Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima

I had a feeling that this combo would be incredible. Wish I had some mental capital to run it myself, but I’m all in on testing these new Q+ and Ultima+ prototypes. :wink:


I can’t hold in all my excitement :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You mentioned running Inner Circle after running Dragon Reborn in it’s entirety and I feel adding Love Bomb to that would be incredibly beneficial. I can’t believe how many people treat others badly and don’t understand how or why they alienate folks or why nobody is willing to do anything for or want to be around them. My belief is that you never know who you will meet and how one person can change your entire life


any idea on how many subs we will be able to run on Q+?

@SaintSovereign when can we expect a first Q+/ U+ file to be released for the public ?


Not any time soon. Late this year, most likely.


So sayeth the HypeMaster :smiley:

I’m eager to see what the new mojo is


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just wanted to know from your early test with Q+ and Ultima+ will we be able to run up to 3 sub max or its too early to say?

wearing purple rubellite in your left pockets will bring about similair effects as this subliminal.

it is crazy how much attention i get when i run around with rubellite.

About Q+, your curiosity is understandable. Q+ maybe a completely different beastie. Please wait for further recommendations. When it does come out, you may have to adjust your habits as well as how you conceptualize the possibilities of subliminals.


I’m just gonna bookmark your post right here for… mmh…research… purposes :rofl:

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Too early to say. Way too early.


I ran this ultima just several times, but I was always more needy. Just felt like I have to talk to people more or somehow please them. Did you have the same feeling? Honestly do not like to be needy.

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Nope, worked like intended. Perhaps you could direct that love to yourself so that you’re not needing an external source - or run a status title :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know not everyone reads the journals here so I wanted to share my most recent experience with Love Bomb.

Here it is, read the last two paragraphs:


I’m doing a test right now, only love bomb 1/2 day.
I’m earning more tips, customers are calling me and are delighted, two colleagues invited me for a drink on Saturday but I refused.
I flirted with one of them but not concluded because she makes too much way like run after me and the other one has a weakness for me recently.
I’m not interested in either of them and I’m curious to see what else I’ll attract.
I have a better lifestyle, lots of sports, healthy food to the max (no more alcohol), and cleaning my contacts.

Speaking of supplements, this might be of interest to some. :point_down::100::sparkles:
I’m sure TRIBULUS has something to do with it and I based it on a study study from Shanghai Sports University and Columbia University in New York, conducted on rats, tribulus saponins increased performance, body mass and gastrocnemius mass (in the calf).

This other study conducted on 15 male boxers, showed decreased muscle damage and improved anaerobic performance after taking tribulus.

:pray: Balances the nervous system
Tribulus is also beneficial to the nervous system. It improves sleep quality, reduces stress, agitation and mood swings, relieves symptoms of depression…

:point_right:Its hormonal action contributes largely to mental well-being. Indeed, estrogen and testosterone affect behavior and mood. This is why a drop in the concentration of sexual hormones can lead to depression, irritability, hyperemotionality, loss of self-confidence…

Tribulus is also one of the adaptogenic plants, like ginseng, maca or rhodiola, which increase the body’s ability to manage stress.



I think there is a special version from Bulgarian that is supposed to be the most effective. But I don’t know much about this. If you can track down the exact source that was used in the studies, that might be best. If I were to buy it based on what little I know, this is where I would go:

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If you going for Tribulus terestris, prepare yourself for raw animalistic Sex.

Enjoy it :grin:

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Thank you for this. I use Panax Ginseng but Tribulus sounds better to me

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