Main Disc. Thread - Heartsong

Khan alone creates such a strong attraction. Wonder how this will differ.,…I guess Khan is raw sexuality were as this is soul mate kind of love…


I ACTUALLY WON!! Goddamn i did not expect this, im so excited!!


Congrats :tada:
Don’t forget to invite us to your wedding :laughing:


or Wanted :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congrats! And to @COWolfe too! Reading the journals for this will be extra interesting. Wonder if I will be swayed to be in a Long Term Relationship or Married because the journals are too good.


Honestly I could not see myself go into the dating scene especially today. Its fantastic to have someone that has your back no matter what. You get laid more than most single people. You get to experience incredible growth. A lot of people talk about AM being a good foundation. A long term loving relationship is the best foundation you could ever find. I feel like I can be free to take risks because I have such incredible support that I could not find anywhere else or in anyone else.

If you want to go somewhere fast go it alone, if you want to go far, go together.

If monogamy is not your thing, there are some awesome long term relationships out there with multiple people involved.


This is indeed one of the subs that I always wanted from you guys.
I’m in a relationship where we lost most of the spark we had earlier.

The thing i’m looking for in this sub is, will it clear out the way for unlimited love happening sessions and loving each other from outer influences. We have people here who don’t like us together, my family is against me talking and meeting her. Will the sub help in removing their influence over our relationship?


Hmm i have a question.
Wont there be a conflict if for example i am in relationship but she isnt the best fit for me, on the one hand the subliminal will strengthen the bond and make her fall for me but on the other it will help me find a better fit.

Wouldnt it create a bigger heartbreak in that case?


I disagree but hey, you do you.

This is more probable for me. Dating multiple women is more my style.


If you want to go somewhere fast, go somewhere that you want to go. :wink:

If you want to go slowly, follow someone else’s path.

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Beautiful product. Long overdue. Congrats to the winners.


My guess is that if she isn’t the best fit for you, the subliminal will help you break up with her with the least amount of heartbreak.


Will this help generate love aura when i am out meeting girls.

Heartsong doesn’t inherently promote monogamy. If your ideal partner is someone who would be fine with an open relationship, it’ll help you manifest that also.


Noice :ok_hand: Thanks for the clarification.

Threesomes, here I cum


Sounds great for a custom with Wanted then…


Added to my next year list and we back to this year


The backward beat was a red herring then, I guess? :thinking:

2 questions:

  1. For someone, such as myself, already in a happy long-term relationship… will this stack well with Wanted? (which I want, no pun intended, solely for the confidence/attitude/mindset, but I wouldn’t say no to the other benefits it would have on my wife too…) Still debating if I want/need to get that one.
  2. I assume this would be even more effective if both partners listened to it together?

There’s a more complete description in the Store now. It answers yes to both question, and beautifully so.

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