Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP v2

Khan really lights a fire under you :fire:


@nemesis What stage are you on?

Completed Khan St1 x2 cycles and St2 x1 cycle so far. Growing up wishing for a better life because we didn’t have much going around, so before bed and waking up I would usually daydream of a place of abundance to point where turned myself into some sort of a King or Emperor. I became aware that I’m still doing it as an adult. Time to put in some action towards those dreams, starting St3 this coming Monday.


Your kingdom already exists. All you need do is go and take the land. :slight_smile:


Very impressive. I have been curious about the perspective of a psychology professional

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He also did DR! I’m going to share that soon.

This makes me super happy :blush:


I look forward to reading that. That this person is a Jungian Therapist makes their insight even more fascinating. I have thought before that any guy struggling in life were to run Dragon Reborn and then Khan their lives would probably do a 180

Any reports and conclusions on Khan+EB?

Only used EB for a month , didn’t see much maybe a little more dominance but just stuck with Khan stage 4 …still running it but will add KB and see what happens over the long term .


So no solitude seclution?
@Palpatine I see you liked the post, so you have similar experience?

No. Just looking the post. Good info.

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Nah I don’t think so, maybe more focus on goals I have but I think as I’m a social guy it didn’t affect me much in that respect…when I ran Emperor exclusively a few years back I’d say I had a little of that but think it depends on yourself and your personality in general.

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Thank you very much

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Anybody else listening less to music on Khan?

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I remember Khan ST1 and early Khan ST2 changed my music tastes drastically. I would get repulsed by some of my music tastes developed earlier in life. Cessation and reduction of music completely… no. @Classic1 , though it definitely has effects in that area for me to some degree.


I remember Emperor having the same effect on me, when I started almost being repulsed by R&B music (with all those guys crying and begging girls to love them). What I now call simp music. :face_vomiting:


This :point_down:

And this :point_down:

Those guys should literally be ashamed of writing lyrics like that. :joy:


Illuminati humiliation rituals sounded great in a song though :rofl::joy:, nah lmao. So I get the last part. I’d be pissed vs sad. But, I’ve been that in love before. I’m just not gonna express it that way. Not gonna beg anyone to come back @ksub


I believe this might be my current issue, my taste in music need to change. :+1: