Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Here’s an example:

We have two testers. One, a young individual who is very fit and fashionable. Another who fits the mental alchemist archetype and has been married for a long time.

They have had vastly different experiences on WANTED ZP. The young man immediately began expressing the script in it entirety, quoting a lot of the script back to us and getting amazing results. The alchemist type hasn’t seen a lot of external results, but is experiencing interesting insights as he delves deeper into himself. He has even admitted that WANTED probably isn’t the best sub for him, but he wanted to experience the new tech anyway (which we appreciate and are thankful for).

What’s happening here? It’s like I said before – you need to be honest with yourself about what you want, because if you’re being untruthful, ZP will reveal it (not saying either of the testers are, as we needed a diverse group of people for testing).

The “alchemist” tester is ignoring the script because (I believe) he’s simply not interested in the coquettish / rake archetype that WANTED attempts to express. Remember, WANTED was made to get women to chase you using auras, physical shifting, mindset changes, etc. This may not be the best approach in a long-term relationship – something like Heartsong may be better, depending on both the user and his or her partner (and the nature of their relationship). So, Wanted ZP just isn’t his style, and thus his mind simply ignores it. Note, this isn’t “recon” or stonewalling – because he’s still processing the script. He’s just not expressing it because it isn’t HIM.

It’s why I don’t run WANTED also – I’m a cross between the “Ideal Lover” and the “Charismatic” archetype. With Wanted ZP, we’ve made it a bit more neutral, but the notion of getting someone to “chase” you is very much a coquette archetype.

The other tester? He just went FULL ON expressing the script, lol, even having his girlfriend offer a threesome with her own sister. Like, you don’t get more WANTED than that. It’s easy for all of us to sit back and say something like, “oh, I’d love to have those kinds of experiences,” but is that even true? And even then, how you would you feel after it happened?

This is what we mean by ZP being intimately internal – they’re more like journeys, some will express the script 100%, others will 75%, others less – but EVERYONE gets benefit, because you learn who you are, what you want, and you’ll develop that way.

We had an offline tester run WANTED and it cleared so many deep hangups he had about sex and dating because he THOUGHT he wanted to be that coquettish archetype. He got results, realized it isn’t what he wanted, started expressing himself authentically to women, which in turn, started attracting the women that wanted that type of man and ended up getting laid twice in a week with two new partners – something that never happened before.


what the **** :flushed:


Saint posted this back in Sept. 7th before testing was underway. I think it’s safe to say that Zero point has delivered and then some…

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So, if I understood that proprely, it means ZP can be used as a tool to discover ourself and be able to express who we fully are! If someone try to run an archetype that doesn’t fit himself, ZP will make you reflect on it and choose which ones you are comfortable on.

I guess someone can also express differents archetypes right?

Example if you run Primal for a certain amount of time, you will embody more of the Primal man archetype, then if you switch to stark or emperor, you could embody those archetypes, as long as your subconscious can recognise yourself embodying this specific archetypes!


lol, I posted that experience in this thread. I think. Or did I filter that one? =x


This kinda reminds me of the “Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll” story :sweat_smile::joy:


Yes, exactly. And what’s even more interesting about ZP is how differently everyone’s experiences are, and yet… intertwined, as you can easily tell that they’re all taking the same journey, but walking different paths. It’s like Morpheus told Neo: “There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

The end goal is to become more WANTED, or “I want to be pursued and chased by women rather than the other way around,” and that’s pretty much what the script tries to express. What Zero Point is good at – better than any of our past builds and probably anything a “competitor” is putting out – is sending you inward to an extent that you’ve never probably experienced before, giving you access to a level of your personality that you may not even knew existed. This allows you to explore those aspects of yourself and discover the things that were obscured due to societal conditioning / programming and express that instead. As a result, you become much more attractive due to the fact that you’re so authentic and convicted about what you want, and your external world morphs around THAT.

That’s why we call it Zero Point. Reality is pushed through you – the Zero Point – rather than you attempting to change your reality.


Holy shit this is the most hype thing ever!!! Especcially for us younger people who havent quite found our place in the world, being able to test different archetypes and find out wich ones fit us the most and wich dont, its like an absolute godsend!!


Well, that explanation is crazy!

Let the hype train round X begin :rofl: @TheDerpinator I’m exactly thinking about it. The potential for internal growth is almost more alluring that the external reward!!



I can vouch for the inward aspect. Has anyone noticed my absence from here ?


@SaintSovereign Is there any difference in scripting between yourself and @Fire ?

Nein! (In the most german accent you can ever imagine)


Hey man good to see you

How was your “vacation” :wink:


I wouldn’t call it that but it was ok. Spending a lot of time learning code so reading the results folks are getting with QL has me curious. Nothing like being rational, pragmatic, and logical

How are you all?


Are you plan make Minds eye ZP ?
or this sub is already obsolete with internal work ZP is doing?

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Someone needs Jesus

Because that’s the answer for everything


I’d do them both… Then drop them both.


That was an unexpected ending. :joy: