Main Disc. Thread - Primal ZP

I think i was a little harsh in my last response. Apologies if i offended.

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I am familiar with the three methods.
Guys who never listened to this sort of material would just have an intuitive way
of dealing with these situations.
Nice comparison.

Agree & Amplify is always fun!

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All good, just bantering a bit :wink:


I’m not familiar with the terms, but looking at the names provided, I’d think Stark and Wanted would be switched.

Does Primal manifest challenges @SaintSovereign ? Fire mentioned it in this age old thread. Still a thing on ZP?

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These quotes seem to suggest that it’s not present in ZP:

From the Stark ZP thread:

From the Emperor ZP thread:


How is Primal, True Social and Daredevil similar and not similar. Kinda how StarkQ, Empereror, AscMogul etc had a nice difference list and goals.

I want to be more in the moment and have more fun and feel good and carefree. These three seem to have some of that but also very socially oriented,. so perhaps I should go for something like Sanguine instead. But I am curious of your opinion.

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In my experience:

  1. Emperor: shit tests are extremely rare. The second they happen, I tell her to stop it
  2. Khan: I don’t care about shit tests, I simply do no react in any way. no words, no reaction whatsoever
  3. Primal: I usually make her “guilty” of playing sexual games with me, while having fung with the whole thing
  4. Stark: I genuinely ask why she’s reacting/saying and have fun with a logic based discussion
  5. Wanted: I usually comment something neutral like “interesting” and stop the interaction for more fun

What would be a more pure independence self reliance sub Primal or Emperor?

My impression is that it would be Emperor, feel like it’s a little obvious actually.

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I was thinking the same thing
I asked because I know Primal deals with inner game which is basically mindset
Someone could always stack both Emperor and Primal


I think what people don’t seem to get about Primal (and I might be fucking wrong with this lol) is that it’s a somewhat foundational sub. Much like ascension or Mogul.

Ascension: Self-confidence, powerful man
Mogul: Basic money mindset, building a business or career
Primal: Masculinity and sexual freedom foundation

Emperor tackles a variety of issues, Primal is more focused. So if you want to heal that first, go Primal. If you want to tackle everything, go Emperor, HOWEVER your subconscious will then decide what you need first. And it might not be sex/masculinity.


Haven’t run Primal but having run both Primal Seduction and Emperor, I can say with confidence that Emperor will definitely push you towards independence and self reliance more than any sub I’ve ever run


I agree however PS can also be used as a foundation sub which grows you to a point you can learn the required skills for dating. PS covers both inner and outer game.

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@James you are a veteran sub user i suggest you go for emperor.

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I am wondering if I’m the grand scheme of progression this is a good step.


Khan ST1
(Social manifestation custom)

Go for the ultimate stack (the saint sovereign’s stack) that is Khan and Alchemist and rule them all.

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Question, is PS better for flirting/attracting than Primal?

Also to anybody who has tried both what are the main differences you notice?


You could enter a support ticket.

From my experience

PS is a more complete/complex sub.
You learn immediately everything that has to do with Seduction and integrate it. Also it shows you where you stand and how to grow. Over time you know how to act and what to do. You feel you are sexual attractive and you are sexual all the time.
And more…

For me its more of a trainings/evolvings program that leads you to world class level of Seduction.

Primal on the other hand is more like Freedom to do whatever I like. It has a superb liberation component that let’s you feel incredible good.
Also I expirience this state of : Everything is abundantly available for me. It’s also fully Sexual but without all the Seduction learning stuff.
And more…

That’s what I like about Primal, it’s natural and powerfull

Of course my description is very very very compressed, there is way more to either program