Main Disc. Thread: Paragon Complete Ultima (Formerly Primarch Complete)

I’m excited by the prospects of the new physical shifting technology making its way into existing subs and modules (e.g. Facial Morphing, physicality shifter) and making them much more effective. Emperor Fitness, for one, could work much faster at building muscle!


It’s too early for me to make those claims, but my legs appear to be more toned and I look better in my clothes without working out at all. I’ve been getting more attention and someone who sees me all the time was in awe at how good they thought I looked. I’m going to keep this sub to help me get better sleep and will see how it goes.


Well what you have said already sounds remarkable if you have time please write a journal to share your progress.

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Theoretically speaking, it should do so. This Ultima is freaking spectacular. I haven’t used those modules, yet; probably in March. @SaintSovereign could confirm this without doubt. But my money is on that it will.

Ha! I was having these exact thoughts this morning. Feeling quite comfortable in my body suit. It feels holistic, in that even my digestive system feels smoother, from above to below.

Edit: I am still fascinated by how my breathing has improved. Air never felt so soothing. No nasal strips since I’ve been using it. Medical Disclaimer Paragon is truly a must in every person’s Subliminal collection. Its as if you are installing/inviting a lil’ healer into your subconscious realm, a medic at hand.


@TheBoxingScientist Do you not feel masculine enough?

@James if it can enhance the penis growth and facial polymorphism, apollon then why not :slight_smile:

Are you using any of the physical shifting technology ?


@TheBoxingScientist I don’t have penis envy and can grow a beard. I’m good

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Dont lie James i know you want a bigger penis :slight_smile:

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It would probably more beneficial if I knew what to do with the one I already have


I’d be the perfect tester for updated physical shifting in existing modules/subs since I’ve been working out consistently since last March (3 days, now 4 days a week) and have recorded nearly a year’s worth of progression data. In addition my custom has MANY physical shifting modules so there’s an easy before/after! :smiley:

  • Emperor Fitness Q ST4 Core
  • Facial Morphing
  • Epigenetics & DNA Mdule
  • Serum X
  • Physicality Shifter - Sexiness
  • Deep Sleep
  • Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver

LMAO that cracked me up ahaha


Your too funny geezer :slight_smile:

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Okay you guy! This is about Paragon… not Penis-gon.


Don’t think anyone wants their Penis-gon.

So far, that is.

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It’s entirely possible.

I mean, out of what’s been discussed so far that is :joy:

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Okay… yes, I get the humor… second warning… Please resist the further humor and get back on topic.

So I’m impressed and content to report that Paragon Complete DOES calm down the itchiness and irritation in my skin. Yesterday my left shoulder was a bit irritated, after the first loop the annoying sensations subsided and felt similar when I moisturize my skin.

Today morning, shoulder is way better, no longer feel mild pain when touching it.
Finally, a way to solve my chronic issue arrived!


HAH! My shoulder’s a bit dry but no longer sore and itchy! This title works way better than Hydrocortisone!
Man, years of using a cream with that component and this works similar but even quicker.
Yesterday I ran another loop and fell into deep sleep. Skin’s better now.
And just in time 'cause last week I tried to buy the same cream I’ve been using for a decade now.

It’s no longer being made, and Paragon then appears.
That’s why I thought, the time’s now.

Oh, gave a copy for my mother too since she’s having problems every Sunday with waking up with pain all over her body for months now, this was so useful, left my review on Paragon’s product page.

Relief’s so quick, it’s heartwarming to see her smile without any trace of pain and now happiness.
Only two loops last night and she’s rejuvenated and content, told me to leave her testimony on the site this morning.

Thanks a lot @SaintSovereign and @Fire for this powerful and extremely useful Ultima title.
My mother’s happy, and so do I.


I’ve had a similar experience. (Listening to Paragon 2-3 loops every morning since launch.)

I’ve a house-dust allergy, after 6-8 hours handling antiquarian books I’m normally very tired & breathing is a bit more difficult in the evening, especially in winter (due to dry, heated air).

It got better during the last week, since yesterday I don’t feel the allergy at all.