SargeMaximus: Next Level (Primal Seduction + Executive + Paragon)

Got a text from my fwb. I definitely think this has something to do with the sexual modules in PS. I noticed our last session I was a bit more sensual but also still “me”. Good stuff


And more:


Hell yeah man! Sales is where it’s at. I’d consider myself an Omnivert, although personality tests I’ve taken technically peg me as an extrovert. I do greatly appreciate and need alone time to recharge the batteries.

But yes seems like many of our goals are similar in that respect. Best of luck on the journey brother. Can’t wait to see how much we transform this year.

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Shit me too man. I sometimes wonder if I’m more extroverted than I think because in the right setting with the right people, I can be a talker. Years ago with my trainer at the gym for example I talked a LOT during our workouts.

And yeah thanks, you too brother! I’m reading your whole StarKhan journal rn. It’s amazing the similarities. I feel like I’m reading about my twin! Are you an INFJ or INFP by any chance?

Btw, one thing I was going to ask you about your journal: you keep saying “Khan TB” but what is “TB”?

Thanks bro!

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Yeah same bro. It’s all dependent on the crowd I’m with. Around the right people, I’m very outgoing and the star of the show. Around others, however, I’m very laid back and quiet.

And very close man! I’m an ENFP (Campaigner), how bout you??


Khan TB refers to “Khan: Total Breakdown” which is Stage 1 of Khan. Basically the stage that breaks down all limitations, limiting beliefs, anything holding you back from achieving the goals of Khan

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Oh ok awesome. Reading your journal has me thinking maybe Khan would be better for me. But it seems a bit extroverted for me. The jury is still out.

And ah ok, yeah I’ve been tested twice. Once online where I got INFJ, and once at a college where I got INFP. I’m not sure which I am tbh. I don’t think it matters too much but it is interesting

Khan is awesome, but definitely one to run for the long haul. It can be an total overhaul to your personality.

I personally like the stack you’ve chosen based on your stated goals. I would give it a run for a few months and if you’re not satisfied with results then consider Khan. The people who tend to report the best results here are the ones sticking with the same program/stack for a long time.

Totally up to you the choice is always yours.

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Yeah I hear you, and that’s what I’m thinking too. It’s funny how similar we think.

My stack is literally just adding Heartsong now that I think about it. So yeah it will be interesting. Definitely noticing some results already, so very excited.

And to you (or anyone else), do you know if I can run all these programs I have planned? And does it matter what order I use them in? I’m thinking I want Heartsong as the driver with PS undertones/vibe and executive will be the sales driver with paragon to get me anabolic.

Edit: those programs being: Primal Seduction, Heartsong, The Executive, and Paragon

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Yeah, that’s fine the official recommendations say you can have up to 3 major programs and 1 ultima as a booster. Ultimas can also be used as major programs as well, depending on how you run them. Q programs (ie. Heartsong and PS) are considered major programs.

So basically you gotta decide which is more of a priority, the productivity boost of Executive or the healing of Paragon. In other words, which one would you prefer to run consistently, and which one would be better for you to run on a as needed basis?

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Just make sure Heartsong gets the most loops out of all the programs you’re running in order to do this.

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Executive, for sure

And awesome will do then. Heartsong I’ll play all the days

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Awesome, yeah I definitely had a feeling Executive based on your previous journaling. I’d definitely recommend reading the official guidelines pdf that comes in your downloads with every sub.

If you don’t know how to access it I should be able to link it here too

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Yeah I’ll have to read it tomorrow it’s just so lengthy. But yeah, Executive is killer when it’s firing right.

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Never tried Executive, but heard great things. May consider adding it in the future, since it seems to be working so well for you with sales.

Yeah it’s amazing for sales. And in general I really like the vibe and energy I have with it

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It’s not surprising since INFJs and INFPs are very similar. One similarity is that they both love to write (but for different reasons).

The difference is that the INFJ always wants to know what other people are feeling and their values but INFPs not so much. Also, INFPs express ideas more while INFJs express emotions more.

My guess is that you are an INFP but many times you sound like an INFJ so am not sure lol.

Am an INFJ by the way.

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Nice. I do think I could be INFJ as well because I have a strong internal sense of morality and correctness. I don’t follow the trends but follow my internal compass

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Yup. That sums up the INFJ alright.

Especially when others tell me to do things a certain way, I hate that a lot and immediately say NO! :smiley:

It’s not about whether they are right or wrong. It’s about whether it is right or wrong for me. And for me to find out naturally.

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That’s awesome to hear bro. Glad it’s working out so well for you. Keep it up with this stack and you’ll be amazed at the person you become.