Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP v2

wimped out :joy: :joy:
Khan is STERN

I just have to be on top of my money-making game today. 3x of K1 wouldn’t be supportive of that.


I hope man.

If you want to try it with khan then you’ll probably have to try doing it within a few hours of going to sleep on one particular night of the week, and then rest for 2-4 days to see if you can handle another triple loop session.

With RICH I’ll be surprised if you can even sit still the next few days following that session

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You’re right about that, I just did three loops of my custom right before I went to sleep last night, even though I had a great sleep, I could still feel my mind processing everything all day. Despite the good sleep, nootropics, an energy drink, and good hydration I mentally feel too tired to do overtime at my new job, although I easily could today.

I still notice the results with the subliminal though. I’m estimating that I’ll be back to normal within the next 24 to 48 hours. Even with standard ZP titles, the triple loop strategy is not for the faint of heart. It gets me fast and intense results though, and shows me that even standard ZP titles are capable of more than what even advanced users here may think


Yeah I mention some of that in the PCC thread.

This for example:

I actually got that concept of the iron hand/velvet glove from a Robert Greene (author of 48 Laws of Power) interview, it was pretty interesting.

@KingofClubz that’s a brilliant way to put it. PCC is also kind of like that “Hot” as well, in terms of increasing your likeability and smoothening those rough edges like you said. I would guess that Khan + PCC is a popular combo. A lot of focus on power there (internal + external) which can be fun lol. If I’m not mistaken, I recall Saint saying that PCC is a popular product in general which is pretty cool.


Kind of off-topic (referring to myself first), we should try to be mindful of people who scroll the main threads looking for useful information. They don’t like to see off-topic tangents or things not relevant to the product.

That being said… LMAO.

I didn’t save the conversation with ChatGPT but I asked something like:

“What would be some possible reasons for why people would get extremely intimidated by someone and avoid approaching them?”

I then thought about Khan and well, Khan is all about power and dominance so it’s easy to infer that connection. It’s not a new connection by any means, I mean check this out:

@Extraordinaire ran Khan and an ex girlfriend literally told him that he had a “dominating presence”. Verbal confirmation like that is always fascinating as testament to these products truly working.

That’s like running Wanted and a woman telling you that “you’re very mysterious”.

Anyways lol, so I asked ChatGPT something like:

“Are dominant and powerful individuals intimidating?” I then asked stuff like “what are some things they can do to come across as less intimidating?”.

I then slapped everything together, added the signature pinch of your friendly neighborhood Luther, then posted it. I like this new A.I. stuff, it’s super cool. Maybe in the future, Subliminal Club can integrate something like that or maybe someone will create one with Stark. Anything is possible.

If you do use it on here to answer questions or create discussions, then I would recommend always stating at the end if you used it. That’s just me though, I personally don’t like the idea of keeping it hidden.


In the objectives of Khan it lists, “Improve and enhance your seduction and sexual skills.”

Titles like WANTED, Emperor, and Sex Mastery also have this, but include, “perform better in bed, improved sexual stamina, overcome premature ejaculation.”

Does Khan have “perform better in bed, improved sexual stamina, overcome premature ejaculation.” as well?


Let’s just say it’s like controlling a fire hose instead of a measly garden hose :joy::+1:




Nice Journal :notebook::+1:
What stage did you stack khan with stark @Invictus ?

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I’ve only ever used stage 4 :grin:

I did, however, use one single loop of stage 1 as my healing foundation, and that was enough :muscle:t4:


Nice :+1:

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did this stack make people to test your boundaries?

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People don’t usually do that with me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The only ones I’ve ever seen do that are the ones who are just projecting their own insecurities and/or lack of confidence on me, which I never had a problem with replying to.

Though must keep in mind that I’m a very lovable person by nature, you could say that my behavior might make you feel like I’m on LBFH all day every day, so people generally don’t really speak against me or bully me, mainly cause most people around me always end up loving me and my company.


That’s what I always say. Bullies subconsciously read your insecurities and they know who to go after.
I never was the bigger guy or the guy with the most muscles but no one ever tested me. And I don’t walk around with a scowl on my face or trying to look tough. Actually, I’m the guy who laugh a bit too much. I guess people knew better than trying me.


Remember, even in movies, the relaxed chill dude is usually the one people don’t like to mess with, cause those are the ones that usually kick ass :muscle:t3:


Exactly. I´ve read once about a study that was done with prison inmates. They got shown anonymized walking animations from different people and were asked which they´d avoid and who they´d deem an easy target.

The ones that were put in the later category, were usually the ones that got assaulted, raped, extensively bullied etc. in their life.

Bullies seek victims, not indiviudals that would put up a real fight.

You can still smile and be a decent person. noticed that on lbfh too. I smile at strangers and are nice to them, but are subconsciously secure in myself. The majority either returns loving behaviour or gets intimidated. Sometimes both.


Khan really lights a fire under you :fire:


@nemesis What stage are you on?