Main Disc. Thread: Paragon Complete Ultima (Formerly Primarch Complete)

I believe that this sub is continuing to influence me to want to go to the gym. I also stocked my fridge with very healthy food and I have stopped getting take out. I actually felt really disgusted after eating take out the other day and I thought that this sub had something to do with that. I have been eating out everyday for about a year, and now I suddenly have been taking apples and bananas with me instead. I don’t know what the sub is doing for me in terms of healing, but I assume that it’s doing something. I was listening to it a few days ago, and the person that was next to me told me that I started to emanate all this body heat. Then last night, I only played one loop of Paragon and nothing else. I had started to listen to another sub in my rotation, but I woke up annoyed, so I shut it off about 7 minutes into it to avoid reconciliation. It seems that I produced all this heat the whole night for about 9 hours until I began listening to R.I.C.H.


Sould like it will pair well with subs like emporor fitness and spartan


Try it with diamond, you’ll be amazed


Interesting pair up… can you elaborate on what happened?


After introducing Paragon to my mind, Diamond’s effect where more prominent. I have used Diamond since the giveaway (thanks!) and got results such as easier erections, sensations and stamina.

However, after the second day of Paragon, I used Diamond without planning to do so; ever since, its just more prominent and there seem to be an after effect in dormant size, enlargement without erotic stimulation external or internal. The size is quite bigger than before using Diamond stand alone. From the deep base to the highest point, length and width. It could be Diamond’s scripting is influencing Paragon’s? I am on rest days, in preparation for my custom but I will be taking written notes while using Hydropump, although I noticed that pumping had become easier, from zero to hero in one pump - Paragon is the only new thing I have used in the past two weeks.


Those taking notes for your “Flamboyant Phallus, Outstanding Ojas” custom:

Paragon +
Diamond +
Male Enhancement +
Stop Porn and Masturbation +
Physicality Shifter – Sexiness +
Stronger /or/ Prevent Premature Ejaculation


@Lion @Grimm1390


Haha! That’s a cool ultima custom, @Simon

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Most definitely is

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Just a quick update. My neck is back to a relatively normal state. All within three weeks. Any lingering pain is now alleviated by about 30 mins into my first loop of the day. I upped my loops to 2-3 per day for the previous week.

On top of this, I feel as though I have a heightened sense of clarity. I have noticed a reduced need or desire for caffeine (tea and coffee) and eating junk/midnight snacks - I want to eat more fruit instead :stuck_out_tongue: I have also started going for walks again with my other half.

I would say this is also most likely due to Paragon, however I feel it might also be a little breakthrough from some healing modules in my custom. I feel that Paragon is interacting with my custom in a powerful way.

Like I said, this problem would normally have me out of action for at least 3-4 weeks in the past, and that’s not including another potential two weeks recovery. I am still doing the same hygiene/skin routine and haven’t changed diet or supplement usage. Therefore I can only attribute this speedy healing to Paragon… not that I really needed any convincing anyway :slight_smile:


Way to go, haven’t had the chance to check it out so thanks for this post

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I think Paragon is supposed to heal. So I have a serious question: did you at any point think you need a larger penis to be healed, or that your size was insufficient? I’m trying to figure out why Paragon might have had this effect.

Maybe at some level; I found a great deal on a hydropump months ago and said, what the hell, satisfying my masculine ego and started using it sporadically . However, I noticed a great change by chance one night when I introduced Paragon without using Diamond for sometime, next days, I started combining them both. I don’t really think that I do need it to heal but since I did take some deliberate action on said Pump, in that I have put an effort and thought into it, then yes to your question.

Edit: Furthermore, I am recalling that it needs to heal since years of abuse :blush:

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I haven’t tested this myself because I don’t pump or jelq at the moment, but from the discussion in the other thread here’s a hypothesis:

  • Paragon and Diamond are both based on the same physical shifting technology, so someone using both will be getting a double dose of this.
  • Diamond is supposed to bring more blood-flow to the genital area which would assist the pumping mentioned
  • Paragon is for physical healing. The most common enlargement technique, jelqing, has the potential to cause ED and other problems (I suspect pumping could do that as well). Paragon would be working to reverse any damage from techniques being used at the same time as Diamond is working on healing any ED or nerve damage/sensitivity and increasing blood flow.

I’m not a medical expert so I won’t comment on whether the side effects warned about online for enlargement techniques can be prevented via this combination. And I think its pretty early on to say whether the effects experienced by other forum members are permanent. But its worth consideration :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for mentioning this! This result could prove useful for others who have concerns about their bodies.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire please note the above posts of @Phoermes and his penis enlargement.

Perhaps Paragon is going for what is consciously and/or subconsciously desired in terms of physical changes. This would imply more than “ailments” but perhaps “perceived ailments”.


Saint also commented on paragon enhancing member size from personal experience.

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Thanks for mentioning this. I’m still wondering if there might be a deeper implication here.


Or perhaps, because enlargement possibly takes place through either hypertrophy or hyperplasia, and those tend to rely on successful recovery and ‘healing’, which Paragon potentially accelerates. Similar to the way you build muscle (different methods of course), most of use would look at it as a positive process of adaptation rather than a harmful one, whilst acknowledging the need for proper technique and care to avoid straying into harmful territory so to speak.
Someone mentioned somewhere the potential for athletic recovery, it would also be interesting to hear more about people’s experiences with that. Interesting times…

Can you post pictures of before and after ?

For this sub to work , should we be feeling discomfort somewhere and then it starts healing and cause for that or it can detect ailments which are still not in surface and work on them too ?

@SaintSovereign @Fire

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