Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

We get a lot of this on the Q store. People will buy modules and ignore all the warnings about having to get a build (including the big red one at checkout), and then yell at us like we did something wrong. Or, they expect to get every module as a separate subliminal. So, we’ll be adding more “foolproof” language to ensure no one makes this mistake.


The truth of these situations are somewhere in the middle. Now that we’ve attracted the attention of a lot of wealthy people, we’re learning more and more about how things work “behind the veil,” and some of it would make you explode with anger. If the world knew just how rigged the game was, they’d go berserk. On the flipside, the average person is a bit too ignorant to even believe that it’s going on. You’ll show them definitive proof and they’ll stand hand wave and rationalize it away as a “conspiracy.”

That’s one reason why we market to the people willing to take action, even though Zero Point works well as a pure manifestation tool. We don’t want to deal with the “I don’t see any results” people who aren’t even trying to work with the sub. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve seen the equivalent of: “This crazy thing happened today that has never happened before, but since it theoretically could happen without the sub, I’m going to NOT consider that as a result.”


This reminds me of Roger callhan words in tapping the healer within
About the apex proplem . You can remove TFT and insert Subliminal club

*Here’s the bottom line: with or without the Apex Problem, the
results produced by TFT are exciting and fulfilling. If you’ve been
in traditional psychotherapy, you know how frustrating that expe-
rience can be. With TFT, however, even when the Apex Problem
is at play, you’ll experience results much more powerful arid more
rapid than with any other kind of treatment."

Apex proplem
“” Some naive therapists have told me that they don’t see the Apex
Problem as a problem at all. One colleague, a therapist named
Charles, has described what he calls “the benevolent Apex Problem” (where benevolent means “harmless”). He told me about a
client with chronic, severe back pain. She had already been to many
pain clinics, been evaluated by a dozen pain specialists, and taken
every kind of painkiller in the doctors’ black bag. Finally, she was
contemplating undergoing high-risk spinal surgery that, if com-
plications occurred, might leave her paralyzed. Charles treated her
with TFT-and to the woman’s surprise, her pain was completely
eliminated. How did she respond? of course, she was delighted.
Then she told Charles, “I think those medications have finally
started working!” Charles was surprised by her reaction but didn’t
try to change her mind. He simply thought of it as a benevolent
Apex Problem.
I disagree, however. If the pain should return, this woman is
likely to have that risky surgery or continue taking ineffective and
expensive medications rather than return for a TFT “tune-up.”
There’s really nothing benevolent about that. she needs to under-
stand what treatment helped her so if the problem recurs, she’ll
know where to seek effective help again."


@SaintSovereign Would a ZP version of Limitless make Quantum Limitless or Beyond Limitless inferior or obsolete?

A year ago I found out that the company I worked for paid me(and others) 0.50 cents more than a starter. This while we worked there for more than 3 years.

One of the secrets of the already wealthy and existing power structures. Provide a false sense of job security and squeeze the employees out. So much of what I did was actually ouf of fear.

I started asking myself questions like: what is the boldest thing I can do NOW? Then I took action, each day a bit more. Now I got my self a job as a junior manager - I asked myself the wrong questions for years and got nowwhere.


When it comes to hidden secrets like that relating to money, one of the biggest indicators of your own success potential is whether your first thought is “somebody needs to stop them!” or “whoa, how can I learn to do that too??”

(that specific example was from a convo I had with someone about the use of whole-life insurance policies as tax shelter vehicles.)


My sense of morality is too much intertwined with doing this too. However, I am introspecting how I can stay fair while still doing that too. Do I need to stay good or what value do I produce that is exchangeable in money? Would it be evil to apply rigorous financing rules for labor? Get it as cheap as possible to gain maximum out of it?

The thing is I don’t want to be very philosophical about it, I want it to be practical and give me power and more velocity in my life.


I suppose much of this comes back to the archetype or identity you have for yourself, which I think will become more significant to consider as ZP rolls out.

To give a couple of examples… I wouldn’t sneak into a movie theater to watch a free movie, but if I had a totally legal way of obtaining a free or discounted ticket, I’d be foolish not to get one… right? Is that unfair to the patrons who pay full price for a ticket? Perhaps, but they weren’t cheated or hindered in any way, and they are just as capable of finding the ticket discount as I was.

How about a toll highway? I wouldn’t subvert a toll system by obscuring a license plate or anything like that, but if I find a sideroad that goes around much of the toll road? Why wouldn’t I use it if I wasn’t trespassing etc? It’s a public road that’s there to use, so I can use it.

I wouldn’t harm someone or outright circumvent a system that is set up to be a fair trade for a needed/desired service, but if I can find a creative way to get around an obstacle that is fully legal and technically available to anyone… then I will at least consider it. To me it’s no different than spending time looking for a discount code before buying something. If I spend the time to find some obscure code that gets me a discount on an item, then I will use it. If someone else doesn’t look for a code and they pay more, that’s fine… they still got the item they wanted, I just paid less because I learned something they didn’t.

Is it more moral to give my hard-earned money away more so than I need to, or is it to retain as much of it as possible to best care for my family and have enough to do world-changing projects?

I wonder what ZP archetype I would be… @SaintSovereign will you be creating descriptions of the relevant archetypes to help guide ZP sub selection, since it sounds more involved than the previous products? Or, am I reading way more into the whole archetype concept than is actually there?


Being shrewd can be good. Suppose that is what you are saying, how much is it worth to operate in grey areas. Thanks for sharing…I’ll take that with me while I reflect more on my own beliefs.


The more relevant point is… who considers it grey? Government? Maybe be careful… but just other people who are simply unaware of their options? Meh.


When are you finally going to invite me for a drink so we can chat about all that stuff? =)

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That could be a big problem – especially on Diamond! :smiley:


I’m sensing deeper implications in all that you’ve shared. Something to do with groupthink/crowd dynamics and broad, ethical principles vs. morality in specific, lived situations. :rofl: My perspective will probably coalesce 2 or 3 weeks from now.

In the meantime, thanks for the food for thought.


I actually like having the subs on as white noise while I work. I find it helps keep me focused. But from all I’m reading about ZPQ, I can change my habits. I’ll do a 1 hour focused mediation with ZPQ and find non-subliminal white noise for focus.

Seriously, ZPQ sound like magic.


Wooooah, crazy thing happened today guys, I met a man who is 73 yrs old (I had already met him in 2018,but he wanted to take some news so he texted me), today, we went out for drinks ans restaurant, we talked all days about carreer and how to be happy (he is always telling to everybody that he never “worked” a day in his life), and that the concept of retirment is foreing for him!

So, we drink and had crazy discussion about the future (and society, money, the power in the world, sex and all) ans this is crazy… Now I’m drunk and just wanted to share that meeting with you all since I don’t have a journal!! :upside_down_face:

That wise man also told me QZP preview will be released very very soon!!!




I can’t believe it, Saint leaked out! :rofl:


This is exactly what came to my awareness like 5 days.

The best part of this is Ascension brought this to my awareness.

This will be an extremely interesting topic on a new thread.



The funny thing is that ALL the information is available out there. You just need to dig a little bit, have an open mind, and you’ll easily see how everything is set up to be exactly the way it is.

And IF ONLY people would do that more, you’re right. Riots everywhere lol

But it’s easier to write a mean tweet to your 12 followers than do anything. People generally take the easy route.


Edited upon request