Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Lots of Agent Smith’s out there keeping the matrix in place. I’m somebody who used to think the people who said kill your tv were all crazy folk. Then I stopped watching it and haven’t owned one for five years and hadn’t watched the news and stuff for probably 10 years. It’s fascinating to see how you can bring up facts and even show your legit sources and that will fall on deaf ears it’s astounding really. Thankfully we glitches in the matrix are popping up everywhere and all the time now. :smiley:


not true, bruv. But I know there’s a genuine intention in your point.

You get rich not because of hard work, but because you have practical understanding of the principles of wealth building and have access to the necessary conditions to carry out those principles.

That’s why it’s important for people to learn how wealth building really operates. And it’s also important for modern societies to innovate more effective systems of valuation and commodity exchange.

But hard work alone? Without the appropriate knowledge, the result will be this:



Get used to not “feeling” much from Zero Point. It’s meant to be as fast acting and transparent as possible. Rather than feeling irritation or overload, we want you to “feel” nothing, but experience and see tons of results.


@SaintSovereign, if QZP turns out to be best applied by Rotating instead of Stacking, please consider creating lists of Official Stack Recommendations.


Better yet … bundled files to prevent stack cheating. :grin:


In my experience those people who i interact with always share the same line with me “its too hard” "there is no point might as well continue with what i an doing:.

They cannot be bothered to make an effort to learn the principles of wealth building. Why ? oh because its too hard.


this is a game changer indeed. from 1 hr to 15 mins that’s amazing… what a huge time saver and one of the best uses of listening time for growth.


Does that mean I get to run the Billionaire Stack in an hour?


Great will be done with my stack whilst having breakfast.


45 mins to an hour for breakfast :thinking:?


Could be breakfast on two legs :sunglasses:


Any meal you spend less than hour to consume isn’t worthy of the name. Quality of digestion is directly linked to speed of time to consume.

Honestly the fact that the listening time shorten so much is so freaking cool
I’ll finally be able to listen to my little stack NOT while sleeping
Like who doesn’t have 1H of quite time in a day ?

Feels good to be alive :sunglasses:
Feels even better to not let down what makes sense even against the crowd :star_struck:
(PS : not letting down subs and more others deep stuff to better one self)


I would think that it’s linked more to the size of your stomach as well as the quality of your digestive system rather than the speed of time to consume.


I guess we all expect some sort of “recon” happening ever since QV2.

Lovely to see that this is completely gone on ZP!


100% sure that people will ignore instructions not overexpose with QZP just because “feel nothing”.

But if changes in reality take place more obviously then it will replace “feel evidence” in the future.

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"15 Minute Billionaire" :sunglasses:

– once the Q Store is all ZP-fied.


I can already see @Palpatine ordering and journaling about it. :grin:


I don’t even feel anything from ordinary subliminals. I always wanted to have that feeling of getting high on drugs when running a subliminal…

But wait… I have never consumed a single gram of weed in my life and have never felt anything from drinking alcohol. So I guess I’ll have to give such a feeling in my life a pass.


@SaintSovereign will QZP build Solve the issues with some members that experience little results from certain titles?

like i do great with StarkQ tons of faster results, But with Emperor is not the same at all

@Meng123 doesnt do good with Emperor too, or AM he had very few results from the usual Emperorish results and AM results

also some guys i dont quite remember their usernames but they had issues with specific titles,

will the build and the scripting of QZP be in such way, that some of the users that experienced not so much effects and results on certain programs,

that it will not be an issue anymore? when the build comes out?


I envy people who feel nothing on QV2 right now. In my personal experience having too much awareness of what’s going on behind the scenes can cause me to step on my own toes. I would be incredibly grateful if QZP can deliver this for me


Depend’s on how much faith you have.

Sometimes I really admire St Thomas. He was lucky enough for Jesus to personally allow him to confirm his resurrection with his own eyes.

There lots of doubting Thomases around. Unfortunately the spiritual scene does not like to deal with them.