Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Very very interesting. It goes very much with the idea that in order to manifest what you want, you must assume that you already have it. Facts are what assumptions have been hardened into. In most situations, we don’t get what we want if we have too much societal conditioning/programming that inhibits us from expressing ourselves in the state of what we want to be in.

E,g. If a man has been poor all your life and lives in a ghetto waiting for his weekly $20 welfare payment in order to live, how easy is it for him to assume that he is rich and live the lifestyle of a rich multimillionaire? How do you expect this guy to think like a millionaire and think for example, “I can easily afford to buy 100 burgers for all my neighbours today” when he can’t even afford a burger today?

It is difficult if he has have poor imagination skills and has never even experienced a single minute of financial stability having to struggle daily just to get his first meal on his table. It is even more difficult when this man is broken and has little faith in getting out the reality he lives in. The only state he knows and personality he will adopt is his broken state and the poverty he believes he deserves (and society keeps on reminding him) due to his karma, ancestral curse, bad luck, punishment for his crimes, his position in life etc.

It’s not impossible, but perhaps he has have to take millions of little steps all the way by first aiming to get an extra $2 in his weekly payment. He must take lots of action, action and action. And there is no guarantee that he will reach his ultimate destination with all the million single steps he must take.

I think I mentioned it before, but somebody who has $999,000 in his bank account can easily harden his assumption that he is a millionaire because of the little action he has to take - perhaps just a few more simple steps - but not the poor man living his life in a ghetto.

But …what if something like Zero Point can actually bring that reality to the poor man so that he can experience that desired reality - even it if it is a demo/preview/trailer? If this demo/preview/trailer is so realistic and allows this poor man to simply know that he just needs a few simple actions to adopt the required state/personality/outlook that will harden his assumption to fact, then he should be able to achieve his goals easily.

Zero Point looks like something that will bring you to the stateless form of “I AM”, that’s why its called Zero Point. It is that alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, from which all creation starts and ends. Assuming that everything has already been created, then Zero Point just allows one to experience.

I can’t imagine what Zero Point can do when one runs other subliminals besides WANTED, but I am really looking forward to this.


I’ve been trying to actualize this exact thing all my life and always came up short. It’s like my authentic self emerges in bits and pieces of my life vs entirely centered around it. Incredibly frustrating

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Cogito, ergo sum.


Do you even realize that you posted the solution to free abundant energy everywhere by posting that Torus? (Although this regularly gets hidden) :wink:

No wonder it works. The Torus is how the whole universe is set up.



This is the toughest thing to actually become rich. You need to “FEEL” what it would feel like to be at that level of not caring about money at all.
But how do you do that?



I am also REALLY looking forward to hearing stories from the RICH tests!


That is an interesting thing you said, even though most of us have learned a lot about manifesting and its amazing powers, I would like to park that way of thinking for a moment. Please bare with me …

So, when you walk outside or see something on the tv or netflix, how often do you find ways to profit from what you just saw? You see the way of the merchant is to live by taking profit and the man in your example is missing that way of thinking, it has to be so ingrained in you that it becomes second nature to spot these things. And this way of thinking is just a base level of something that can evolve into something way more sophisticated, it is more than a simple ROI. So @king, if the above man started to apply this way to his own life and view things from this way of thinking, how would he achieve to buy 100 burgers for all his neighbors?

The guy above can’t just jump straight into feeling that way, it has to be built gradually, through a shift in thinking, feeling, and taking action. He does not need to read 1000 books. All he needs to do is grab a notepad and a pen. Each time he notices that his way is more like that of the merchant he can write that thought down, this way he will reinforce it and get more of these thoughts because you reinforce the behavior of being perceptive/creative.

This here made me question a little bit how it would work for wanted. What if our unconscioua doesn’t know how to be Wanted?

For a lot of skills such as trading, business, writing, you usually have pretty solid guidlines… But for Wanted, I’ve never seen a tutorial about making you soooo desirable and mysterious :thinking:


Read The Art Of Seduction by Robert Greene, The Unoffical Wanted Guide.


the subconscious will guide them ofcourse lke what happend to rvoconsultant who started to watch movies like superfly


Ohh, seems interesting, I’m still interested to know what wanted would do to someone who has no clue :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d think in the case of wanted it would be about creating your own guidelines and experimentation. Also possibly pulling from the collective unconscious and filtering out what’s relevant to you.

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Thanks for the explanation .

Sometimes the cicumstances force us to do things which we don’t really like to do .

For eg , An Entrepreneur who wants to run Emperor ZP until his business is in full fledged success but due to temporary circumstances may decide to run Mogul ZP. In that case , what will happen ?
Will he experience severe recon ?

The mind is a powerful thing, we have either read or seen or been told about someone that had characteristics of being wanted. Case in point, a couple of years ago I had been to a friend’s place that was 15 minutes away just once. Then when he was at my place and I had to drive him home, I was under the influence of shrooms. Had total recall of which paths to go without even consciously trying to remember.

So I’m sure qzp will bring all of that out


Yeah, I’m sure there are some pretty strong things that can happens in terms of evolution of the person, I’m lucky in the sense that my brother is a naturally very wanted person by woman…

But what if someone had some bad models, or they think woman are attracted to X, while it’s not true (but not obviously). Is there a change that you would adopt a behavior that is counterproductive?

So is there some scripting that will guide you to the right anwser?

Seeing this I see there is definitly some guiding that can make you act a certain way :thinking:


Well, that’s what the script is for. :wink:


I guess that applies to all titles?

How do the results compare to the 30 an 60 minute files?

Please read this again everyone.

Like I said. Please keep in mind there might be no need to rush in and convert everything to ZP. Still I think it’s best to introduce any conversion one title at a time (again my thoughts, not necessarily official SC policy).



Archiving request please:


So these are my thoughts, not official SC policies.

Now at some point, there will be updates. And there will be people politely stating what they want updated.

If updates are going to happen with a few updates here, and a few there… Please keep in mind, your preferences for updates may not happen as quickly as you want.

Many of you are running 2+ titles. So as you update one, you can continue to run it along with your Qv2 title(s), as they are compatible. This could also give you a chance to experience the results of the ZP to acclimate to the new script.

Now if all the titles are updated at once, I would still encourage you to pace yourselves by using one ZP title for a week so you can get an idea of how it feels for you. Then consider adding more ZP titles.



I am just waiting to run a good RICH ZP as a primer for my 2 customs