Main Disc. Thread - Primal Seduction ZP

Primal Seduction is really amazing. Wish it had the physical shifting from Wanted :eyes:


Understandable question. However I don’t think the scripts are designed as such any more.

Customer support might be able to better guide you.


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I used Primal Seduction for over 4 months and still use it on and off. It’s a good subliminal but if one approaches random women while running it with the intention to create something from nothing… it’s going to be difficult.

I would advise people to get healed first as men before using Primal Seduction. Being healed automatically makes you attractive. Women are attracted to HEALED men, that is the ultimate redpill. I would advise people to do the following before considering something like Primal Seduction.

You will be hard-pressed to find a more concise/precise breakdown of what constitutes as a FOUNDATION for a man. Once you do that, you should be walking around like a Mercedes S Class and women will instinctively be attracted to you. Very, very, very few men are walking around meeting all of those points. To put into perspective, 9/10 men are addicted to porn so they don’t even have a healed sexuality (which is only 1 of the main points). Also, stuff like victimhood mentality, zero masculinity, lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, etc - that’s all gonna have to go. Many people don’t know this, but a “beta-male” is actually a traumatized male - that’s literally all it is. This is why people are saying LBFH is the most alpha sub they used, because it’s healing emotional trauma and belief systems that automatically make one a weak, insecure and easily controllable man with no frame. It’s a sub based on actual congruence. People are just now discovering what it’s like to love/accept themselves on a subconscious level and re-discovering their masculinity, lol. I had my self-love down way before I even started WANTED. I even used Emperor for nearly a year with massive amounts of growth before using WANTED.

Once all of those things have been done, you will have a solid foundation. You will find that women will treat you differently and see you differently.

This is what I did and in my opinion is the first step towards complete sexual abundance. Now that you have a solid foundation, women will be looking at you and whatnot… they’ll be intrigued because you’re actually a man (lol crazy, I know). That’s when you start using WANTED and take your attractiveness to the next level. So what happens is you are now a man with a strong foundation and are also developing your attractiveness, so now you’re becoming even more ideal to women.

This is when you’ll start noticing women looking at you, giving you the deer in the headlights when you go out, ogling you and staring at you, etc. It’s because you’ll be a different caliber of man (basically you’re healed and alpha) and they subconsciously sense this. They are picking up on your belief systems/energy also they’ll also find that you are attractive personality-wise, seductively, physically, etc in your own way.

This is the most cookie cutter full-proof route to complete sexual abundance and is pretty much what I did. This is where Primal Seduction comes into play, for me it was a matter of capitalizing on all of the attraction. I only ever approached women who were already showing large signs of interest or attraction. In my opinion, every guy should be able to get that attraction if they have a strong foundation + ran Wanted, regardless of age. If you’re an older man, you will have limiting beliefs so it will just manifest in a way that is comfortable for you. But anyways… that’s how I used Primal Seduction and that’s why I had so much success with it, if that makes sense. I used it to capitalize on attraction that was already there and built it into powerful momentums (seduction). It’s like adding fuel to a fire that is already large and burning. Trying to create a fire when it’s not there, is much more difficult.

I’m writing all of this because I don’t want people to see some of my posts and think that they can just run subs and expect to have all the women, like no lol. You actually have to grow and sometimes it can be rough, it’s okay just keep going.

I have literally laid out how to go from 0 sex life to complete sexual abundance, it’s not that difficult. You don’t need to be rich or have large amounts of status. Well the status comes automatically. Also, throwing this in here… I noticed in Khan because of the social/status aspect of it, there is less approaching involved and it becomes more networky. You just start meeting people through contacts and stuff.

A good starter stack for any man would be Alpha Title + LBFH. Run this for at least 6 months and you’ll become a badass. I recommend Emperor + LBFH, but you have to stick with it… you can’t wimp out and keep changing stacks. Some people can’t handle Emperor but I believe that’s just a testament to how good it is because it whoops peoples asses. I personally see any type of negative attitude towards Emperor as a rationalization for getting one’s ass whooped and wanting to blame the sub lol “gee guys it’s not for me”. But yeah, when you have a solid foundation, check out WANTED for pure focus on attractiveness and Primal Seduction when you want to have fun and take your seduction further.

It’s really your playground but you have to meet those points I mentioned in the Khan thread first. There is no shortcut or beating around the bushes when it comes to developing that foundation.

Note: This post is just a template/guideline, it’s not all 100%… but it’s better to have some sense of direction rather than having none. Lol


Great post, really like it.
I would guess that the combination of GLM + LBFH is also very good.

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This is not a generalisation though.

I elaborated a little bit in tha Sage his thread @Sage_Ninjistic.

I would disagree here from my experience that was exactly what it did.

From nothing to everything full blown sex as an irresistible, dominant and assertive Primal male who does not think twice before sharing his inner desires and intentions with women confidently.

Party animal vibes too.

I actually did have crazy results with it people literally called me the “casanova” of the party in social settings.

I’m sure it’s in the scripting, when people get drunk around me, and their go into that hypnotic state they tend to access more of the collective mind of the surrounding, and in direct interaction with me often just speak back the whatever my subconscious is transmitting.

It’s a cool experiment worth a try!

Primal Seduction has all that healing brother, in a month time it removed all blockages for me, I was extremely seductive, with hunter eyes, a sexual gaze, touching where they liked it (automatically), panther-like forward movement towards my targets and instantly knowing what to say and how to say it. I mean the full package.

And even though I had the results and everything I got intense recon because it was NOT ME.

It did not fit me.

