SargeMaximus: Next Level (Primal Seduction + Executive + Paragon)

Currently thinking I take the rest of the week off subs and re-assess for next monday. May get another sub but we’ll see. Likely I’ll just downgrade myself to Paragon and Executive and drop PS. If PS is doing what I suspect it’s doing, it’s not aiding my goals.

Ok. Decided to take a break from these subs till next Monday then possibly start a new stack more aligned with me.

Currently thinking Heartsong with some other subs like godlike masculinity and wanted or libertine.
The only thing that has me reserved with heartsong is it sounds like a very monogamous focused sub. Not my thing. Seems all these subs have one or two things keeping me from being onboard 100%

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Saint himself said Heartsong is both for monogamy and Casual.


Ok that’s a relief. The sales page uses the singular “partner” word over and over

Read the replies of Saint in Heartsong Product thread. :+1:

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This sold it for me. Buying now.


The freedom to stack (which I believe is very unique to Sub Club) allows us to keep experimenting like a scientist in a lab till we land on want we want.

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True. I’ve even considered getting a custom to remove the more mainstream elements in otherwise interesting programs

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Dope. I’d love to hear if Saint has any suggestions for you.

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I just told ya’ll to cut it out. Next time, there’s going to be warnings and bannings. If he (or anyone else) doesn’t want your advice, back off. Respect people’s journeys. Deleting the comments.


You can post on yours if you want, but not to attack other members because they’ve asked you not to bother them.


Thank you Saint for setting things straight.

In other news, reading up on programs today for what I might want for next stack. I’ll be starting a new journal for the new stack. This one is already over 300 posts! So to make it easier on anyone following my journey, I’ll separate my stacks into different journals.

Currently thinking Primal might be better for me than PS simply because Primal sounds more self driven than guided. I may be wrong but PS gives me the feeling of driving on a road with guardrails up. Not my thing when it comes to my life. In real life I have a honda civic and as far from an off-roader as you can get but I’m trying to make a metaphor for my character which is free-spirited.

I’m also thinking godlike masculinity. It doesn’t appear to be in Primal. Of course, I still want to be using Executive too. And have thought Libertine and Wanted may be good for me as well. Of course, I still want to keep using Paragon for my healing. Too many to choose from.

Ideally I want a stack that can put me at my best. That means consistently hitting the sales performance I’ve had in the past, consistently attracting the HOT girls like I used to, but also having sex with them this time, non-monogamous of course but more than meaningless sex. I like my connections but I have a big heart, and can’t do monogamy. The “FORSAKE all others” has too much forsaking in it for my tastes. And physical healing and growth to both heal my wounds and help me keep up with the sexual demand I’m sure there will be if it hits the ideal I have in my mind.

So, not sure what subs that will end up being but I’ll keep reading and thinking on it.


Hmm. I thought PS might help the subtle cues from women become more pronounced… (from the “S” of PS - sex & seduction). If remember correctly, that was something you were after… But maybe “S” components are too based on an active-seducing model versus the passive being chased model (which is more aligned with in Wanted). I wonder in Sex Mastery X has the cue-reading that could be helpful and Primal…. (I think Primal some some Sex Mastery X in it- don’t know how much). So Primal + Sex Mastery X would be a different “PS.”

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Yeah cue reading isnt really the problem it’s just that I don’t know how to take it anywhere. For example if a girl approaches me or says something to me, my brain goes blank and I stand dumbfounded because I don’t know how you go from that to sex.

The way I seduce now I have a clear method and proven track I can follow. So I guess I do like tracks but not if I’m driving blind if that makes sense.

To me, talking and conversation has nothing to do with sex. I’m so direct I go straight to sex talk and setting up logistics when I do it

Maybe just Sex Mastery X then,
Either Ultima or Q.
It also has stuff to help situational ed too.

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I’ll look into those, thanks

Hey @SargeMaximus just as a heads up you have over 250 posts, which affords you a SubClub elites discount. PM Saint and he will provide you a discount code that you can use for buying subs.


Really? Awesome! Just in time :slight_smile: thanks brother.

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So far my stack is looking like it will be:

PS for the masculinity and manifesting
Executive for sales
Heartsong for more manifestations and attraction rather than seduction focus (hopefully it’ll help steer PS in this direction)
And Paragon as the ultima


I like this stack brother. Can’t wait to hear about your results. Thinking of adding Heartsong soon as well.

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