motivation boost in computer programming (web scraping to be specific). It is still early days for me. I want to see how RM does with programming as I wait for Limitless Executive ZP.


I been posting in my personal journal


I have added this to my khan/wanted stack and I think this is a VERY slept on sub.

My Verbal fluency is off the charts; I’m
Speaking more eloquently and finding myself saying phrases which capture the complicated essence of my ideas and feelings without even having to think about it……

My creative skills also experienced this surge of newfound perspectives and capabilities.
I play guitar and piano and although I have always been good at improvising and getting out of my own way I’m playing like the devil bought my soul after a couple loops….

I do think khan helps contributes a sense of dominance towards my creative work which renaissance man can utilize with its increased sense of freedom of expression….


I was just reviewing my paper journal and reflecting on how profound the impact even a single loop of RM could be for me. So basically came here to post the same thing @NinjaGazin just did.

Specifically as a person who expresses themself through creative activities like singing, cooking, gardening (the planning of in this case) and so on, I found the amount of energy I would Gain from being able to express myself so much more fluidly after listening to a single loop of RMZP are actually quite profound.
I would sometimes be in a pretty low point emotionally as well as energetically and could basically just be my own bard. Singing a bit to myself basically completely resetting me emotionally and topping up my tanks to boot.


I am thinking of this one for content creation in the sense of making entertaining Youtube videos and create awesome content live streaming. Not sure though how this title could benefit that. Anyone have gotten improvements in such areas using this?

Verbal fluency is huge on this track for me, and good banter/patter is big for succeeding on any platform. Beyond that RMZP being great for skills mastery would also help your performance of creative skills for the content itself. Possibly you could see the script executing and improving your editing and filming of the content to boot!


It does sound promising. Thanks. The verbal fluency sounds nice too.

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Guys, anyone in marketing (or events coordination) used RM before?

I’m considering going with this for a cycle or 2 before making my super stark custom, because it could be a potential core for my custom, making it go from “Super Stark” to “The Prodigy”.

Would like to know your opinions (even if you weren’t/aren’t in marketing at time of use).