This style of dating…

I’m more the daredevil type, the wanted type… even those categories do not fully fit me.

So, I advice instead for people to find the program that “clicks” most with them and invest their time on it.

Just to clarify because it that statement could of confused people.


Come back to the dark side, brother lol :laughing:

Well said and great post, those are some badass results. I’m just wanting the thread for more activity since it’s dead since July which is insane

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Mhm maybe I should test out Primal Seduction with Emperor Fitness ST2 to become a shredded seducer :smirk: @Houdini what do you think

Do you want to lay girls and get rid of them equally fast?

You can have a relationship on Primal Seduction though but it will be fully based on the pleasure, sex, fun, joy, adventure.

It’s not based on love and romance.

Wanted combines pleasure and romance.

Both Wanted and Primal Seduction will get you laid, but the former has more of a romantic touch and emotions involved. Which is not the case with PS the objectives of this program are to become a casanova that easily escalates girls to get laid, that’s what it is based on.

Do you want your life to be so focused on that?

Zero Point is powerful it may take a lot of your energy and just focus it on that. Meaning time spend on actively dating, seeing women, chatting online, even in things as random as stores or the cashier at the bakery will become a focal point for escalation.

You whole world will become one of seeing “opportunities” for sexual escalation.

If that’s something you want and desire go for it.

I personally have a preference for Stark, Emperor, Khan to an extend even where things are more “balanced”, I think balance is always the Way or it will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction.

Emperor is too work driven though, it will never see a women as relationship material because the Empire takes priority. Unless that means she will contribute to that Empire but for the most part on Emperor you will not care. On Khan it’s even different.

On Stark it’s focus on the vision and innovation of your chosen occupation. It comes with dating and playboy lifestyle with the Primal Seduction kind of fun, pleasurable dating life but it’s in a different “molt” and it also has a romantic side.

I like Stark, Khan, Chosen, a lot of the “major” programs because they are well-rounded, often more balanced. It’s not like dating and sex becomes a priority which just leads to destructiveness in my opinion.

Unless, of course, you want to discover that side of life and are already spending lots of time in clubs, partying, around women for the sake of sexuality then Primal Seduction is definitely a no-brainer it will skyrocket your results in all areas.

I love Stark because it has business, communicative abilities, a Spiritual side, romance — it’s basically got everything besides a little bit of seriousness, drive, ambition, power and strength, discipline (which are some of the attributes of the masculine side) but is easily included with some Module from the Q-store.

The ancient Sages and wise men always focused on balance in all things. The balanced and harmonious individual is the wise individual.

Balancing the 5 primordial forces and elements is the purpose of the Spiritual work, and once done the person reaches a state of consciousness which is almost godly, a state of mastership within.

I think it is important too, with subliminal’s, which is a form of Alchemy to take this into consideration.

Now, we are all born with imbalances and many never work towards finding this equilibrium.

This will also reflect in your life both internal and external, personality, hobbies, talents, skills, etc

Bit tangent but just felt like sharing this.

Honestly, @CyberTate I just feel like Stark and or Wanted will be more than good for you, but in the end that’s for you to decide. Primal Seduction like I said, it’s goals and objectives, are literally to become a pick-up artist. It’s not even so good for relationships because it will based intensively on the sexual aspect, and not so much on Love, or personal development (as a couple), things which Chosen, Heartsong do cover.

Personally, I’m of the believe that the reason for “marriage” is Spiritual. A necessary part for two Souls to merge and balance each other out, for one Yin to find another Yang and to find oneness in that marriage.

Even to lesser extend in a relationship to fulfil and sustain each other, to reflect in each other the parts which both are missing separately but create wholesomeness when paired.

But that’s that.

I think because of this inner understanding which came from deep within Primal Seduction did not work out for me. But this is Soul knowledge and this collection of knowledge, inner-desires will be unique and different for each on their journey.

Some may like to discover and adventure that sexual side of humanity. It’s there and available.


Based on your thinking, would Wanted and PS clash in a stack? Or if they’d synergize, how do you predict that would turn out?

I’ve been thinking lately again of Wanted+PS. But Wanted+Sex and Seduction might be smooth too.

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Yeah that’s Khan bruh, welcome to the real life.

Khan reality for man is sooo far out! It’s nuts.


I’m actually still considering a custom of Wanted, Heartsong and PS.

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Fuck I don’t know why I keep editing the wrong posts

Will fix it later today​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I would swap PS for Sex Mastery

This would be all about the “getting/finding/meeting” part. Sex Mastery and Diamond would be in the 2nd custom for this project. Where the 3rd would be all about becoming a financial alpha. EoG, Emperor, Rich, etc.

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How do you not get overloaded using all these programs

So now I’m torn between doing Khan or PS but I don’t know which one would be better for me

I don’t usually shy away at the first signs of recon.

Some who were in the private ZP testing with me could tell you that the recon was so bad that at one point I DID decide to stop the testing

But that very same day, I got a result regarding a girl named Zelda which convinced me to stick around in the testing longer.

And I don’t think of subs as “doing stuff” to me. I think of them the same as I would listening to audiobooks.

It’s all just stuff to think about and ponder. It just happens to be done in the realm of the subconscious.



This Zelda?


Sorry for the delayed response, a really eye opening post, you have such an expanded awareness.
Thank you sir it really clarifies things.
Since you are an experienced user i would like to ask your opinion on a few things:
I’ve read on different posts of people listening to subs for 3-5–7 mins why?
How do i reconize if i am an hardgainer?
Is it important the time of day when you listen to them?

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