Main Disc. Thread - Limitless ZP

I was watching a video about 10 problems only smart people have and what you just mentioned, is actually an issue many smart people end up having, and is also mentioned there.

Maybe instead of Limitless ZP, you could switch for Stark ZP :thinking:

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Yes that would work as Limitless is included in the scripting in a way to prevent that from happening. (Thatā€™s why I am so bold about urging subclub to not delete the Limitless scripting in KhanZP haha)

Only problem, I have no desire to run Starkā€¦
I want to continue with Khan.

I prefer not to run any cognitive enhancement subs then or maybe Limitless Executive could be an option, as the script is more of a booster.

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What would cognitive enhancement in KHAN ZP be like?

Like I know in EmZP, itā€™s targeted towards wealth and empire building, while as in Stark ZP, itā€™s more innovation and creativity.

Would this mean that KHANā€™s cognitive enhancement would be more geared towards achieving social dominance?

thank you for mentioning this.

as someone naturally overanalyzes way too much already, i need to remember to be careful when i use limitless to not have negative effects for sex/women.

thanks again.

well no its not a deal breaker.

just need to time it properly.

unless you are saying its a permanent effect.

overanalyzing CAN be good for work/money.

so unless permanent just need to time it so it helps for work but not make you think too much for women/sex

Anyone any update on limitless zp??

Maybe look at some Limitless ZP journals? Foxdie ZP Journal (Wanted + Limitless + PS); Becoming Alpha, AM, sex master and Limitless, etc.

Thank you!! But seems like people stopped using it or they donā€™t update about it but Ok let me check every journal on Limitless zp possibleā€¦ Lol

I did run one loop of limitless zp the other day and it appeared to amplify my witty conversations. I normally have witty conversations with men and women. However limitless took it to a whole new level.

Thumbs up for limitless so far great product.


anyone currently running this product solo?

if yes, please share your recent experience.

again, Iā€™m asking specifically about people running this product solo

Yeah i ran it solo and it enhances every aspect of your personality.

Did you look at the Limitless zp experiences(unofficial) thread?

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are any of you currently running Limitless ZP solo?

if yes, have you noticed any significant increase in your creativity/problem solving ability?

again, im specifically looking for feedback from people running this product solo

also, have any of you tested both Limitless ZP and Minds Eye ZP solo/separately?

if yes, which of the 2 products would you say helped you more in terms of creativity/problem solving ability?


@MadaraUchiha you will ask the same question for each ZP file ? Try it yourself !


:rofl: maybe!

Itā€™s a pain in the ass! The forum should have some personal bottom option to exclude posts by certain members! That feature will reduce the noise on so many post and focus on quality rather than quantity of postings. :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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The forumā€™s ā€œignoreā€ feature might be what youā€™re looking for.


Really! I will look for it. You make my day! :grinning:
(Edit) @Seeker, you have changed my life! I found the feature!
Eternal thanks!


@Salchichon itā€™s a beautiful feature. Iā€™ve blocked all the super arrogant dudes, negativity spreaders, and spammers on here and my experience has never been better. Glad you discovered it.


OMG, it makes me feel so good! If we can do it retrospectively, MaIn Zero Point thread will have 3K post only. :joy::joy::joy:
Thanks, Brother! This is the best Limitless experience ever!